State archives and records nsw. There are very few surviving early records.

State archives and records nsw | The State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales (NSW State Archives and Records) is one of Australia’s pre-eminent Archives and Records Authorities with a vast collection of historical records and archives dating back to the State Archives and Records NSW’s online catalogue and online indexes provide access to limited records and includes a facility to pre-order records in the reading room as well as providing an online ordering service for some copies. The NSW State Archives Collection is an agency of the New South Wales Government that archives and manages the records of the history of the Government of New South Wales in Australia and is part of Museums of History NSW. NSW Supreme Court 1980+ and 1989+ Please contact the Probate Division of the NSW Supreme Court for information about accessing records not held in the State Archives Collection. 'third party organisations', to view records in the State Archives The Act replaced the Archives Act 1960 and established the State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales, known as NSW State Archives and Records, and its Board. gov. Authoritymeans the The destruction of State records should always be authorised. The General retention and disposal authority: administrative records (GA28) identifies common and general administrative records created and maintained by NSW public offices which are required as State archives, and provides approval for the destruction of other records after minimum retention periods have been met. Museums of History New South Wales - State Archives Collection: Colonial Secretary; NRS 897, Main series of letters received, 1788-1825. This webinar focuses on the sources for probate in the State Archives Collection and how to find them. The disposal of ephemeral or facilitative records without the formal authorisation of State Records NSW. Further guidance. We have received over 175 responses through the survey form as well as feedback through other channels. Under the Act, NSW State Records, through the Board of the State Records Authority NSW, can give permission for the disposal of records. Please allow additional time for the retrieval of these records. Contact details, website and more information are available on Jan 6, 2025 · State Records NSW remains the agency responsible for the regulation and monitoring of government recordkeeping in NSW. Probate packets & wills guide. Information about the agency contained in any document tabled in Parliament by or on behalf of State Records NSW: State Records NSW Annual Report 2023/2024, found here; State Records NSW Annual Report 2022/2023, found here; State Records NSW is the successor Rather than adopting a single approach for all such transfers, State Records NSW defines custom migration plans to suit the particular requirements of different sets of records. Copying services for original records to A3 size, microfilms, photographs, maps and plans. Convict assignments index 1821-1825 A history of convict transportation to New South Wales and related records such as trial Records designated as State archives, and which are no longer in use for official purposes in the agency, should also be routinely and systematically transferred to State Records' care to ensure their preservation as part of the State's heritage. 1 Shakespeare Place. Contact Us. The State Records Act 1998 creates a statutory framework for authorising the disposal of State records and for deciding which records will be retained as State archives. 2 Who we are 9 1. Each standard has detailed advice which Just over 12 months ago the Digital State Archives team here at NSW State Archives was challenged to explore the application of machine learning to records management with a specific focus on digital disposal. State Emergency Service, NSW FA359 PDF. Reproduction services. This table provides a breakdown of the shared responsibility for administration of the State Records Act: State Records Act Administered by: Part 1 (Preliminary) State Records NSW The Exercise - held between 1 to 31 March 2023 - gives State Records NSW a snapshot of the state of records management in NSW. It applies to records created and maintained by The functions and powers of State Records NSW are established in the State Records Act 1998. 11. 1: 2017 Information and documentation - Records management, Part 1: Concepts and principles - code of best practice; Read more. To achieve compliance with the Standard on Records Management and the State Records Act 1998, public offices will need to assess Microsoft 365 with the business systems checklist. Prior to 2022, it was a standalone authority known as the State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales (commonly known as The State Archives catalogue is a powerful single search tool that provides access to the 1. NSW State Archives and Records’ advice on how records and information management techniques and skills can contribute to information security objectives provides further guidance on: State Archives and Records NSW’s online catalogue and online indexes provide access to limited records and includes a facility to pre-order records in the reading room as well as providing an online ordering service for some copies. NSW State Archives and Records recognises that many public offices have difficulties in implementing and maintaining appropriate storage environment conditions. Authoritymeans the SSN 1321-6260 December 2017 - Number 126. Land and property. 2 and 2. It applies to records created and You can also enter one of the party's name and the word divorce in the search box of the State Archives & Records NSW homepage to search for divorces 1873-1971 (excluding 1968), eg, John Smith divorce. State Archives and Records NSW’s decisions take into account both the administrative requirements of public offices in discharging their functional responsibilities and the potential research use of the records by the NSW Government and the public. 9 million items in the State Archives Collection and the 1. The Act replaced the Archives Act 1960 and established the State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales, known as NSW State Archives and Records, and its Board. State Archives holds a variety of records related to War-time and post-War NSW. It is a statutory body A major focus of the review of the draft retention and disposal authority by NSW State Records is to ensure the identification and application, where appropriate, of consistent retention periods and disposal actions for similar records across the public sector and to appraise which of the organisation's records are required as State archives. Public State Records NSW to have an overview of regulatory alignment across the sector. Public areas. Annandale, NSW: Desert Pea a statement that all State records and State archives must remain in NSW unless express permission is given by State Records to take them out of the State. State Records NSW FA402 PDF and FA225 PDF. Legislation Overview The State Records Act 1998 came into effect in 1999, replacing the Archives Act 1960 . 3 Definitions (1)In this Act— access directionmeans a CPA direction or OPA direction. State Archives Collection. Each standard has a compliance timetable that can be used by records management staff to identify gaps in compliance. 2019-11-27. Elements of Part 4 concerning the transfer of State archives and open access, commenced on 1 January 2024. Some administration records can be found in our manuscript index catalogue. An organisation may not be able to meet the requirements of the General retention and disposal authority - original or source records that have been copied (e. Use the information from the index or from the catalogue to purchase a copy or pre-order to view the papers at State Archives & Records NSW. Learn how to use the collection, its significance and its conservation. State Records Act 1998, section 22 and State Records Regulation 2024, Schedule 2: OPA: Open Public Access. See 'Access directions' Open access period The NSW State Archives Collection documents the daily work of the NSW Government and its agencies from 1788 to today. east . Chief executives; Senior Responsible Officers; Records and information managers; Public storage of State archives. Back to top Review of the general authority for source records that have been migrated (GA33) State Archives and Records NSW is undertaking a review of the General retention and disposal authority for source records that have been migrated (GA33, approved 2008). Explore the largest collection of records relating to the history of NSW and the lives of its people from 1788 to today. New South Wales. Sentencing records at their creation will assist you to manage the needs of longer term records over time. 7 million Online Index entries in the one place Series records contain high level Some records created and kept by public schools have permanent value and will be retained as part of the State’s official archives. Webinars. More information. Museums of History NSW cares for, and provides access to, significant historic places, collections and archives in NSW and is responsible for promoting knowledge and appreciation of history. NSW State Archives and Records provides a range of advice on metadata for records and information: State Archives and Records NSW is exploring options to advance the use of machine learning for the automation of records classification and disposal. Whether you have learnt 'on-the-job' or already hold a formal qualification, there are a wide Surviving records of convicts housed in Parramatta Gaol from the 1830s onwards are held at State Archives & Records NSW. Part 1Preliminary. The Evidence Act 1995 abolishes the ‘best evidence’ rule and allows for evidence which is, for example, a copy of a document in electronic format, or a version of a document produced by a device such as a computer. We do this by ensuring that government records are properly created, managed and made accessible to the public. Recording date. Prior to 2022, it was a standalone authority known as the State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales (commonly known as the State Archives and Records Authority of NSW (‘NSW State Archives and Records’) to ‘approve standards and codes of best practice for records management by public offices’. Australia. Plan your Visit. These records cover areas such as immigration and shipping, convicts, probate and wills, land, health Learn how to access government information held by State Records NSW under the GIPA Act. The policy sets out the objectives that will guide State Records NSW in carrying out its statutory role to identify State records that have enduring value and should be retained as State archives. Public offices must ensure that all contractual arrangements with any service provider including providers The General retention and disposal authority: administrative records (GA28) identifies common and general administrative records created and maintained by NSW public offices which are required as State archives, and provides approval for the destruction of other records after minimum retention periods have been met. Includes the following indexes: Certificates of freedom, 1823-69; Convict Bank the provision of health care to patients and clients of New South Wales public offices This general retention and disposal authority is approved under section 21(2)c of the State Records Act 1998 following prior approval by the Board of the State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales in accordance with section 21(3) of the Act. 8 : Records relating to the culling of library or information resource collections. On arrival to the Colony of New South Wales, a convict was either retained by the Government or assigned to an individual. If you require assistance during this time, please email govrec@staterecords. Martyn Killion has been appointed as Executive Director, State Records NSW from 4 September 2023 to 30 June 2024 following a recruitment process, after Mary Darwell was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Museums of History NSW (MHNSW). NSW State Archives and Records’ advice on how records and information management techniques and skills can contribute to information security objectives provides further guidance on: The access direction number will be required whenever transferring records as State archives to Museums of History NSW. The State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales was established in 1961 by the Archives Act, No 46 of 1960 and is responsible for collecting, managing and preserving New South Wales Government records. Please contact State Records State Archives and Records NSW’s online catalogue and online indexes provide access to limited records and includes a facility to pre-order records in the reading room as well as providing an online ordering service for some copies. au or call 02 9714 3080 and leave a voice message. Transferring records to the State Archives Collection. Procedures for transferring custody of State records as archives; Procedures for making still in use determinations. The State Records NSW Learning Portal User Guide has been developed to assist NSW public office employees in all roles to participate in the training on recordkeeping available from the State Records NSW Offices of New South Wales Government Ministers are 'public offices' as defined in section 3 (1) of the State Records Act 1998. The online catalogue for the exhibition includes the A guide to searching for a convict at State Archives NSW includes historical background, a Convict Family History Worksheet and links to online resources. State Records NSW remains the agency responsible for the regulation and monitoring of government recordkeeping in NSW. These records include the last will & testament. Recorded on: 31 March 2022. For assistance, contact transfer@records. e. A grant of probate is the authority given by the Supreme Court of NSW to the executor(s) to deal with a Adam Lindsay, CEO of State Archives and Records Authority NSW and Sydney Living Museums, provided an update on the review of the State Records Act 1998 – including suggested amendments to the Act. The new Act created the State Records Authority of New South Wales (‘State Records’ for short), replacing the Archives Authority of New South Wales. The monitoring exercise was conducted with 379 public offices and had a response rate of 65%. The Act currently provides an open public She was the NSW Historian on the Find & Connect web resource, working with stakeholders to improve access to both State Records and the archives of charities. Learn more about who we are. 3 Our stakeholders 9 1. pdf. State Records NSW does not currently have any formal access applications to report. NSW Probate records. This authority provides for the authorised disposal of Records and information consist of content and persistently linked metadata. Third party resources posted, linked to or discussed on this blog are provided for information purposes only and do not represent any endorsement of services or products. Back to top Policies State Archives and Records Authority; and for other purposes. . See State Records Act 1998, section 22 and State Records Regulation 2024, Schedule 2. Large amounts of corporate information and minutes or notes of meetings and correspondence with State Archives and Records NSW and the organisations or individuals who have custody; records of decisions regarding management and recovery; reports of outcomes. The Museums of History NSW Act 2022 amended the State Records Act 1998 and established State Records NSW and Museums of History NSW. State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales General Retention and Disposal Authority . Transport for NSW - Journey to implementing Microsoft 365. The results of the monitoring exercise will be reported in the first quarter 2023-2024. This vast collection comprises records made by NSW Government agencies during the course of their daily work, and includes diverse range of items and formats, from letters and files to photographs, maps, posters, film, video, e-records and objects. Standard on records management; Standard on the physical storage of State records; Codes of best practice - AS ISO 15489. This Authority for the disposal of State records has been approved by the Board of the State Records Authority of New South Wales and may be implemented without further reference to State Records NSW. Includes the following indexes: Certificates of freedom, 1823-69; Convict Bank accounts 1837-70; Convict exiles 1849-50; Pardons, 1791-1825, 1837-41; Tickets of exemption from government labour, 1827-32; Tickets The State Records Center and Archives preserves, protects, and facilitates access to public records that are held in trust for the people of New Mexico. 1 Our vision 9 1. records may be exempt, conditions may not be fulfilled, or records may be required as State archives or to be retained in agency and dated pre 2000), or digitisation projects may only involve digitising selected State Records NSW is the successor agency to the State Archives and Records Authority (SARA). Authorise public access to records transferred as State archives. Digital State records must be properly preserved so that they survive in authentic and accessible forms over the whole of their existence - from a few years, or the lifetime of an individual or asset - or forever, in the case of A guide to searching for a convict at State Archives NSW includes historical background, a Convict Family History Worksheet and links to online resources. Standard on records management Approved October 2014, amended October 2018 State Archives Regional Archives Centres will be sharing stories from their private collections to give a regional perspective to worldwide events. We will run pilots to assess the technology’s capabilities in sentencing unstructured data. Photographs. Start by The State Archives Reading Room provides physical access to many of the records in the State Archives Collection. State Archives and Records NSW uses the Forum to engage with public offices and to provide an opportunity for other NSW public sector organisations to share information about key initiatives or government programmes. Contractual arrangements. It also includes messages relating to any aspect of official (government) business coming from private email accounts. Learn how to use filters, sort results, create an account and purchase copies. This means the destruction of the records is either permitted under a current retention and disposal authority issued by State Records NSW or under the 'normal administrative practice' provisions of the State Records Act 1998. State Records Act review and future directions. Permissions. Service providers must be made aware of relevant standards including: ISSN 1321-6260 December 2016 - Number 120. The standard has been reviewed in light of Recommendation 8. When looking for a person in the records, think about how or why that person may have interacted with the NSW Government during their life (eg land, law, employment), or in the event of their death (eg, estate, inquest). Yes. In NSW organisations may provide digital images of records as evidence. View Opening Hours. Subsidence Advisory FA434 The State Records Act 1998 creates a statutory framework for authorising the disposal of State records and for deciding which records will be retained as State archives. The Act replaced the Archives Act 1960 and established the State Archives and Standard on records management; Standard on the physical storage of State records; Codes of best practice - AS ISO 15489. It provides advice, standards, policies and tools, and oversees the State Archives Collection held by Museums of History NSW. Our Guides and Indexes search option allows researchers to access all our subject guides and search options in one Museums of History NSW cares for, and provides access to, significant historic places, collections and archives in NSW and is responsible for promoting knowledge and appreciation of history. Thanks to everyone who has submitted feedback on the current policy. About the Regional Archives Centres Our network of Regional Archives Centres are located in host institutions in Armidale, Broken Hill, Newcastle, Wagga Wagga, Wingecarribee and Wollongong . g. SARA looks after the largest collection of records documenting the history of NSW to ensure it can be accessed and enjoyed for all time. Standard on records management . Guide to shipping and free passenger records (NSW State Records guide 17) Lloyd's captains registers, 1851-1947 ; Log of logs ; Use this guide if you're looking for records about your ancestor's voyage to New South Wales. Physiotherapists Check State Archives & Records NSW website for information about ordering or viewing probate packets. Find out about open access, proactive release, informal and formal access, fees and resources. Find online indexes, research guides, webinars, stories and articles about 3 days ago · State Records NSW is the regulator of recordkeeping in NSW public sector. Compliance with NSW State Archives and Records' standards is mandatory for all public offices in NSW. Jul 2, 2024 · State Records NSW provides oversight, guidance and resources for recordkeeping across the NSW public sector. State Records NSW recommends that functional retention and disposal authorities over 10 years The NSW State Archives Collection is an agency of the New South Wales Government that archives and manages the records of the history of the Government of New South Wales in Australia and is part of Museums of History NSW. We will reply on, or soon after, 6 January. Archeion (Archives Office of NSW) No 5 June 1987 pp 7–11; Doust, Russell The Administration of Official Archives in New South Wales 1870–1980, M Lib thesis 1969; Peter J. 1: 2017; Building the Archives (new - updated April 2024) State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales General Retention and Disposal Authority: GDA17 This authority covers records documenting the function of the provision of health care to patients and clients of New South Wales public offices This general retention and disposal authority is approved under section 21(2)c of the State Records Act 1998 following prior State Archives and Records NSW accepts no liability for the content of this site. Records that are required as State archives, including digital records, can be transferred to the care of NSW State Archives and Records when they are no longer required for official business. The Authority has the following functions— (a) to identify State records that have enduring value and should be retained as State archives, (b) other functions conferred on it by this Act or another Act or law. Records transferred as State archives need to be authorised as being available for future public access. It applies to records created and maintained by Adam Lindsay, CEO of State Archives and Records Authority NSW and Sydney Living Museums, provided an update on the review of the State Records Act 1998 – including suggested amendments to the Act. Our core role is to support transparent and accountable government. 0 NSW State Archives and Records updates. See General authority: transferring records out of NSW for storage with or maintenance by service providers based outside of the State. Section 66. Standards and code of best practice issued by State Records NSW under the Act include: Standard on the physical storage of State records; Standard on records management; AS ISO 15489. Tyler, State Records New South Wales 1788 to 2011. The Government regularly issues guidance and directions to support government sector performance – collectively termed 'Administrative Requirements'. It applies to all records of council business and administration. Undertaking further education is a means to advance your position, improve your skills and learn more about recordkeeping in today's rapidly evolving business environment. 1: 2017; Building the Archives (new - updated April 2024) All birth certificates less than 100 years old will be extracted from the probate packet prior to issuing. State Library of New South Wales FA402 PDF and FA237 PDF. NSW Will Books 1800-1952 - Find my past [eresource] Search the New South Wales will books 1800-1952 to find a summary of the will which includes name, address, occupation, beneficiaries, details of estate, date of death and additional information. In addition, the following types of records dating from 1900 The purpose of GA39 is to identify records created and maintained by NSW councils and county councils which are required as State archives, and to provide approval for the destruction of certain other records after minimum retention periods have been met. We recommend that public offices implement the storage environment conditions and housing requirements as practically and sustainably as possible, and prioritise/implement the best The NSW State Archives Collection is an agency of the New South Wales Government that archives and manages the records of the history of the Government of New South Wales in Australia and is part of Museums of History NSW. Downloads. State Records NSW pays respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledges their continued NSW State Archives | 1,018 followers on LinkedIn. 3 of the Standard on Records Management direct public offices to strategically focus on high-value and high-risk areas of Retention and disposal authorities provides authorisation for the disposal of State records and for deciding which records will be retained as State archives. State Archives NSW : Maps and Plans State Archives NSW : Maps and Plans. 4 of the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the A copy of each agency’s annual report is required as State archives. Download images, order high resolution copies, or browse 1 day ago · The State Archives Collection documents the daily work of the NSW Government and its agencies from 1788 to today. Authority no GA39 SR file no 08/0473 Scope . Content from the State Library of New South Wales. Convict assignments index 1821-1825 A history of convict transportation to New South Wales and related records such as trial It can also flag any other requirements that may be necessary to protect and manage high risk records and information. Social Sciences. Search and request records from the State Archives Collection and the Online Indexes in one place. State Records NSW is the NSW Government’s records management authority. State Records NSW pays respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledges their continued connection to country and Note: Access by another organisation to records in the State Archives Collection would normally require the written permission of the public office with control of the records. Implementation of the new Act included conducting an extensive series of briefing sessions for public sector bodies around NSW, publishing a comprehensive Government Recordkeeping Manual and Museums of History NSW tracks NSW Government administrative changes in Collection Search the catalogue of the NSW State Archives Collection. Element. 4 What we do 10 New South Wales (NSW) State Archives and Records manages and provides access to the “New South Wales State archives collection, a unique and irreplaceable part of Australia’s cultural heritage dating back to 1788. Each transfer is managed as a separate project. Prior to 1961, archives were kept at the Public Library of New South Wales. Information about the agency contained in any document tabled in Parliament by or on behalf of State Records NSW: State Records NSW Annual Report 2023/2024, found here; State Records NSW Annual Report 2022/2023, found here; State Records NSW is the successor The General retention and disposal authority: administrative records (GA28) identifies common and general administrative records created and maintained by NSW public offices which are required as State archives, and provides approval for the destruction of other records after minimum retention periods have been met. The Forum included [] Filed under Records Managers Forum, Risk and recordkeeping Tags: disaster recovery, machine learning, records managers forum. The State Records Act 1998 is designed to: ensure the better management of Government records throughout their existence promote more efficient and accountable government through improved recordkeeping, and provide better protection for an important part of the State's cultural heritage. She was the NSW Historian on the Find & Connect web resource, working with stakeholders to improve access to both State Records and the archives of charities. . Special care needs to be taken before destroying original or source records that are required as State archives. 3. nsw This Portal can also be accessed on the websites of the Public Service Commission, the Treasury, Department of Customer Service, NSW State Archives and Records and the NSW Government. Roles and Responsibilities . Subscribe to newsletters Education and training in recordkeeping is relevant to all records and archives workers in the NSW public sector. Standards Australia’s AS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management – Standard on records management; Standard on the physical storage of State records; Codes of best practice - AS ISO 15489. There are very few surviving early records. The transfer and management of State archives are the responsibility of Museums of History NSW (MHNSW). Further resources. The State Archives and Records NSW accepts no liability for the content of this site. It is a statutory body Note: a series number will have an NRS (New South Wales Records Series) prefix or an RNCG prefix. New South Wales and the Great War 1914 to 1918: A Report commissioned by the New South Wales Centenary of Anzac Commemoration Committee, Brad Manera, 2011, pp 6 A major focus of the review of the draft retention and disposal authority by NSW State Records is to ensure the identification and application, where appropriate, of consistent retention periods and disposal actions for similar records across the public sector and to appraise which of the organisation's records are required as State archives. Key records management provisions of the Act require public offices to: make and keep records that fully and accurately document their operations and administration establish and maintain a records management program in conformity with standards and codes of best practice Note: Access by another organisation to records in the State Archives Collection would normally require the written permission of the public office with control of the records. The strategies provided are not exhaustive and current at the time of publication of this advice. 4 of the Final Report of the Royal Email messages sent and received in the course of official business are State records under the State Records Act 1998. Thu, 2022-31-03 12:00. The Cabinet Office Circular C2022-02 directs that, to satisfy the requirement for electronic copies of annual reports to be sent to the State Archives Collection, a gencies are to follow the procedures for transfer of digital records to the State Archives Collection. All birth certificates less than 100 years old will be extracted from the probate packet prior to issuing. This general retention and disposal authority covers records documenting the function of local government from 1920 onwards. We will be seeking partnerships for an agency pilot and will also run an internal pilot using in-house data. Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal FA248 PDF. Back to top Our name has changed! We are very pleased to announce that the Authority’s name officially changed to the State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales on 25 October 2016. If the answer to this question is ‘yes’, check the retention requirements and consider the expected life State Records NSW is the successor agency to the State Archives and Records Authority (SARA). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3. In 1999 the State Records Act 1998 came into effect, replacing the Archives Act 1960. Keeper of the NSW State Archives Collection dating from the late 18th Century to today. State Library of NSW. The General retention and disposal authority: administrative records (GA28) identifies common and general administrative records created and maintained by NSW public offices which are required as State archives, and provides If records are required as State archives and you think they may have intrinsic value in original format contact Agency Services to discuss potential transfer of the originals as State archives. State Insurance Regulatory Authority - motor accidents insurance regulation FA375 PDF and FA307 PDF. NSW Supreme Court 1980+ and 1989+ Please contact the Probate Her PhD was written from State Records in NSW and Tasmania and examined the experiences of the Stolen Generations and non-Indigenous children in government welfare systems. The NSW State Archives (now closed) exhibition, Captured: Portraits of Crime explored the stories of men, women and children who were incarcerated in NSW gaols from 1870 to 1930. Reading Room, State Records Authority of New South Wales Annual Reports 1998 to 2005; Michael Allen ed. nsw. Museums of History NSW would also normally require organisations other than the one with control, i. ISSN 1321-6260 September 2022 - No 155 Back to top State Records Act 1998 and the Museums of History NSW Act 2022 Legislative changes to the recordkeeping framework in New South Wales have been recently passed by the Parliament of NSW. State Records NSW recognises the challenges of managing vast quantities of records, information and data in the current environment of increased cyber risks and an ever-changing technology landscape. These are State Archives and Records Authority; and for other purposes. In 1959 the Commission of Public Records was charged with establishing the State Records Center and Archives. The Act commences on 31 December 2022, with the exception of elements of Part 4 concerning the transfer of State archives and open access, which commences on 1 January 2024. The State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales 1 of 317 . Caption. View eresource. In some cases, you can dispose of records under normal administrative practice. State Records NSW to identify trends or key issues for targeted intervention, to support planning and the allocation of resources. Recorded on: 09 November 2022. The State Records Act 1998 came into effect in 1999, replacing the Archives Act 1960. Apr 24, 2019 · Explore 50 items from the State archives collection showcasing the history of New South Wales from 1788 to 1961. The standard sets out three principles for effective records and information management. The Act commenced on 31 December 2022. Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy. ” They have a list of online indexes. Sydney NSW 2000 Australia +61 2 9273 1414. The minimum compliance requirements 2. Geography. Like all records in the State Archives Collection, those relating to First Nations people are a result of government activity. This vast collection comprises records made by NSW Government agencies during the course of their daily work, and includes diverse range of items and formats, from letters and files to photographs, maps, posters, film, video, e The State Archives and Records Authority of NSW (‘The Authority’) recommenced its formal monitoring activities in April with the 2022 Recordkeeping Monitoring Exercise. This includes messages sent and received by Ministers in the course of their official duties. Probate packets. One of State Archives and Records NSW’s functions is to identify and preserve records as State archives. 'third party organisations', to view records in the State Archives Some records can be disposed of or deleted once they've been used, but others must be kept for longer or permanently as State archives. Prior to 2022, it was a standalone authority known as the State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales (commonly known as Emma Harris, Senior Advisor Agency Services discussed the new procedures on transferring records to the State Archives Collection. It has been designed to support digital recordkeeping as the NSW Government transitions to digital business processes. Retain NSW State Archives | 1,018 followers on LinkedIn. As this was the first whole of jurisdiction monitoring activity conducted in Building the Archives. The NSW Anzac Centenary website highlights records from the State archives relating to key events and historical themes associated with NSW and World War I settlements were places of incarceration and punishment for convicts who committed serious offences after reaching New South Wales. State Records NSW is the successor agency to the State Archives and Records Authority (SARA). 2 Commencement This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation. | The State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales (NSW State Archives and Records) is one of Australia’s pre-eminent Archives and Records Authorities with a vast collection of historical records and archives dating back to the The State Records NSW Board has approved a revised policy on Building the Archives – to be published on the State Records NSW website shortly. State Archives and Records Updates . The State Records NSW office will close from Monday 23 December 2024 and re-open on Monday 6 January 2025. Agencies in Collection Search are linked to record series held as state archives created or controlled by an agency. These records are known as ‘State archives’ and must not be destroyed. We will publish an aggregate/summary of results report on our website and in our Annual Report. Martyn brings to the role over 35 years’ experience in the NSW Surviving records of convicts housed in Parramatta Gaol from the 1830s onwards are held at State Archives & Records NSW. She also Executive Director State Records NSW appointed. All school records dating from before 1900 are required as State archives. In 2018 the State Archives and The purpose of this policy is to establish a set of principles underpinning the New South Wales Government's approach to the preservation of digital records. The State Records Act 1998 is administered by State Records Authority NSW (State Records NSW) and Museums of History NSW. Recordkeeping Resources. Webinars & Forum Presentations. Public Office Portal demonstration Appendix B: Using NSW State Archives and Records' standards to monitor performance. State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales PO Box 516 Kingswood NSW 2747 Published 2022 Written, edited and designed in-house. When you're searching you will need to select the type of passenger first - assisted, unassisted or crew - and then work Under the State Records Act 1998, the principal responsibilities of State Records NSW are to oversee recordkeeping by public offices and to identify State records that have enduring value and should be retained as State archives. east. Region/Culture. Guides. NSW State Archives and Records would like to acknowledge the use of William Saffady’s Managing Information Risks (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020) in the development of this guidance. Making history every day Convict assignment records. access provider—see section 60(1). It is a statutory body, principally funded Codes of best practice provide further information about processes, practices or systems, and underpin and support mandatory requirements in standards issued by State Records NSW. We began by publishing a preliminary research blog which assessed the ‘state of art’ of the technology, the ‘state of play’ in Education and training in recordkeeping is relevant to all records and archives workers in the NSW public sector. NSW State Archives holds a number of records that may contain information about World War I and individual people. 12. digital records required as State archives are managed appropriately by State Records NSW in the Digital Archives; It can also flag any other requirements that may be necessary to protect and manage high risk records and information. State Records NSW is currently reviewing Building the Archives; a policy on appraisal and the identification of State archives. About NSW State Archives and Records 9 1. The Collection Search catalogue includes changes to agencies from 1788 to the present day. Public offices should exercise due diligence when entering into arrangements with service providers involving State records. 1 Name of Act This Act is theState Records Act 1998. Ask at the desk in the Special Collections area. 1: 2017; Building the Archives (new - updated April 2024) This guidance provides strategies for public offices to consider when configuring Microsoft 365. Following is a table for each principle which lists the minimum compliance requirements, an explanation for each The role of State Records NSW. These guidelines have been prepared for personnel in New South Wales public offices State Archives and Records Authority of NSW November 2018 2 Part 1: Understanding the requirements of the new standard This part of the Guide is designed to assist public offices understand the requirements of the Standard on records management. Webinar date. Building the Archives (new - updated April 2024) Digital Records Preservation Policy; Retention and disposal keyboard_arrow_right. Abbreviated citation. Expanded citation. There is, however, under the Act, a need to support the admissibility of this The State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales (SARA) is the NSW Government’s archives and records management authority and the custodian of the nation’s oldest archives collection. Third party resources posted, linked to or discussed on this blog are provided for information purposes only and do not represent any endorsement of services The purpose of a retention and disposal authority is to identify those records created and maintained by NSW public offices which are required as State archives and to provide approval for the destruction of certain other records created and maintained by NSW public offices, after minimum retention periods have been met. “You can start by using KeyName Search to do a single search of many of our indexes The standard sets out three principles for effective records and information management. He further presented on the proposed establishment of a history focused cultural institution: Museums of History NSW. The questions in the self-assessment tool are focused on the management of records, information and data in NSW public offices, and This Guide is a research tool and provides links to web resources and records within our collection at State Archives New South Wales (SANSW), and to various record collections around Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain. Explore the largest collection of records relating to the history of NSW, its environment and the lives of its people. The State Archives Reading provides physical access to many of the records in the State Archives Collection. She also worked on the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the Dictionary of Sydney and lectured in family history at the University of Tasmania. Without key metadata, the value of records and information is significantly diminished. Copies of SARA’s past annual reports can be found via OpenGov NSW * *As of 2023 there is no longer a requirement to publish annual reports via OpenGov NSW, however previous years’ reports can still be obtained via their website. hkaud ijce mayg znvp lfnm loo uavgbkh hmevb pftme fhgkf