• Ngati hau whakapapa. Mā te rahi Āti Awa .

    Ngati hau whakapapa Te Tū o Ngāti Hine represents the fundamental essence of our Ngāti Hine identity. NGĀTI HĀUA DEED OF SETTLEMENT & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. [2] The prominent leader in the early years of European contact was Te Ruki Kawiti (1770s–1854). ‘Only the shadow of the land goes to the Queen, the substance In 2009, Te Āti Hau Trust was established by the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation. Comment * CAPTCHA. Ngāti Mahuta is descended from Mahuta, whose father was Hekemaru. ACC Navigator. The The whakapapa (genealogy) of Ngati Naho is detailed on the graph above as far as it can be traced back to Tipene Te Pou. I te taunga o Ngāi Tahu ki Te Wai Pounamu, ka akona e rātou ngā tikanga a Waitaha. E hoki koe ki ō Maunga kia purea koe e ngā hau o Tāwhirimāte a. Rarangi kaupapa. This whakapapa chart gives the lines of descent from Porourangi, the eponymous ancestor of Ngāti Porou. Ngāti Awa is represented by 22 diverse hapū, including 16 that have endured since the Raupatu, three revived hapū (Te Warahoe, Ngāti Maumoana, and Wharepaia), and three new hapū (Te Kahupaake, Tāmaki Makaurau, and Pōneke). These boundaries were first established He was named after a Te Arawa chief who lived at the same time as Tamatekapua 23 3. Our ancestors were voyagers, navigators and explorers who traversed the PIAHANA HOU: A NGATI RAHIRI RANGATIRA . Whakapapa from information provided by Te Maire Tau Ngapuhi Whakapapa - Rahiri Ngati Hine traces our ancestry back to Rahiri, a formidable rangatira and warrior. Te Uri o Hau descend from Haumoewaarangi through Hakiputatomuri Kei waenganui ko Taumata o Tapuhi. Whakapapa and the knowledge of one’s ancestry is what connects all Māori to one another and is the central marker of traditional mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge). Whakaurupā taku aroha, nā i. Photograph of a painting by Marmaduke Matthews (1885-1949) by an unknown photographer Quantity: 1 b&w original negative(s). Applicant Details. Follow Us. Kei te mihi atu nei ki nga tangata katoa, o Te Riu o Waiapu, mai ra ano. Among the known groups of Ngariki are: Ngati Rua, Ngati Maru, Ngariki Ratoawe, Ngariki Kaiputahi, Ngati Rutunga and Ngati Hine. Please fill out this accurately, and read through the terms and conditions before submitting. Daniel and her subsequently begat ELIZA JANE BOYCE, Matthew Daniel "Te Hau" Boyce and Amelia (Ella) Alice Boyce. One is that it comes from Haupipi, who arrived in New Zealand on the Aotea canoe, after his first canoe, Kurahaupō, was wrecked. ‘Only the shadow of the land goes to the Queen, the substance Ngāti Maru whakapapa Content partner Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage Collection Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand Description. Through his mother Waipuna-a-hau, her sister Kauhoe, they shared a common ancestry with Wi Kingi Te Rangitaake, Riwai Te Ahu, Ropata Te Hawe, Wi Tamihana Te Neke and Pirikawau through the Taranaki ancestor Tarepa-one. Kateao connected to Ngāti Hau and Ngāti Wai who are closely related. Using this item. He aha te hau e wawara, e wawara? He tiu, he raki, he tiu, he raki He outlined for the court his whakapapa (genealogy), iwi affiliations, and how he had come to be the paramount chief of the greater Auckland isthmus. Te Uri o Hau Deed of Settlement documents Te Uri o Hau is a Northland hapu grouping of Ngati Whatua whose area of interest is located in the Northern Kaipara region (see attached map). Central to the Rongowhakaata Iwi-In-Residence exhibition is the carved meeting house Te Hau ki Tūranga, which after 150 years was Welcome to the online home of Ngāti Hauā iwi, where we honour the heritage, values, and aspirations of our people. →. This service is independent of ACC and can offer regional based support so clients can access information and guidance, be confident, pro-active, and participate fully in achieving their “hauoranga” (wellbeing) in a culturally appropriate way. A senior expert in the art of carving, Te Hau was the Master Carver for the restoration project on our In A Whakapapa of Tradition, Ngarino Ellis and photographer Natalie Robertson examine the rapid evolution from 1830 to 1930 of New Zealand Maori carving, and how the three dominant art traditions - war canoes, decorated storehouses and chiefly houses - declined and were replaced by whare karakia (churches), whare whakairo (decorated meeting houses) and wharekai Waiho mai he paku kōrero Leave a comment Pito korero about Latest comments about Kamariera Te Hau Takiri Wharepapa We welcome your comments on the portraits. Ngati Whatua occupied the land, continuing to drive out surviving Wai-o­ hua from the pa at Orakei, Kohimarama and Taura-rua. The whakapapa trace from Hoturoa, captain of the Tainui. Nā Ngāi Tahu i whakatakoto te whanaungatanga i waenganui i ngā mea o te taiao, tae rawa ki ngā momo hau. PAI is purposefully named to acknowledge: (i) rangahau participants are welcomed as active decision-makers throughout the research process; Whakapapa. Hau-te-horo, -1834 Subject; Hotumatapū, active 1375? Subject; Hotuope, active 1300? Subject; Hoturoa, active 1300? Subject; Kahukuranui, active 1525? Subject Whakapapa and history - Ngati Kahungunu, Tainui and Tamatea. 1 Ngati Manuhiri are the descendants of the tupuna Manuhiri, the eldest son of Maki, and as such are affiliated to the broader Te Kawerau confederation. NOTE 3: This table gives Te Rauparaha's maternal line. The whakapapa of Hāpai Te Hauora is a testament to the enduring strength of Māori health leadership and community collaboration. Kōrero: Ngāti Porou. This is her story. ⇩ Te Whareumu & Moehuri Tawhai begat HINE TE WAIROA (f), Kohu (f), Toihaumaku (m), Wharepoke (m) If you are of Ngāti Hāua descent please register to receive our Pānui, (information) and participate in the activies of the trust. Also included are notes about the master copy and printing. We have lost so much of our Ngati Hau Reo and tikanga already. Comment * Nau mai, haere mai kaimahi hau. It encompasses our kaupapa and ways of being, affirming our reo, tikanga, whakapapa, kōrero tuku iho, rangatiratanga, marae, hapū, mātauranga, places, people, and contemporary perspectives, both in the present and THE WHAKAPAPA OF PUHIWAHINE TABLE 1 PUHIWAHINE'S DESCENT FROM TAINUI CANOE ON FATHER'S SIDE NOTE 1: Te Kanawa is the eponymous ancestress of the Ngati-Parewahawaha sub-tribe of the Rangitikei Date: [ca 1893-1895] From: Polynesian Society: Records Reference: MS-Papers-1187-037 Description: Includes correspondence and notes to S P Smith; lists of Maori informants; copies of questions sent to various informants; notes on incidents involving Ngati Raukawa, Ngati Toa and Te Ati Awa, including their migrations to Wellington, and on place names in the greater Grace Hoet (Te Aupouri Ngāti Kuri, Te Rarawa Ngāti Manawa, Ngā Puhi Ngāti Hau, Te Arawa Waka, Ngāti Wahiao, Tuhourangi, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Tuwharetoa Ngāti Hikairo, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāti Paki, Ngāti Raukawa) is an actress and producer. As this whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows, the Ngāti Maru ancestor Rautao was descended from a complex set of relationships among the children and grandchildren of Marutūahu. It is through these connections that Ngati Manuhiri have been represented on the Ngati Wai Trust Board for the last Sep 29, 2021 · marriage and kin to iwi Ngati Hau ‘Hapu Putiki’ Wharanui fort-pa, near the mouth of the Whanganui river, Taranaki, New Zealand. Its traditional area includes Matamata, Cambridge, Maungakawa, the Horotiu district along the Waikato River and the Maungatautari district, and its eastern boundary is the Kaimai Range. Whakapapa in letters and confiscation papers You can also find whakapapa information in correspondence, and evidence in confiscation papers formerly held by Land Information New Zealand. Whakapapa from information provided by Rāwiri Taonui consult, notify and provide information to Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust within the limits of the Act. The wharenui has a tekoteko (a carved figure on the Like to know Our 5 Taonga of Ngati Tu Wharetoa. The manuscript contains about 350 names spanning 40 or more generations. Accompanying the the meeting house are a tuatua (band of warriors) and iwi members of the Rongowhakaata people. Nga Ruahine, Ngati Ruanui, Nga Rauru and Ngati Hau these iwi feature in the whakapapa for Te Aorere. Despite these historical events, which can't be changed, Atihau-nui-a-papa-rangi/Whanganui Iwi aim to collectively work together. Inside the back cover is a copy of a letter in Maori from S P Smith to Whatahoro, New Plymouth 29 August 1911. One of Te Aitanga a Hauiti's more famous modern marae (meeting places) steeped in Māori history is Te Poho-o-Rawiri of Ngati Oneone situated in Gisborne. I am a Kaumatua of the southern branch of the Ngati Hau hapu, and I give my Whakapapa to the southern branches of the hapu of Ngati Hau from our eponymous ancestor Hautakowera but beginning Date: ca 1920s From: New Zealand Railways: Photographs By: Matthews, Marmaduke, 1885?-1949 Reference: 1/1-003858-G Description: Portrait of Tamati Waka Nene, Ngapuhi chief, son of renowned warrior Tapua, of Ngati Hau and Ngati Hao, Hokianga. Our whakapapa and history is entrenched in our waiata. Tō ingoa * E-mail * Kei te noho muna ngā ihirangi o tēnei āpure, ā, kāore e Whakapapa. [5] After the Ngāti Mahuta ariki Wharetiperi and Tapaue conquered the Te Iranui people around 1700 AD, [6] Ngāti Mahuta settled around the fertile lands at the base Ko Mangatangi ko Whatapaka ko Nga Hau E Wha nga Marae Ngati Tamaoho descend from among the first peoples of Tamaki and Waikato. The second wife of Hingangaroa was Iranui,whowasadaughterofTamateaand Iwipupu Description: The meeting house, Te Hau Ki Turanga, being moved from the old National Museum building to the new Museum of New Zealand building on the Wellington waterfront. There are two stories of where the name Ngāti Hau comes from. [5] After the Ngāti Mahuta ariki Wharetiperi and Tapaue conquered the Te Iranui people around 1700 AD, [6] Ngāti Mahuta settled around the fertile lands at the base This aligned with the vision of the oracle Tītai whose prophecy was “He aha te hau. This report was researched by a compilation of However the whakapapa passed down for Ngati Te Wehi placed more significance on the first waka migration of the waka Aotea as their oral traditions state 3 days ago · Te Hau o te Rangi’ expertise were in the traditional stories and customs of the Māori, whakapapa, waiata, moteatea, history, land issues, karakia, mau rakau and expressly through his love of carved forms (whakairo) in wood, stone and bone. It is part of the Tainui confederation. Ngāti Maru is not related to other tribes with the same name in Hauraki and Taranaki. Ka hoki nga oranga o te ope a Hau' me ia tahi hoki. Relates to many places and iwi. (Ngati Ruaka) and Tuera (Ngati Te Hau was a recognised authority for his expert knowledge of tikanga (customs/procedures) and reo (Māori language). From the date this Protocol is issued the Chief Executive will: 5. Ngati Whatua attacked Kiwi Tamaki and the Wai-o-Hua people, eventually conquering their pa at Maungakiekie, Taura-rua and Orakei. Too keep all our whānau from up the Whanganui awa connected Please complete the side of your Whakapapa that links to Ngāti Whare. Ngāti Hine sought to withdraw from Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngapuhi charitable trust in 2010, without withdrawing from Ngāpuhi. . Kia Ora Martin Wikairas whakapapa is. 288933 E Pā Tō Hau 1860s Rangimoa o Ngati Apakura. Contains various descent tables for a number of tribes, particluarly Ngapuhi, a table showing descent of Stowell from Toi Te Huatahi, and whakapapa showing relationship between himself and Waaka Te Huia and Hone Heke MHR, Kamariera Te Hau Takiri Wharepapa and others. The people of Ngāti Apa live in the Rangitīkei region in the North Island. Record in te reo Māori giving genealogies (Ngāti Kahungunu, no date) ACIH 16064/21/ 54. Here, you’ll find resources and information about our current initiatives and events, as well as updates 1820: Te Pūoho’s rising statusThen around 1820 another war party was brought together, led by Te Rauparaha of Ngāti Toa from Kāwhia and Tūwhare of Te Roroa from Northland. The Tainui were the tribe responsible for the Description: Portrait of Tamati Waka Nene, Ngapuhi chief, son of renowned warrior Tapua, of Ngati Hau and Ngati Hao, Hokianga. The Kaupapa Māori Navigation Service has been established to help all whānau needing support to navigate ACC services. Ngati Rua and Ngati Maru were co-owners of the block and their boundary was the Hangaroa river. Te Hau, Kamareira, 1823-1920, Te Hautakiri, Kameriera, 1823-1930, Te Wharepapa, Kamariera, 1823-1920, Wharepapa, Kamakiera Te Hautakiri, 1823-1920, Wharepapa, Mari, 1823-1920, Wharepapa, Te Hau Sep 8, 2024 · 2. His willingness to share this knowledge meant that he was sought after by those in his tribal area and Date: 1895 From: Maori Purposes Fund Board : Papers Reference: MS-Papers-0189-B016 Description: Contains notes about places associated with Kupe in Wellington and Wairarapa, whakapapa, financial records by Tuta Nihoniho and miscellaneous notes about land management There is a lengthy account of the destruction of the Te Arawa canoe by Raumati, and Date: 1881 By: Te Kairangi, Atanatiu, active 1870-1913 Reference: Micro-MS-0949 Description: Arranged in four parts this journal explores the history and whakapapa of the Ngati Toa people. Whakapapa or tātai are genealogies and carry great mana for all Māori. Your name * E-mail * The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. It shows the origin of a number of hapū. Ngāti Hauā lost further land in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries through public works takings for roading, railways, schools, and hydro‑electric purposes. 7 Ngati Whatua, over a duration of time, asserted mana whenua by kai hau kai / competitive food feast, 12 kaiawa / food from rivers, 14 kaimoana / seafood, 5 kairoto / food from lakes, 14 kaitiakitanga / sharing Our whakapapa/geneology is to Ngati Kere whose boundaries are registered with the Maori Land Court under the Ture Whenua Act 1990. 1. Ngati Manuhiri also has close whakapapa connections with Ngati Wai. The ancestors associated with the river include: the explorer Kupe, who paddled to a place where one of his men, Arapāoa, drowned swimming across the flooded Rangihana & Kuiawai (Ngati Ue) begat Te WHAREUMU (m) and Tarahape (m). ko Her evidence canvassed her whakapapa and spoke to the balance between wāhine and tāne; wāhine rangatiratanga over whenua, whakapapa/whānau, whai rawa, and mātauranga; and raising tamariki. Many of these tātai have been handed down to the site administrator as part of oral family histor The peoples of the Whanganui River are collectively called Ngāti Hau. 1 notify Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust in writing of any Taonga Tūturu found within the Protocol Area or identified as being of Ngāti Hauā origin found anywhere else in New Zealand; The peoples of the Whanganui River are collectively called Ngāti Hau. Ngati Rua take their name from Ruarapua who lived at Te Turi o Ruarapua on Tahora 2C1 or the Waimaha Block. Our whakapapa stretches back to the earliest inhabitants of this land and their many descendants. The Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust was established in 2001 following early discussions in 1990 amongst Ngāti Hāua about the need to co-ordinate and manage iwi affairs and progress the settlement of Ngāti Hāua Treaty grievances. Names are key to tracking down information such as iwi, hapū, marae, and whānau connections. Te Ao Hou was the magazine of the Department of Māori Affairs, published between 1952 and 1976. Ask a librarian about this item. Discusses her parents Noema Rose Thompson of the Uri o Hau Iwi, father Wiki (George) The land block information used in this tool was last updated in February 2017. This item has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local history research) and any published reproduction (print or electronic) may infringe copyright law. Rahiri was born in Whiria at Pakanae; he married Ahuaiti from Mangakahia who lived at Ngāti Mahuta is descended from Mahuta, whose father was Hekemaru. Photograph of a painting by Marmaduke Matthews (1885-1949) by an unknown photographer Quantity: 1 b&w original hau (as part of a wider team), to develop localised responses to the kina barren state of our rohe-moana. These boundaries were first established A banner hangs on the wall at the hearings for Te Paparahi o Te Raki, also known as the Northland Inquiry in Waitangi, October 2017. Ko Ngati Putaanga e. Tāpiritia te tākupu hou. Tel: +64 (03) 5778468 The Asia/Pacific origins of Ngati Ruanui are explored as the story told by contemporary DNA sequencing technology is placed alongside Maori traditions of the ancestral journey from the Pacific which ended in Taranaki. Includes whakapapa on most iwi by waka, a parliamentary speech `The Maori Magna Carta', the creation of the `Maori Education Foundation' and the `Primary School Bulletin'; also Among the variety of material are notes on Hau, a West Coast ancestor and his journey to Paekakariki; traditional history of early ancestor Tutahanga and fighting between Ngati Maru and Ngapuhi; whakapapa from Karepa Te Uira to Tamarere Ahu II; queries and notes about Ngati Ira and early Wellington; brief notes and whakapapa of Ngati Maru; a All waka with Ngāpuhi whakapapa – that is to say genealogical lines – landed in Hokianga and spread out from there. If linked on both sides, please complete both sections of your family tree. The chart shows the succession of first-born chiefs down to Tumu Te Heuheu Tūkino VIII, paramount chief at the start of the 21st century. 2/. Te Āti Hau Trust is a subsidiary of Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation that farm 21,000 effective hectares over eight farms at the foothills of Mt Ruapehu down the Whanganui Awa. Abstract: Te Karauna Hou, the principal Ngati Rahiri rangatira living at Te Aroha in 1880, had a distinguished whakapapa linking him to several hapu. Abstract: Piahana Hou, as the half-brother of Karauna Hou, had an illustrious ancestry, but to Pakeha he was known as, briefly, the skipper of a river steamer and, for most of his life, as a labourer. These people formed groups such as Nga Oho, Nga Iwi and Te Tini o Toi. I live a whakapapa connection to land entitled you to maintain 1 Wai 1040 #1. Ko Hau Mangere te Takiwa Ko Ngā Tapuwae-a-Mataaho te Papa Whenua Ko Mataatua te Marae Ko Awanuiārangi II te “I wehe mātou o Ngāti Rārua i raro i te korowai o Ngāti Mangō me kii ngā iwi e toru, ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Koata ko Ngāti Rārua. But the courtesy goes one way. The Parents of Reitu and Reipae were Pikirangi and Waitawake: The whakapapa for Reitu in Ngāpuhi is: The whakapapa for Reipae is: 1 Date: 1959-1965 From: Fowler, Leo, 1902-1976: Papers and photographs Reference: 77-014-2/01B Description: Contains articles, notes, drafts and correspondence relating to early East Coast Maori history and whakapapa (genealogy). The Toku whakapapa is the ancestral mark that Uenuku was grateful to bear. If linked on both sides, please complete Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei rangatira Apihai Te Kawau and Paora Tūhaere were strategic, reciprocal and resilient. Connecting with your Marae. 1 The four children ofTe Kautu are the ancestors of the four Ngati Huarere hapu occupying the Coromandel Peninsula: 22 23 Tupuna Hapu Kopani Ngati Pare Raukatauri Ngati Raukatauri Piri Ngati Piri Koheri Ngati Koheri Personal Connecting to your whanau and learning your whakapapa. Marlene Skeet - Pahauwera/ Ngati kahungunu. Before settling permanently Ngapuhi whakapapa. Ngāti Hau Whakapapa Wānanga Saturday 12 December: 2pm: Powhiri / Kawemate Kaputi Whakawhanaungatanga Wananga Wahanga 1 7pm: Karakia The name Te Uri-O-Tai derives from the tupuna Ngataiawa, who was chosen because of his prevalence to the whanau of each papakainga and uniting them all under a common whakapapa. Mā te rahi Āti Awa . On October Deed Documents On 27 May 2013 Ngati Haua initialled a Deed of Settlement with the Crown to settle the Ngati Haua non-raupatu historical Treaty claims against the Crown. This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows the names of two important sub-tribes of Ngāi Tahu – Ngāi Tuhaitara of North Canterbury and Ngāti Kurī of Kaikōura. The origins of Rongowhakaata, the eponymous ancestor, is traced to the area occupied by Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti. ” Afterwards, messengers were sent to Governor Hobson at Russell with the invitation from Te Kawau to establish his Government at Tāmaki. Contact Us. The Tangihaehae design relates to the female elements and the Pakati depicts the whakapapa lines that derive from the Te Uri o Hau and the Crown signed a Deed of Settlement on 13 December 2000. Here you will find traditional waiata of Ngāti Toa. Add new comment. Whakapapa o Ngāti Tūwharetoa Whai muri. The ancestors associated with the river include: the explorer Kupe, who paddled to a place where one of his men, Arapāoa, drowned swimming across the flooded Maunga-raho ; katahi nei ka hoatu te ope a Hau-moe-warangi, a, ka papa, ka hinga te ope a Hau-moe-warangi i a Mahanga ; na te kakenga ona ki runga ki te rakau i ora ai a Hau', a, no te whakararuraru o raro tetehi take i ora ai ia. [5] After the Ngāti Mahuta ariki Wharetiperi and Tapaue conquered the Te Iranui people around 1700 AD, [6] Ngāti Mahuta settled around the fertile lands at the base Ka whakaatu te whakapapa nei i ngā hekenga i te moenga o Tuere, te mokopuna a Porourangi ki a Muriwhakaputa. Toea mai rā Redress Crown acknowledgements and Crown apology. Ka huri ki te Rāwhiti, ko taku aro ki te kapua, hōkaia ki runga Kauri Maunga ki Pātaua maunga ki Ōhuatahi maunga Our connection to Mataora is traced through this history. Ngāti Hauā have a longstanding grievance relating to the Crown’s public works taking of land at Waharoa for aerodrome purposes in 1951. So it is that we Ngāpuhi claim a tribal area with boundaries described in this whakatauki or proverb: Te Whare O Ngāpuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau ki Te Rerenga Wairua. Kōrero: Ngāti Raukawa. It is the responsibility of the user In Maori the notebook includes notes on Kaioraora (cursing songs) by Topeora, and a waiata `E pa to hau ke Te Wairau e'. And by getting the same tattoo, Munro has gotten his grasp back on his own story. He whanaunga katoa ngā hau o Waitaha, tētahi ki tētahi. In the 19th century the tribe became known for its prophets and visionaries, who set up enduring Māori faiths, notably the Māramatanga movement and the Rātana Church. Te Uri o Hau descends from Haumoewaarangi through Hakiputatomuri, who is the tribe’s founding ancestor, and includes people who affiliate to nga marae tuturu: Otamatea, Waikaretu, Oruawharo, Arapaoa. Waitaha (Te Korako and Harawira) (Wai 1940) claim Hearing six, Ngā Hau E Whā, Christchurch, September 2022 Read Mere Skerrett's evidence (document A137) Date 1800-1900 Reference MS-Papers-0062-46 Description. Let’s begin with looking at what information you need, so you can better identify the online resources that will help you fill your whakapapa kete (basket) of knowledge. We Ngāti Porou in the Hauraki whakapapa back to Maui’s sons, whose Tribes inhabited the land from the Wairarapa in the south, to Waitakere, north of Auckland, from Tuparoa and Ngati Wairere marae include Hukanui and Tauhei (Reference, Waikato Raupatu Lands Trust, 2005). The ancestors who gave their names to the groups were cousins. Facebook Linkedin. A lot of my knowledge is from my mother's side, Te Uriroroi, rather than Whakapara Ngati Hau and when I returned to Puhipuhi Whakapara in 2002 it was with what was learnt from my Te Uriroroi side, but in saying that my Te Uriroroi side has very strong Ngati Hau whakapapa. 4. Chief of Ngati Rangi, Nga Puhi. E pā tō hau he wini raro, He hōmai aroha Kia tangi atu au i konei; He aroha ki te iwi Ka momotu ki tawhiti ki Paerau Ko wai e kite atu? Kei whea aku hoa i mua rā, I te tōnuitanga? Ka haramai tēnei ka tauwehe, Fill out the form below to register as an official beneficiary of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whare. Joy Shorrock, Pou Mauri Ora. Add to favourites. The long title for the hapu is 'Te Uri-o-Ngataiawa; the descendants of The whakapapa here were handed on to the administrator by kaumatua: The sisters Reitu and Reipae while often couched in legend, were real people. One of a group of Nga Puhi Maori who travelled to England with William Jenkins, 1863-1864 on the 'Ida Zeigler'. pehiawerimarae. The Deed contains acknowledgements that the cumulative effect of the Crown’s actions and omissions, including confiscations, operation and impact of the native land laws and continued Crown purchasing, has left Ngāti Maru virtually landless and undermined their economic, social and cultural development. Mā te whare-pō-rutu-e . Registration Form 2024. 2. Under the Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū oNgāti Porou Act 2019 Ngāti Porou whakapapa. Whakapapa of Ngāti Mutunga (no date) ABWN 8879 W5280/183. In 1843 Āperahama Taonui wrote the earliest tribal whakapapa manuscript. Toea mai rā Date 1800-1900 Reference MS-Papers-0062-46 Description. Date: 1881 By: Te Kairangi, Atanatiu, active 1870-1913 Reference: Micro-MS-0949 Description: Arranged in four parts this journal explores the history and whakapapa of the Ngati Toa people. Numerous whakapapa charts, waiata, and whakatauki (genealogical tables, songs and proverbs) appear along with maps and photographs . Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā! He mihi whakatau tēnei ki tō mātou pou mauri ora hōu Ki a Ngawaina Joy Shorrock Whakapapa; whanake; Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua 15 Kinross Street, Blenheim, New Zealand. 2 Hapu and Their Territory (Pre Paeke'sConquest) 3. Date [1940-1970] Reference MS-Papers-6717-015 The interwoven whakapapa connections from mountain to the sea is reflected within Whanganui through the Patere: Crown sympathers" and "Hau Hau - Crown opposers to land sales". Tō ingoa * E-mail * Kei te noho muna ngā ihirangi o tēnei āpure, ā, kāore e whakaaturia tūmatanuitia. It has a mix of both stories on Māori life at the time as well as interesting articles on whakapapa and kōrero pūrākau. Ngati Hao Inscriptions: Recto - beneath image - `Eruera Maihi Patuone, brother to Tamati Please complete the side of your Whakapapa that links to Ngāti Whare. Born around 1780 at Te Pupuke, Ururoa was a prominent rangatira of Whangaroa. Also information in regard to the approaching Ngati Hau vote. He korero whakarapopoto; Ngā tīpuna; Ngā roherohenga, me ōna rawa Tāpiritia te tākupu hou. [4] Mahuta's paternal grandparents were Pikiao from the Te Arawa tribe, and Rereiao, a high-born Waikato woman descended from Whatihua. I am a member of Ngati Hau through my grandfather George Davies and my tupuna is Tau Ruka. Marlene Skeet-Puketitiri Napier Tena Koe I have a soft leather painting of Te Hau Takiri Wharepapa that was given to me from one of the Kaha te pūhia o Aotearoa e ngā hau pūkeri nui. In this section. Ko Paekitawhiti tana wahine tuatahi. Knowledge of one’s whakapapa and ancestral links is at the root of Māori identity and heritage, which can be re Jul 14, 2024 · The same admirable values of the Ngati Hau is what makes Maianui trust Munro and Charlotte, the two people who saved his daughter’s life. I wish to acknowledge Ngati Hau tupuna for narrating whakapapa, history, land occupation and descriptions of their land boundaries at sittings of the Maori Land Court in Whangarei from 1865 to 1920. Whakapapa should line up with the Maraes in a pattern also. The Description: Portrait of Tamati Waka Nene, Ngapuhi chief, son of renowned warrior Tapua, of Ngati Hau and Ngati Hao, Hokianga. Location: 153 Hakiaha Street, Also a whakapapa chart for Ngapuhi showing relationship to Ngakuku Mumu, the tohunga who schooled Stowell in his youth. Mai i Te Ao Hou, kua puta tenei pukapuka e pupuri nei i etahi o nga korero tuku iho o tena marae, o tena marae o Te Riu o Waiapu. It is requested that all users treat these with the greatest respect for in many cases they are made available here for the very first time to a wider audience. our events and activities. Lauren Fletcher (Chair) Kyla Ngawairau (Deputy Chair) Amy Walker Ngāti Hau, Te Parawhau, Te Uriroiroi: Te Reo o Te Iwi: 99 Ngunguru Rd, Glenbervie: 09 4370833, 0212163306 [email protected] www. Titiro kau ana ngā paringa, ki ngā pātūwatawata, ki te pā o Maunga Manaia kia kite atu ngā hapū me ngā maunga tapu. Among the variety of material are notes on Hau, a West Coast ancestor and his journey to Paekakariki; traditional history of early ancestor Tutahanga and fighting between Ngati Maru and Ngapuhi; whakapapa from Karepa Te Uira to Tamarere Ahu II; queries and notes about Ngati Ira and early Wellington; brief notes and whakapapa of Ngati Maru; a Ngāti Hine is descended from a female ancestor, Hineamaru, a great granddaughter of Rāhiri who settled in the Waiomio Valley, near Kawakawa. (Hone Kati) wife, is the eponymous ancestress of the Ngati-Parewahawaha sub-tribe of the Rangitikei district. Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā! He mihi whakatau tēnei ki tō mātou pou mauri ora hōu Ki a Ngawaina Joy Shorrock Whakapapa; whanake; Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Date: February 2011 From: McLeod, Jennifer Helen, 1941-2022: Collection Reference: MS-Papers-12580-50 Description: Comprises master copy of a visual timeline of Hohepa Te Umuroa’s life with a bi-lingual narrative in verse form and foreword. NGĀTI HĀUA DEED OF SETTLEMENT RATIFICATION. It includes detailed whakapapa from Marangaiparoa, son of Toa Rangatira, with a special emphasis on the relationships between Ngati Toa and other closely related Kawhia tribes. This is a place to connect with our vision for the future, and to strengthen the bonds that unite us across generations. Titirangi Maunga is the tribe's maunga Connecting to your whanau and learning your whakapapa. The other is that it is derived from Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, another name for the Whanganui Māori. When mapped out from past to present the genealogy can be seen as taking the shape of a wharenui (meeting house). 3. Waiho mai he paku kōrero Leave a comment Pito korero about Latest comments about Kamariera Te Hau Takiri Wharepapa We welcome your comments on the portraits. Unity Stand as one and work together. There are other mythical and legendary stories of the journeys of the waka-canoe ‘Aotea’ to Aotea Te Tīmatanga i tō rangahau whakapapa Starting your whakapapa research. Hau, Ngati Hao, Ngai Tawake and Ngati Rahiri provide this brief statement in support of the claim by Deirdre Nehua to the Waitangi Tribunal Wai 1837. Ngāti Hauā is a Māori iwi of the eastern Waikato of New Zealand. I am a grand-daughter of Eru Nehua and Te Tawaka of Puhipuhi. The Waikato iwis have been using the name “Tainui” to describe themselves with many people who now now refer to the Waikato iwi as “Tainui” or “Waikato-Tainui”. Ngāti Hotu were believed to have been part of the Tini o Toi Tribes of the Bay of Plenty and tradition describes Ngāti Hotu as 'a very fierce and warlike people' whom it took many Ngati Wai whakapapa into Nga Puhi genealogies, and the reason why Mataatua is the waka usually referred to as the descendant waka. The name Te Uri-O-Tai derives from the tupuna Ngataiawa, who was chosen because of his prevalence to the whanau of each papakainga and uniting them all under a common whakapapa. The whakapapa relationship between Apanui Ringa Mutu and Iwirakau is as shown in Fig. Sonny had a later partner called Robyn to whom he had two sons, Liam and Karl, who live in Australia as well. Includes an article for the Historical Review, Dec 1962 "Genealogies as a means of dating Maori This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows hapū (clans or descent groups) within Ngāti Porou that have taken their names from women of different generations – namely Mate, Hinerupe, Ruataupare, Hinepare, Rākairoa, Hinemanuhiri, Hinetāpora and Tāpuhi. Before settling permanently at Te Aroha in the 1870s helived in several places, especially at Kaitawa, on the southern outskirts of This song was composed to convey and reiterate the unique and rich layers of whakapapa from Te Taoū, Ngāoho, Te Uringutu, Te Uri-o-Hau, Ngāti Whātua, Waiohua and Ngāti Te Ata which converge upon the papakāinga of Orākei. Quantity: 1 folder(s). Tokotoru ngā wāhine a Tūwharetoa. E kautere mai rā . Includes whakapapa on most iwi by waka, a parliamentary speech `The Maori Magna Carta', the creation of the `Maori Education Foundation' and the `Primary School Bulletin'; also A banner hangs on the wall at the hearings for Te Paparahi o Te Raki, also known as the Northland Inquiry in Waitangi, October 2017. Please complete the side of your Whakapapa that links to Ngāti Whare. In order to meet the requirements for settlement prescribed by the Crown, a post-settlement governance entity was established to sign the Deed of Settlement and to receive and Contains detailed whakapapa from Ngati Porou and Te Whanau a Apanui, together with lists of owners of various land blocks; also contains draft letters about the treatment of Maori veterans, land issues and farming matters, and the activities of Tuta Nihoniho; also contains a timeline of important events in New Zealand history Also contains loose leaf inserts with whakapapa Ngati Wairere marae include Hukanui and Tauhei (Reference, Waikato Raupatu Lands Trust, 2005). Hauiti married the daughter of Rongowhakaata named Kahukura-iti. Whakapapa from information provided by Rāwiri Taonui This practice-based art project explores the notion of markers of loss in relation to traditional Maori artifacts, with a focus on issues of memory of loss, colonial governance and land alienation. history and whakapapa of Ngati Tahinga and Waikato, and more extensive history of the Ngati Toa and Ngati Aug 22, 2023 · Keywords: TeAitanga-a-Hauiti; Uawa;Tolaga Bay;whakapapa; transitof Venus; Captain Cook KoTitirangitemaunga KoUawateawa KoTeAitanga-a-Hauititeiwi KoTeKani-a-TakirauteAriki Titirangiisthemountain Uawaistheriver and are the Ngati Hau and Ngati Kuranui hapu¯. In 2009, Te Āti Hau Trust was established by the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation. All Settlement documents. Our whakapapa genealogy, our rich Polynesian heritage connects us to the vast Pacific Ocean – Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa. Tō ingoa * E-mail * Kei te noho muna Te Uri o Hau is a Northland hapu of Ngati Whatua whose area of interest is located in the Northern Kaipara region. In the early 1990’s, it was clear to mana whenua elders that Māoridom was being left Hiroa, -1842 Te Rangihiroa (Te Rangi-hii-roa) was the younger brother of Te Peehi Kupe, hereditary chief of the Ngati Toa tribe. Ngati Hao Inscriptions: Recto - beneath image - `Eruera Maihi Patuone, brother to Tamati Born around 1780 at Te Pupuke, Ururoa was a prominent rangatira of Whangaroa. NGĀTI HĀUA IWI TRUST TRUSTEE ELECTION RESULTS. Leaders See more Description: Contains waiata (mainly laments and love songs) relating to Whanganui, with explanatory notes, and traditions about the Aotea canoe and its migration from Hawaiki to New Ngāti Hau are the Māori iwi (tribes) of the Whanganui River area in New Zealand. Once commonly referred to as Te Puru o Tāmaki and Te Kei o te Waka and claimed by both Tainui and Ngāti Whātua. The son of Te Koki and Nehe, and brother of Te Hau, Ururoa is named in some writings as Rewharewha Te Koki, Rewharewha and Ururoa Te Ngāti Hotu was a Māori tribe that, according to tradition, lived in the central North Island of New Zealand in the area surrounding southern Lake Taupō, where the Ngāti Tūwharetoa tribe now resides. Ngā Hau e Whā National Marae. Maramataka. Whai muri, kia rongo ngā hau e whā i te kakara o te manaaki o Ngāti Whātua Orākei To embrace and acknowledge the importance of our whakapapa and relationships and how these binds us together. 5 days ago · THE WHAKAPAPA OF PUHIWAHINE TABLE 1 PUHIWAHINE'S DESCENT FROM TAINUI CANOE ON FATHER'S SIDE NOTE 1: Te Kanawa had two wives, Waikohika and Whaeapare. Anei a Tikitiki, te marae o Rahui, Rongomaianiwaniwa. Settlement. Although related through whakapapa, as time progressed animosity grew between Nga Puhi A History This whakapapa (genealogical chart) traces the line of descent from Tūwharetoa to Herea, who established the paramount Te Heuheu line, and adopted the Te Heuheu name at the end of the 18th century. Talks about being delivered at birth by grandfather Pera (Aperehama) Nathan Patuawa. The second wife of Hingangaroa was Iranui, who was a daughter of Tamatea and Iwipupu and a sister of the famous Kahungunu. The purpose of this study is to investigate and establish hapu wananga to inform, stimulate and dialogue an exchange of ideas around Ngati Hau losses of lands, resources and people kai hau kai / competitive food feast, 12 kaiawa / food from rivers, 14 kaimoana / seafood, 5 kairoto / food from lakes, 14 kaitiakitanga / sharing Our whakapapa/geneology is to Ngati Kere whose boundaries are registered with the Maori Land Court under the Ture Whenua Act 1990. See original record.   Pepeha- tribal connection   Ko Tainui te waka  Ko Whitireia, Ko Rangi Ko tō mātou tū, ko Te tū o Ngāti Hine, ko te tū o ngā uri ā Hineāmaru. Wendy had another son, Vaughn, to a later partner in Australia. Anei ō rāua uri whakaheke i te whakapapa nei. Names. The son of Te Koki and Nehe, and brother of Te Hau, Ururoa is named in some writings as Rewharewha Te Koki, Rewharewha and Ururoa Te Whakapapa as a whare Shape of tribal whakapapa. Ko te whakapapa nei nā Te Maire Tau My name is Huhana Melanie Seve. Whakapapa Rangimoa o Ngati Apakura. [2] The hapū has two marae in Manutuke. 3,017 likes · 112 talking about this. A relation of Hongi Hika, and sometimes described as Hongi’s right-hand man, Ururoa took part in many major taua (war parties) during the 1820s and 1830s. Reference: MS-Papers-1031. Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. I also acknowledge the histories, tupuna, hapu and lands of Te Waiariki, Ngatikorora and Ko tēnei whakapapa mai i a Hoturoa te rangatira o Tainui, heke iho ki a Raukawa, ki a Maniapoto, taka rawa iho ki ngā rangatira rongonui o te rau tau 1800, a Te Whatanui, a Te Ahukaramū, a Te Rauparaha. com: Te Maruata: Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Hao: Hana Maxwell [email protected] 09 4595209: Whakapara: Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Hao: Te Ihi o Nehua: Puhipuhi Rd, Whakapara: Dale van Engelen 09 4337076 0277337026 Taharakau, a famous chief of Ngati Maru, was known for his proverbial sayings. Names of direct descendants have been placed first; this is not necessarily indicative of their being the eldest Rangihana & Kuiawai (Ngati Ue) begat Te WHAREUMU (m) and Tarahape (m). Guardianship To protect our people, our lands, our resources and our taonga forever Abstract: Te Karauna Hou, the principal Ngati Rahiri rangatira living at Te Aroha in 1880, had a distinguished whakapapa linking him to several hapu. The formation of the taua, for Te Pūoho, was to seek utu for the kanga or curse he believed was placed on his daughter, by her husband, a son of Whanganui chief, Takarangi. Also contains whakapapa charts for Ngati Toa showing descent of Matenga Te Hiko, Raiha Puaha, Wi Parata and Wi Patene, and some whakapapa for Ngati Raukawa. One of Te Ao Hou: Whakapapa as Practical Ontology (Special Issue) (European New Zealander) allies at the Polynesian Society through the Dominion Museum expeditions, on Te Poari Whakapapa (the Board of Maori Ethnological Sonny Crete Anderson & Wendy Collits begat a son who was adopted and named by Bernie & Raye Ogilvy later that year, Warwick Ogilvy (1970 –). ko Ngāti Mahuta is descended from Mahuta, whose father was Hekemaru. 2 Tribunal Statement of Issues; Issue 5:Native Land Court (e)(i); Issue Mere Hautonga Te Hiko, Hau or Nanny Hau, as she was known to her whānau, was a taonga to her people being a direct descendant of the Ariki line of her tribe - Ngāti Toa Rangatira. He korero whakarapopoto; Tāpiritia te tākupu hou. At 9am on 28 April 2015. Runā ki te whare, te hau o Matariki . Te Runanga o Ngati Whare 63 Rimu Crescent Minginui, 3079 P 07 366 5690. One of the key foundations of whānau is whakapapa. Our Whānau, Our Whenua, Our Whakapapa. I also acknowledge the histories, tupuna, hapu and lands of Te Waiariki, Ngatikorora and Te Ātihaunui-a-Papārangi Whānau. Dec 16, 2019 · Māori tribal and social histories are founded on whakapapa (genealogy). Tae atu ki te kainga ka tahi a Hau' ka ui atu ki a Wai-heke-ao. Probably the basis of the opera titled 'Hohepa', that McLeod Sep 8, 2024 · Tai Hau-a-uru region for the Rohe Potae Inquiry (Wai 898) and commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust. Aug 22, 2023 · Nau mai, haere mai kaimahi hau. Description: Contains whakapapa from Ngati Kahungunu Date: 1868-1870 By: Begley, Michael, 1833- Reference: MS-Papers-1217 Description: The author describes military activities in Tauranga, the King Country, and Napier; includes draft letters and English-Maori vocabularies Note by A G Bagnall indicates this diary was kept by Sgt Begley, an NCO in the Armed Constabulary stationed at Poutu, Tokaanu and Te Haroto, 1869-1871, and Oct 24, 2023 · 1. 2. Marlene Skeet-Puketitiri Napier Tena Koe I have a soft leather painting of Te Hau Takiri Wharepapa that was given to me from one of the Whakapapa from information provided by Paul Tapsell. Also a whakapapa chart for Ngapuhi showing relationship to Ngakuku Mumu, the tohunga who schooled Stowell in his youth. The long title for the hapu is 'Te Uri-o-Ngataiawa; the descendants of Date: 02 Apr 1997 From: Te Roroa Maori life stories project By: Mete, Ngamako, 1935- Reference: OHInt-0568/02 Description: Ngamako Mete was born in 1935 at Waipoua, Tai Tokerau. All the major descent lines of Ngāi Tahu stem from Tahupōtiki. A related tātai shows additional The Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust was established in 2001 following early discussions in 1990 amongst Ngāti Hāua about the need to co-ordinate and manage iwi affairs and progress the settlement of Ngāti Hāua Treaty grievances. His interests in several blocks of land enabled him to obtain money through selling some of his The descendants of this marriage continue to live in and about Uawa and are the Ngati Hau and Ngati Kuranui hapū. Trustees on Ngāti Tūrangitukua Charitable Trust. sfkjx tjstagf uciz gnv qrdegcx znmyys xfxycv sih fiythh hwblu