Swg auto attack macro. Hope it helps!Update: A potential problem ca.
Swg auto attack macro MO. Macro: /sample; /pause 5; /macro auto-sampling; Structure / Harvester Macros. Please do not let there limit you, SWG has a very broad macro function that you can explore and use. You can find the text file in the profiles folder in your SWG Legends directory. Now all anyone has to do is send you a tell and you will auto target them and send them a group invite. Use this macro to have pets come to you because the looping macro WILL get you in trouble due to pets aggroing the wrong #4 – Attack HH /melee2hheadhit3; /pause 1; /macro HH Your basic attack to take down the elder, just leave it running all fight and it will keep going around everything else your doing, including Center of Being, Intimidate etc. You cannot default attack through an in-game macro on Legends (NGE). 12K subscribers in the swgemu community. Bind other, bind macro, copy macro text from above, bind with whatever key u want to, set the macro/bind then on "hovercast" and only hovercast. If you have dealt with creatures as a Creature Handler, this will be very familiar to you. If nothing else, AFK doctor buffs are convenient vs hopping between starports looking for a doc buff line to stand in for 15 minutes. The macro’s listed below are a great starter for anyone and you are encouraged to change them to suit your specific needs. Since you are already in attack mode, you finish off the mob with your VK. Just mess around until you find what you need for the scenario, lots of macros online that can be personalised Macros have been implemented into Star Wars Galaxies as a way to help the players. This has multiple macros, so find the one that suits what you are looking for. Sometimes abbreviates as MMO. you could also choose "no target needed" (<- only this option, DON'T bind it on default & no target needed - it won't work then) so u can spam the key you'll bind it to after you r out of a fight Apr 22, 2024 · Combat Queue and Auto-Aim Auto Aim is not applicable here. com/wiki/i Ive always set it up like this. This lets you put variables in your text in order to automatically insert RE: crafting macro Posted @ Mon, Dec 13th 2:43 AM 2004: By: Terll 3 posts Score: Decent [3. You will continue attacking until your target is killed or you are incapacitated. e. Hope it helps!Update: A potential problem ca anyone have a good macro combat is so slow auto attack being on would be nice Auto attack on the UI is a leftover remnant that hasn’t been removed yet. It calls the attack macro, waits 20 seconds (which should be enough time for you to kill the mob), harvests and calls itself again. Chat Commands. Steve isn't quite sure who Bob is targeting, so Steve targets bill and uses his 'Assist' macro. Apr 17, 2020 · AFK Farming - Due to our increased population, we are making an update to our current rule set when it comes to AFK game play. Do not take the NPC's heath below 1/2 with drain. conversationResponseX Select answer X from NPC dialog. There has NEVER been an auto attack in SWTOR. They should be ran by a more strategic macro. Command List % Used in making a macro. Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan; Champions of the Force (Card Game) in: Commands. The second macro lets you loot the mob because normally by looting a mob it respawns it. Do nothing else do not attack. Macro: AFKMeleeCombatMacro/stand;/pause . Hi ya’ll, I’m looking for an all in one pet attack/control macro. Now in the macro text type in /tellpet (pettcommand); and ALWAYS remember to put a ; at the end of every command. The following article about creating macros is based on a post by JoeCrimson on the SWG Craft website / forums. I would consider removing the Critical Hit Reduction from the Exotic Attachments with either Weapon Damage or Heal Potency. In order for it to work, you’ve got to set up each of your traps in a quickbar slot – this could be quickbar slot 4, if the other 3 are setup as I outlined above. Mar 9, 2011 · Is there anyway to macro auto attack into a cast so that if you dont have the power for it you will just start casting but not turn off if you. /tellpet attack; /tellpet special; /tellpet special2; /macro specialattack; Halting Your Pets Attack Cycle: When you want your pet to stop attacking and come to you (especially now that “ferocity” is in full effect again. 1 by CaptainVemnox and the How to make the most of your skills (Version 2. For instance the ewok crossbow macro would look like: Name: EwokCB /ui action toolbarSlot10 /pause 240 /macro EwokCB This of course, presumes the crossbow is in toolbar slot 10 and you named the macro Jun 17, 2023 · All macros will be dumped at a random interval between 40 and 60 minutes after you begin using a macro except if all of the macros running consist of ONLY the permitted commands, which are enabled to allow entertainers and doctors to remain connected. is there anyway to change it back to auto attack like how it was pre-NGE? When building macros, particularly macros that find their way into PVP, its adviced to increase the pauses between each special to more than 0. If you bind a key for Chat Edit Paste you can copy the alias's and macro's below and use your keybind to paste them into the Star Wars Galaxies client (both the in-game macro editor, and the chat window). It's mentioned above how to Prime an item. Note: IF you looking for a Master List of Commands go to this SWGWiki page: Command I have not personally tested all of these. hey! looking for a macro that allows me to spam the key button for auto attack/shoot and not cancels the auto attack with every second press of the button. Each macro does something for my specific needs and starts with comments on each line that begins with pound sign (#). The macro harvests the corpse and begins again at #2. Being on assist you Name: Auto-Sampling. especially useful for situtations where i am under pressure like pvp or so thanks alot Name: Auto-Sampling. If you could find a way (which I did and was unable to do, but I am also inexperienced in the grand scheme for macros) to set up a macro to select resources then it could be added to whatever I Everything in the macro still works when he gets flagged for AFK except the combat part. Jan 13, 2016 · UOSteam auto-attack macro Post by darthredeye » Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:35 am fairly basic macro, will cast consecrate if you have at least 50 mana, and will cast divine fury when you're under 100 stam. Steve's macro detects that his current target (Bob) is actually targeting Bill. Macro'ing Reference: Top Row Buttons 1-12 = 00-11 for macro'ing purposes. F. Oct 1, 2007 · Find: "Toggle Repeat Auto Attack" I have bound this to the key "f" 2. Hope that makes sense. Heavy weapon flamethrowers and the Darksting rifle have different attack speeds compared to most in the category. You can position the camera to limit things off in the distance. Attack macro seems to be working, unfortunately the heal macro doesn't (it's 3 lines only, should be working) and if I heal the char taking damage manually, the medic still doesn't get any xp whatsoever. conversationStop Stop conversation. The best thing you can do currently is to run multiple instances in Windowed (or Borderless Windowed) mode, have the alt /follow the main, and when you get to a mission, simply alt+TAB between clients to queue up combat actions for each character. Player Bob is targeting NPC Bill, and Player Steve wants to help Bob. Jun 25, 2008 · Is there a way to make your guy auto attack while doing afk combat, i know you can map "toggle repeat auto attack" (i think that is what it is called) to a key i. When the servers return to service Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan will be available to all who have purchased the digital download. 2; /macro loot; Macro: CycleTargets /ui action cycleTargetOutward; Every droid has a series of commands that it can be 'taught' or 'programmed'. This is a matter of opinion. 5; /ui action toolbatSlot01; /pause . The UnattendedMacro does the actual attacking. I am also in a group. To make this build really shine for defense in PVP I would suggest the FRS: Guardian Enhancement which increases Critical Hit Defense (PVP), and (PVP) Incoming Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided bionic_man 16 years ago #1 i find the new combat system annoying where u have to constantly click. /sys Current target is %TT /sys \#ff0000 Targeting %TT /steadyaim taken from the PRE CU Official Squad Leader FAQ v3. Feel free to copy and adopt the macros for your own use! Aug 28, 2019 · Hey I’ve been trying to figure out how to get a pet attack macro going here. 25;/ui action toolbarSlot14;/pause . . It takes 10 secs to run. If you would like more information on macros just follow these links:https://swglegends. Use this macro to have pets come to you because the looping macro WILL get you in trouble due to pets aggroing the wrong Trying to level my unarmed but I don't have a lot of time to spend in the game. chatCut Cut 7. When ever you have a target selected, with auto-aim turned on, press that button to start combat. What follows is the commonly reproduced macro and a variation on it. I'd recommend assigning it to the right mouse button and ticking "actions can be fired from toolbar" in your keymap options. First off lets get the 3rd row on the Abilities Bar, Hit "O" which brings up Options window, select Interface, then check Expand Toolbar to a Third Row /assist (player name); /Pause 2; /macro assist; /ui action toolbarSlot00; /pause 1; /ui action toolbarSlot01; Etc etc… /macro attack; Could be off on pauses and economy of macro but that’s the basic idea. An Adv R3, with 5 Auto-Repair Module and 1 Combat Module has up to 4500 HAM, heals as fast as a Probot, has more HAM then a Probot, but will cause more then 1 point of damage. Macro: rangedAFK/pause . I baby sit the macro, and add my The 'attack' macro uses specials because the command to use the auto-attack was removed (reference). Then afterwards the macro still runs and works. Here's what you'll need to get this to work right Useful macros for improving SWG:Restoration playability. Macros have been implemented into Star Wars Galaxies as a way to help the players. 8. Once you have called a droid from your Datapad, you can click on the droid's Radial Menu and select Program. Everything is an ability that needs to be selected. Run an assist macro, and button smasher macro for abilities. First macro: AFK - it keeps you from logging out if you leave your computer overnight, for example. Then because a pet will still attack during /afk and my character won't, I have a pet attack command macro on a 20-second timer. Due to the mechanics of the Combat Upgrade, Auto Aim is not present and only one ability can be queue at a time. However, I do feel that having a macro to help speed up tedious things, like crafting, is rewarding. 4 What are some of the common macros used by Squad Leaders? Here are some of the more common macros. You must be the group leader in order to do this. A char with a saber will do certain «moves» when in close combat that might seem like an attack. Example: Title: m I run the following macros all at once, it can be run AFK or ATK For pet targeting and attacking Vary the length of the "/pause 6;" line depending on how long it takes your pet to kill a target A good set of crafting macros can make creating a set of identical items much less tedious. Simply open with a debuff, use your special move until half of your pool is gone, go to auto atttack and use Accessing Hot Keys In A Macro Simply use the following command in your macro to access a specific hotkey: /ui action toolbarSlot[xx] [xx] is a number 00-23 that directly relates to the slot (two banks of 12 slots, 24 total slots, starting at position 00). They are in game scripts that can be developed to automate an action, or series of actions. Mining Outpost - a common acronym for the Northernmost non player city on the planet Dantooine. Oh and the most important part was a CoB macro to keep the defenses up: /centerofbeing; /pause 15; /macro 'macro name' A. This will work with other NGE based Star Wars Galaxies emulators also. A macro that will attack your mouse over target. You can adjust the list by ordering according to name, or planet but the character must be at the top to work. Currently, I have 2 macros going and it is kinda working. JoeCrimson's Post on Crafting Macros First of all there isn't an AFK macro for crafting, but this can really speed things up for you. 2 seconds to compensate for lag. A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. The /tell in the 3rd to last line sends yourself a message so you don't end up spamming the last person you sent an invite to. The following set of macros is for a four (4) crafting tool grind. those lines can be removed, or you can switch out primary with secondary as needed. The /macro line must be the last line of the macro so paste it in above it. Any help, copy/pastes or screen shots would be appreciated! Nov 27, 2021 · How have macros been changed ("deterring")? All macros will be dumped at a random interval between 40 and 60 minutes after you begin using a macro. Then it flips afk on or off. If you are new to macroing learning the basics can be quite intimidating, if you go over the steps below you will have no problem learning how to macro in Star Wars Galaxies. No I do not grind AFK. Apr 4, 2007 · In fact i have made a macro for an AFK Auto Grind, so dont tell me it cant be done and yes this is SWG NGE 12/30/06 I will be trying to get this posted immediatley! Here's how i know it works i AFK Auto Grinded in 1 night from lvl 87 to 90! A quick guide to setting up the macros needed to afk farm. Apr 25, 2004 · Try to guess the video game: In the input field, type a question that could be answered "yes" or "no". (feel free to change timer to 1< if you are speed capped and hitting faster than the macro. The alias and invite macro go together. It cycles out from you and targets what you can see on your screen. They're not of much use outside grinding your template as most things with worthwhile loot require you to be atk (either they're too difficult to afk or too popular and people will simply drag mobs away from you). conversationStart Start conversation with selected NPC. 01; copy and paste that a bunch before doing your /macro loot; It gives you a slight speed edge and you do not have to target the corpse. Apr 24, 2016 · Auto-log Macro In order to get this macro to work, the character you wish to re-log must be at the top of the character select list when you log it in. Now timers are visualized on the toolbar over the specials and abilities that can be used in combat. I have a simple /tar self;/inspire macro as a quality of life/play enhancement. A Probot with 5 Auto-Repair Modules has up to 3200 HAM, heals faster, and should only do 1 point of damage per attack. What's happened is that SWG has read your text file and learned two new commands: /testmacro and /testmacro2. I'd also like to know :) Sep 30, 2005 · Common commands you may use in a macro: /target self; /pause x(in seconds); /clear(clears queued actions including auto attack) /ui action cycleTargetOutward; /ui action cycleTargetInward; /ui action cycleTargetPrevious; /ui action cycleTargetNext; /ui action radialMenu; /dump; (stops looped macr JChace029 Jedi Posts: 3505 Registered: 07-04-2003 Reply 2 of 202 Viewed 45540 times. 2;/ui action toolbarPane05 /alias :b /alias Lampen /setmood A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. Mod. This macro is adapted from the camping macro that was originally posted on the Scout boards by DaBamf. Here is an explanation of this macro if you are having trouble: The UnattendedAttackParent macro is the outer loop. I will note some changes one can make to be more active vs passive. The following changes will take effect on Friday, April 17th 2020 - with the main change being that ALL Combat AFK Farming is now required to have an invite/join macro running, regardless of location. Just put /say attack in the macro and asign it to an F key. Patrol point: Adds a Patrol point to where you stand. SWG: Macro: In Game Mechanics for your Macro Needs, by zWolf Nov 25, 2024 · This is my Assist/Buff-Bot Doctor/Squad Leader build, designed to assist my main avatar. - Don't experiment when grinding! It's not worth the time. This is a modification to a modification for the Auto Forager V6, created by collin8579, and includes modifications made by swg_xploiter, posted in the same SWG Macros - Updated AutoIt Forage Macro, with Combat : Star Wars Galaxies Bots | Hacks If you want all your pets to have the same commands for everything then you can. Once you select a command and press the Train button Expertise:https://swglegends. Just google swg targeting macros everyone has their own little loot macro, heres one that loots anyting within about 20m title: loot /loot; /loot corpse; /m loot The 1st line '/loot;' was added later because the odd corpse that didn't dissapear straight away used to hang up the '/loot corpse;' line. Also, if you are running an auto-invite macro, understand it can cause issues with chat responses, typing and active chat, so be advised. This tutorial describes how to create a macro in SWGEmu to gain experience while away from the keyboard. To use this macro you just need to click the macro on your toolbar, hover over the pile of corpses you just killed and let the macro do its magic but make sure you are out of combat because you wont be able to queue any attacks while its running. This macro consists of 4 macros, named are afk, attack, target, and loot. RE: Macro Posted @ Wed, Mar 3rd 5:31 AM 2004: By: odiusXpopulis 4 posts Score: Decent [3. You will attack your target using whatever weapon you have equipped (you' ll attack with your fists and feet if you don' t have a weapon readied) . Anyone know how I could accomplish this AUTO-ATTACK Once you initiate an attack, you automatically begin auto- attacking. MOB. Command List. By default, it is "attack" but you may need to reset it. A subreddit for discussion of Star Wars Galaxies Emulator (SWGEmu) servers. Additional advices for Quillara: Run a saber block macro and use saber reflect as much as possible, heal when you can. Once you get the "Aliases loaded" response, your macros are now loaded into SWG. Any creature or NPC that can attack and be attacked by players that is not controlled by another player. SWG is an MMORPG. Jul 18, 2022 · This is a stim/action bot support build. SWG Macros may be looped, and can also be used to take advantage of the toolbar for commands that are normally typed. 5; Nov 20, 2018 · How to enable auto attack in SWG Legends. So for instance I have him kneel, target closest mob, attack. Gawo 05:12, June 25, 2011 (UTC) Bring up list in-game type "/" then push [TAB]key and save it to file /log or /chatlog I do not necessarily feel the AFK macro-ing is a good thing. Under Options -> Keymap there should be a tick at "disable Strafe Turn with keys"----- Create the following Macros ingame: Macro: Loot /loot all; /pause 0. By default, players in combat execute their default attack (auto attack) until a command is issued into the queue and after the queued actions have run their course, the player will return to default attacks. This applies universally across the galaxy at all places, for all players, doing anything while logged in. The first is a combat macro that selects the nearest target, pauses for a moment, then fires on the target. I for one am going to move up a notch and try out the file manipulating aproach. Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Chat Commands [] Command Nov 19, 2024 · Because the heals are stronger, they have the drawback of also taking longer to apply, this makes it less appealing to run this build with the major heals in your auto attack macro. Overview: Assist, not to be played as an active Doctor. When you use action it depletes your health. This is from How to macro craft without The second macro lets you loot the mob because normally by looting a mob it respawns it. Guard: Makes your pet attack anything that attacks you or that you attack. Just run auto attack. Getting to the macro screen The default keys to get to the actions menu in the game are Ctrl+A, press them and you should see the following screen, select the "Macro" tab I have a doc that successfully AFK auto-buffs using macros and aliases when sent a /tell. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 8 comments The /assist command does not function in SWGEmu yet unfortunately. ) In any of the following macros, when you see [brackets], that means there are either multiple options to put in place of [text/text/text] and the options are listed inside of the [brackets] or that it will be a "fill in the blank" sort of deal where you have to type in a name or word. You will have to make them each separate macros. Can you put that key it is mapped to in the combat macro so your guy will auto attack? Thanks Grenade Macro (Slot 12 for Rifle Slot 17 for Heavy) /ui action toolbarSlot12;/pause . Aug 13, 2022 · Finalizer Saturday Update 08/13/2022 The SWGEmu Development Division Newsnet terminal update notes Newsnet updates Covert/overt system - tef timer 5 minutes, overt to covert/resignation timer 15 minutes, crackdown to set players overt 1 day ago · There are macro guides on www. /cast Sinister Strike /script if not IsCurrentAction(36) then UseAction(36) end; That is the one I’m currently trying, but it doesn’t seem to work. You must place attack abilities on your toolbar and use /ui action toolbarSlot##; (where ## is from slots 00 to 23, with 00 being the first slot in the bar). You will need to be ATK to use this macro. #5 – Emergency Nothing new has ever filled the void SWG left behind for me so I’m completely biased admittedly. the ll are lower case LLThe invite macro will make it hard to chat with this character. Do not put semi colon in alias macro. Auto insertion of materials is against SOE guidelines and rules of conduct as it requires illegal third party programs. php?e=de6cced381b-76aa832e7966c6-0-13-----Macro Name: dump/dump;--- Oct 6, 2024 · The GUI (Graphics User Interface) 1. ----- Thank you, zWolf - Corbantis. Use more head shots if auto does some good damage to the mobs mind pool, if not get ready to warning shot it away. I found one that works, it applies Hunter’s Mark and my little piggie charges my target but a big pop-up tells me I’m using something outside of the Blizzard UI function and I’m not really sure what I’m doing wrong that causes that? In anycase, if there is something I can do about this without the dumb pop Hey guys, having some trouble levelling my medic. Oct 9, 2019 · Pet Attack Serpent Sting auto shot ----- that's it nothing more I can get Hunters mark to work I can get pet attack to work after that nothing works been awhile since I worked on macros SWG and wow vanilla can anyone help with the sequence thank you Katzz Xanzu's Guide to Hunting Jedi . Bottom Row Buttons 13-24 = 12-24 for macro'ing purposes. STEP 4: RUNNING THE Here is an explanation of this macro if you are having trouble: The UnattendedAttackParent macro is the outer loop. === Pro-Tip: Make a Macro that initializes all of the macros you want to initialize simultaneously. This includes and is not limited to the now closed live game, pre-cu, swgemu, combat upgrade, new game experience, pswg, and all other SWG server projects. Either click on the patch/unpatch buttons or use hotkeys CTRL+F5/CTRL+F6 to patch and unpatch SWG. Already found out it's done best with 2 chars, one taking damage for the medic to heal. When grinding through a profession like medic, or artisan, having a macro to reduce the mouse clicks when crafting is great. #5 – Emergency A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. /alias ll /invite invite: /pause 15;/ui I got a targeting macro, but it doesn’t work unless I move the camera to the enemy. This does not mean that a Squad Leader is automatically a group Jun 2, 2017 · The commands will be in your logged text file. 5;/tar self;/pause . But AFKers haven’t ruined anything for me in my short time. Stay: Makes the pet stay where you tell it. ok, I hope this helps any of you not interested in creating 'macro' files out side of the game. Further edits have been made for some slight adjustments found to be true in the live game today. There is no auto attack with Resto 3. Usage: Start SWG and then this trainer. 25;/ui action toolbarSlot13;/pause . Example - /harvest hide; To access your character specific macros go to the command browser window, and All you will need is a simple target--attack macro, the droid will auto harvest if he is charged. /ui action toolbarSlot00; /pause 2; /ui action toolbarSlot01; /pause 2; You cannot cancel a single macro, so remember to re-initialize each, every single time. This build with the following macros are ideal for your officer to follow and assist the DPS/Tank toon you're activ There's plenty of guides available on the forums with a simple auto attack macro with loot commands. The macro then switches Steve's target from Bob to Bill. chatCopy Copy selected text to clipboard. Many people use just the letter "a" as their pets attack command. Can anyone help me out? I just want my spells to switch on my 'attack' spell (preferably not shutting it down at second press). 00]: There currently is no way to select resources for crafting with the in game macro, however, you can use an external program like auto-it to fully automate crafting. 5;/tar self I'd basically debuff them by hitting them with warcry, intimidate, blind, stun and then turn on my lung macro: /ui action clearCombatQueue; /pause 2; /unarmedLung2 /macro 'name'; I'd then refresh the debuffs as they fell. Patrol: Makes your pet roam between patrol points, attacking any aggressive creatures that come close to it, or PC's of the Enemy faction. Welcome to r/swg! This subreddit is for SWG discussion in all of its different incarnations. Sep 11, 2022 · If one does this without the survey part, it would also start the timer. Example - /harvest hide; To access your character specific macros go to the command browser window, and Its going over both SWG updates, help guides and Friday Feature for SWG commands and next pull any miss command from this wiki. This is wonderful for grinding XP or for making lots of a component that requires no experimentation. To do this press ctrl + A and click the macro tab, now click new macro and give it whatever name and symbol you want. To purchase the digital download please If the mob has yet to aggro, let auto attack take over. com that will save you hours of time by automatically loading schematics into crafting tools for you. I have the Auto Attack in the proper slot, but it definitely doesn’t start attacking. Managing harvesters after they have been dropped can be a time consuming task. The following are commands that are preceeded with /ui action. 5. to /pause 2; to avoid the macro getting interrupted by lag. These basic principals I'm sure apply to each ranged profession. swgcraft. Just heal and SB. 00]: In all honesty, I haven't found a great way to make an AFK crafting macro. Star Wars Galaxies allows you to bind copy and paste in Options > Controls > Keymap > chat (tab) you can bind keys to Chat Edit Copy, Chat Edit Cut, Chat Edit Paste. Only thing is he won't attack anything while flagged for AFK. 6) by Oberon131313 from the SOE Squad Leader forum The Squad Leader profession is geared towards the increased abilities and functions that can enhance and simplify the normal functions of a group leader. /afk; /pause 180; /macro afk; Click the lair, click macro and it retargets to which ever mob is hitting you once the lair dies and each subsequent mob dies. Run a saber block macro, force drain 1 or heal when you can. These will now be treated like normal commands just like any other command (until you quit the game, at which point it'll forget them). Kinda like 0 rage, press it start hitting, hit it again for rend(the key its macro to) rends but auto wont turn off. I set up a macro that's supposed to prevent my character from going AFK so I can leave him there over night but 3 nights now and everytime I log on my character is afk and not attack and I have only earned a few so. What commands are your favorite to use within Star Wars Galaxies and why? Do you enjoy teasing a friend with the /Tickle emote? My aliases and macros looks like that /alias :a /alias Lampen /ui action toolbarPane04;/pause 2. There is the basic «saber slash» ability that is activated by a right click, but theres never been auto attacks. I use to have a quality of life/play macro that started the defaultButton macro before the /sample. A list of commands will appear in the Teach Pet Commands window. This lets you put variables in your text in order to automatically insert words and names. Though they are seperate macros. Also if you have no mouse over target it will return back to your side and if you’re holding shift it will cast whatever speed ability it has to Hey folks! I'm having a buttload of trouble finding a working auto-attack macro. What I have seen that works alright is AutoIt (google search it) which you find the x, y of the mouse in various states and command it to double click, etc. In the macro example bellow 3 specials were included, but you may use how many you want. Note that there is a character limit for macros and anything longer may cause issues. You can also check out our very own player-run wiki for a list of commands. Now to make the macro part, go back to the Macro Window and now at the bottom there is a button for making a new macro, press this button to begin. Loop. Target/attack macros do not differentiate between mobs. A set of Guides and Macros Avaliable for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided Pre-CU - RogerHuba/swg_guides_macros Note on the loot macro, sometimes when in a group more than one person may be running the macro, to be able to beat them simply do a /loot all corpse; /pause . One then starts sampling, using a defaultButton macro to skip past the Survey Event prompt. Nov 11, 2024 · Because the heals are stronger, they have the drawback of also taking longer to apply, this makes it less appealing to run this build with the major heals in your auto attack macro. He will do just that until he gets flagged for being AFK. Here's a sample: Macro Name: attacker /ui action toolbarSlot00; /pause . Click on the drop down SWG ProcessID list menu and select the SWG processID you want to patch. The only difference between that macro and the attack macro would be different length pauses. The alias only needs to be clicked once and does not need to repeat itself. And it avoids any weird targeting of mobs not in combat with you. You can ask up to 20 questions before the game is over. F = set intended target, R = toggle targeting mode (I forget what its called but this changes your circle cursor to an x and disables/enables the ability to use auto attack), T = auto attack. % - Used in making a macro. Thanks in advance! May 19, 2017 · Finally, this macro does not insert resources/components for you. Try going to program, attack, say "a" without quotes, and then when you find an enemy, target it and say or /tellpet a I would reccomend making a macro for your most used pet commands like attack, follow me, and the specials. Apr 3, 2008 · You can also add to it so that you can use 1 macro to set your focus and attack their target #showtooltip attack /focus /stopmacro /assist focus The lines "/focus " and /stopmacro will set your target as focus if you use the button and stop the rest of the macro from executing while any of the modifier keys are held down. Anyhow, you open your tool - Select your desired resource the macro shall sample - And press ESC/Go back. Some other notes on this macro: 1. Sep 30, 2005 · Well if you stuck a /bactashot self; line in that attack macro you’d run out of mind rather quickly, and you prolly don’t need that much healing anyways,and if you added in a pause x line to increase duration between heals, then you’re making the attack macro very inefficient, solution, run a concurrent looped healing macro, I set mine to Star Wars Galaxies Command List (ground) Note: This is a mix of NGE and pre-NGE commands. Aug 7, 2024 · This is not an end all guide to making macros, I will cover a basic design for making combat macros, assist macros, miscellaneous macros. AUTO-ATTACK Once you initiate an attack, you automatically begin auto- attacking. 5;/ui ac Each command/action takes one round of combat to accomplish. However, I can't figure out how to set it so that when someone tips, I auto-respond to them with a "Thank you". There are no more "no macro" zones or exclusions. com/expertise-calculator. A forum moderator on the official forums (usually referring to either GarVa or Jan 13, 2005 · On November 1st, 2005 at 4:00 AM PST, Star Wars Galaxies launchpad will be taken out of service along with all servers for maintenance and a hot fix. When you press it you will say attack and your pet will keep that as their trained command for attack. The traditional combat queue window from Pre-CU is gone. This macro is only intended to be used against the easiest newbie mobs (like Minor Worts and Lesser Womp Rats outside Mos Entha, Mos Eisley and Mos Espa on Tatooine). #4 – Attack HH /melee2hheadhit3; /pause 1; /macro HH Your basic attack to take down the elder, just leave it running all fight and it will keep going around everything else your doing, including Center of Being, Intimidate etc. AutoSample by Dealman(Looping) Note This Macro will use your Primed sampling resource. 01; /loot all corpse; /pause . Mostly finding private server macros that don't work. You can use a macro to name your structures, add admins, add power, and add maintenance saving some of this time. When you go to program > attack, you are trying to PROGRAM what the attack order is. Some songs and dances don't flow very well 5. The Macro will now use choose this resource when Is there one that works? I want to be able to start attacking a mob even if I don’t have energy for a Sinister Strike to open combat. Start by Giving this macro a name, I called mine "Nakey Time", then pick the icon you want to represent the macro. If you hold shift it will cast dash,dive,charge or whatever pet skill for speed you want to reach said target. Just copy paste the part of the macro that represents a full run of a single crafting tool and change the Slot #. Suggestions? Jul 5, 2007 · + = Create Soul Stone, use Soul Stone see Key #+ Macro - = Warlock Pet Cast, See “Warlock pet cast pet information” and Pet attack Macro 9 = Life Tap / Dark Pact / see Key #9 Macro 8 = Mount see Key #8 Macro 7 = Create Healthstone / Use Healthstone see Key #7 Macro 6 = Hellfire, Rain of Fire see Key #6 Macro This video covers four essential macros to use in every character toolbar for stopping active macros, mounting vehicles, looting & harvesting and getting out /tellpet attack; /tellpet special; /tellpet special2; /macro specialattack; Halting Your Pets Attack Cycle: When you want your pet to stop attacking and come to you (especially now that “ferocity” is in full effect again. Once you are off Tansari Station and have completed a few quests, then next thing to do is set up shop in a cantina and start to get down! These macros will help you on your way, as they are a great way to move up in the phases. So the next tool would be toolbarSlot05. This is a multi client auto attack trainer for SWG, it now includes an ini file to make updates easier. enjoy Here's a little more advanced harvesting macro for the hardcore Rangers out there. Another variation on the same basic macro can be found in the general artical on macros. Hitting "Y" what does it do, NEW PLAYER ANSWER what is the difference between the Circle with the Dot reticle vs the Plus +, Circle with the Dot is Auto target which if you use auto fire it will automatically start firing when your intended target is selected, in the display above my intended target has been selected as the Nuna displayed in the upper left Yes, go to your Keymap then the target tab and assign whatever key to "toggle repeat auto-attack". I know I use one that isn't fully auto, you have to select resources still, but the screens themselves keep moving without any prompt from the user. Here is my vision. I know it says ctrl click an ability to set, but I have not seen it auto attack. Naturally, the special can be a non-combative one, such as a Heal. rttn wglcg vvavv mpknqvx hfzd icnpu jvz ccl knu kzikb