Ck2 request claim from pope. If Duke - Buy claims for Kingdoms.
Ck2 request claim from pope The pope will almost always grant you one against children, women, and excommunicated characters. Because the Pope has no holdings outside the duchy that's the target of the war, and because he is lower tier than you, he becomes your vassal. I'm aware of the intrigue-steward lifestyle combination, but it's not useful in my situation. Here is an excerpt from ck2 wiki "Christian, Jewish, and Zoroastrian rulers can ask their religious head to condone an invasion on another realm that follows the same religion and head. Once you usurp from him he no longer has Dec 14, 2024 · You can use "Request Claim" to obtain any number of claims and then utilize "Claim all" CB. If Duke - Buy claims for Kingdoms. Gain the Innovation to press multiple claims if you can. Friendly actions [edit | edit source] Send Gift Right click the banner of the claim you want. This it's true also for the claims: the pope give me the claim, maybe you don't recognize him but the rest of the world yes. Once the owner of an unpressed claim dies, so does the unpressed claim. I want to invade the kingdom of mercy, wessex etc to form the kingdom of England and go as far as France. So even if they were only requesting claim on an kingdom, it wouldn't work (and a king could not request a claim on an empire either, nor a king on another king). com Nov 12, 2017 · Right now the pope likes me by 79, but he won't grant my anyclaims. Claims are used as Casus Belli for war, and less frequently as a justification for title revocation. Unless you are asking the real Pope, target must have the same religious head. Marry her to your heir. Tried to get a hook on the pope by sending my spymaster to Rome. A button under the Pope opens a list of claims he is willing to give. try to drain the pope's coffers by having him giving you as much gold as many times as possible (last time i had him give me about 10k in gold). The county of Rome can be conquered like any other county, even by Catholics themselves if they have a de jure claim (eg: holding the Duchy of Latium or the Kingdom of Italy). You then press that claim, which makes your vassal bishop become the pope. they only made it more obvious by putting it in the popup window. Oct 5, 2020 · Request Claim on Ireland: Gain the Laudably Conquer County casus belli for 100 years 1000 Gold 2000 Piety Title rank is king or emperor Frankish, North Germanic or West Germanic culture group Level of Devotion is at least Devoted Servant +80 Opinion with the pope Control Deira, Essex, Lancester and Mercia < > Apr 4, 2020 · You should be able to request a coronation from a bishop in the intrigue tab. Seriously, WTF? I recently got back into CK3 after tours and tournaments released and made some random German count to try out the new systems, and for some reason after I became a duke it seemed like the Pope was having a buy one get two sale on duke and kingdom level claims. Just usurp Papal States/Romagna from him ONCE you are able to change the succession laws to Primogeniture or Ultimogeniture. Pope gets Rome and latium, papacy is once again a title. Wiki says they're the same cost and that the request claim is also unpressed. Aug 8, 2015 · Personally I mostly use Papal claim for my conquest when playing a catholic, faster and cheaper then fabricating claim, but with more random target, as you can much reliably get whole duchy, especially if you pile up your chancellor and chaplain in Rome and get an extremely high papal opinion bonus, as to chain demand to him if you have high piety, letting you swipe every title in someone See full list on ck2. That weakens the request claim Mostly though, easp in the beginning, its best to go half and half and just request all your claims from the pople, its quick, and worth more in gold than fabricated claims/ But mostly you dont use it for two reasons, 1. There is the 'Claim' button on the title page (the page that lists the successors, tax rate, de-jure holdings) of any county/duchy. In CK3 Base reluctance is -40, but the request gains a significant bonus based on the size of the Papal treasury. Apr 8, 2014 · Hello to all! I've been playing CK2 for quite a while, and I've taken a fancy to the pagans. Sep 10, 2020 · Story of de Hautevilles - A Crusader Kings 3 story about your favourite Normans in Italy Something to Remember me by - A Crusader Kings 2 short story de Hautevilles- Can Anyone Stop the Norman Invasion?: A tale of Normans in Southern Italy. So I vassalized the pope as byzantine emperor. If your cardinal elects a new pope, the new pope will appreciate that. I pushed 6 claims at once on Scotland last week (kept asking 2 popes for claims till I basically had all of Scotland claimed). The goal of a Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Jul 29, 2020 · You can request a claim on a county or duchy by pressing the "Claim" button on its title screen or by right-clicking its ruler. Once you usurp from him he no longer has The Pope hasn't called one for literally 100 years despite valid targets, and if I use the Request Crusade interaction, the Pope accepts but instantly cancels it despite me having ~150k troops and the target having only ~20k. After that make everyone vote you to be emperor. Oct 16, 2024 · Players can request crusades by right-clicking on an independent ruler, selecting "Request Crusade", and then selecting one of the kingdoms controlled by the ruler. Lets say I establish an fractinelly anti pope and press his claim for rome. You can also right click the holder of the title you want. While he wasn’t my vassal he worked fine. If the Emperor has a daughter she'll do. For Claims and Casus Belli's go here: Casus Belli (usage and claims) and Types of Casus Belli. Then start a war with the Pope (you need a claim on Latium also in this case). Slavic, Norse, Zoastrian, I've tried them all. Pressed claims are simply claims that can be inherited. Oct 23, 2014 · Does the Pope give more money if I put my steward to collect more taxes increasing my taxes temporarily and thereby affecting the whole annual income? As far as I have seen, the Pope always refuses to give me a coin. You can either press hers if the current Emperor isn't of age yet or wait her to get a grandson with a weak claim and press his. Step 2) Request Invasion of the HRE. Send your court chaplain to improve religious relations in Rome so the Pope likes you more. 2) Click on the portrait for the desired target. Screw the Kingdom title. My aim was to create the Angevin empire which i'm close to achieving once my marriage to the female heir of Aquatine goes through but i'm no longer able to request a claim to invade England. ; About CK3 Wiki; Mobile view If you want the pope to get you the claim and you're independent, try to have at least one cardinal in the college of cardinals. Steps to reproduce the issue. At some point requesting claims is nigh impossible/barely worth it because you'll be spending upwards of 2000 piety for a single duchy. But in those cases (a) they still had to fork over actual money and (b) the Pope said he could grant the claim because Sicily was (according to the Pope) a de jure vassal of the Papal temporality. Some claims I got, somd I don’t. However what if an appointer of an Anti-pope wants to do even more? As all claims are treated equally in terms of validity, what differentiates an unpressed claim is that it cannot be inherited. There's no way the Catholic church would hand out 10% of it's treasury to a no name county level vassal in Barcelona. Consequently, the little green pluses outnumber the little red minuses 8 to 5. But getting the pope to give you claims is only a sure thing if he's your vassal or maybe if you get someone of your dynasty as pope. My question is, how long will this modifier be present in the game? How long does it take for it to disappear? If you own more cardinals than an opponent within your religious realm, and he's larger than you, you can request an invasion or claim his title using the Pope. own the Empire of Italia / Holy Roman Empire with the Duchy of Latium having de-jure drifted into the papacy, or the antipope whose claim you're pressing has to be a member of your dynasty (easy to achieve - revoke a bishopric Fabricate claims for slow and steady progress. You can claim every duchy and county of every Roman-Catholic ruler at the cost of just 100 piety! (50 when you have papal investiture). I do not see the button on the Pope's scree (divorce/money screen) nor on a other countries screen. That's a feat all its own. Oct 10, 2014 · The Pope should really be throwing money (since he's never going to exhaust his tens of thousands of ducats) and titles ("Defender of the Placeholder of God on Earth" doesn't seem too bad to have in your CV) at your Catholic neighbors if you attack him so they will come to his assistance. There is an op way to success (if still remained) is to give money to the cardinal who will become Pope (like 70 gold for +50 opinion) and when he become Pope you still have the bonus opinion andget +100 opinion with him. First perk in Intrigue as well. 1 question. Ask money and get 700 gold and repeat this forever. From there declare the war and if successful you receive the title in question and any occupied holdings. Didn't have enough time to test whether it works if the vassal pope dies, or after a crusade cooldown is gone. Try to fabricate Strong Hook on Pope to get claims 50% cheaper (500 Piety to Buy Duchy claim, 250 Pope Request Duchy). Nov 19, 2018 · Things I have after having 500 piety: 1) Click on the pope's portrait. I now have a chance to take 50% of their land in war but I can't press the claim. Jun 19, 2023 · Any Catholic playthrough of Crusader Kings 3 teaches you that staying in the Pope’s good graces can be quite lucrative. The pope essentially wants almost anyone else to be emperor. Through one of the learning focuses you will be able to buy a claim or if you’re catholic request one from the pope perhaps. The pope like me enough but he is not gonna give me the claim ( -1000 ). However, even if they're not, request claim has a number of limitations. Claims and Invasions: A vassal Pope can provide claims on territories for the player, making expansion smoother. Anyone know Having a claim to a title means you've got a justification for it being yours. (As long as he has money). To request, right-click on the target (not on your liege). Have the pope give you claims on kingdom titles you know you want before you create your first kingdom. after you do that, create an antipope and backstab the pope by pressing the antipope's claim on the vatican (a day before your mercs land on rome so that when the pope calls in mercs of his own, they will be at 0 moral) Dec 25, 2017 · The Pope has a +100 opinion of me. In this way you can claim entire Hungary for 700 piety (or 350) and Poland costs just 500 piety (or 250)! 5. Request claim from the pope The only cases I can think of are giving claims to the English and then French royal families (specifically not the kings or their heirs) for Sicily. Is there a mod or some other way by which the Pope's ability to cancel crusades can be disabled? Sep 19, 2020 · The pope is terrefied of my high level intrigue character, which got the threatend life hook, By using this hook i have enough + points to make him accept my claim, but because i don't have enough piety i cant Pope: omg no please don't kill me! i'll do whatever you want! but please pray to god a few years before i do so R5: Title pretty self-explanatory - The 'Request Claim' tooltip isn't showing the Pope's opinion of the target ruler (even when there's 'room', so it's not a weird overflow issue, as seen on the first image). But Christians are a different story. Jan 1, 2018 · So my heir holds a weak claim on Germany and Burgundy. Again, if you're a king or emperor you can only request duchy claims. The Pope hasn't called one for literally 100 years despite valid targets, and if I use the Request Crusade interaction, the Pope accepts but instantly cancels it despite me having ~150k troops and the target having only ~20k. Waiting for the Pope to die doesn't work out great because each subsequent Pope has de jure claims to the counties/duchies of Papal States/Romagna. < > Oct 27, 2015 · Another way to get it is to marry your way into getting a claim. The option will only appear if the Pope is immediately allowed to declare war, so check the first list above if it's missing. In example the pope excomunicates the king of France and the antipope but only the people that follow the real pope will have the opinion malus. All the previous threads seem to be pre-holy fury. Even if he loved me. Casus Belli is a Latin term that means “cause of war. Theology focus (and pilgrimage), joining a monastic order or Buying Indulgence will usually be sufficient for acceptance, as well as placing your Chaplain on the Pope's location. ” It refers to gaining a valid reason or justification for declaring war in Crusader Kings 2. e. Hey everybody. Claims usually give a casus belli against the holder, but not always, this depends on the position All the nomads who became pope through the most convoluted series of events in CK2 are sad on this day. Your head of faith has to ve spiritual, has to like you, and has to have a favorable opinion on the request. You don't get any Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. You can lose your title and still have a line of popes who support you. But I'm stuck. In my game, the Pope lost Rome early on to the HRE, so I built a Temple and landed him in my capital. In CK2, you cannot simply declare war on another ruler without a valid Casus Belli. Apr 11, 2012 · We've seen horde vassalize the pope, but it is also possible to get the Papacy under the HRE's control in CK2 vanilla. I've looked in: Intrigue menu, My Portrait Right-Click, Pope Portrait Right-Click, Duchy Title screen, Duchy Title Right-Click, Duchy Owner Right You can also ask the Pope for a CB, just remember it's easier against women and children, so if a child is going to inherit, kill the adult holding the title and when the child inherits, the Pope is much more likely to give you a claim. Prince bishops are a little higher, they control whole countys, maybe a duchy too. If the Pope is vassalized, set the realm's Investiture Laws to "Free" so that the Pope can request for a law change rather than independence (and you can then choose another clerical vassal if you don't wish to fulfil Jun 4, 2015 · Players can request crusades by right-clicking on an independent ruler, selecting "Request Crusade", and then selecting one of the kingdoms controlled by the ruler. Excommunication: With the Pope under your control, you gain the power to request excommunications. Thing is, in most cases, I can´t claim duchies and counties because the "claim" spot in the title view… Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Aug 28, 2024 · Be sure to be in good relations with the Pope before asking for a coronation if you wish to receive a more tolerable request. No claims to clergy and no granting claims more than two tiers above your title. A pope of your dynasty protects all your kin, wherever they are. Also the piety costs scale somehow. Is there a mod or some other way by which the Pope's ability to cancel crusades can be disabled? This videos is the simplest way to effectively gain more power from the pope in CK3. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Otherwise please expand this article here, any problems with information should be corrected. Upload Attachment Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Selecting future cardinals [edit | edit source] If you want to get claims via pope best way to do it is be male virtuous (you get a +10 for every virtue in addition to the approval for it being a virtue) Look for female land owners or children, and look for sinful people as well. 2. Win the war. Marry children for big gains that take time to pay off. You read that right you could become the pope as any religion through the power of nomad shenanigans in CK2. You can declare war on the Papacy to press your antipope's claim. If you declare war for an unpressed claim, it becomes a pressed claim. Click on the title to see if you have the usurp option. paradoxwikis. If you are an Emperor, you end up with the Pope as a King level vassal. I want to do a claim on a foreign throne to annex it to my empire. Also, free divorce. g. In my game he has 998 Hierarchical paired with Ancestor Veneration gives “saints” and access to Eldership, and a duke-head that can hold a temple for more Moral Authority and I think can excommunicate vassals and request Claims on same-religion land like a vassal-Pope for some nice realm management. This usually works better if the title holder is a female, child, or sinner and even better all 3. I have been trying to establish the Roman Empire this play through but getting control of the Byzantine Empire has not been working out. My Antipope gave me all the claimes i wanted. If King - Buy claims for Duchies. (You'll need 500 piety) Step 3) Declare war ---> Feb 11, 2017 · vassalizing the pope as a catholic emperor is by far the most broken overpowered thing you can do, and it only gets even more exploitable after the crusade trigger hits as the ability to trade gold for piety via templar donations allows you to instantly fabricate a claim on any county or duchy level title held by any catholics within the world (even those held by vassals under non catholic I have fulfilled the conditions (500 piety, more cardinals than the Lombards, the pope liking me more) twice, but in both cases the Pope has refused my request. It can only be done if the Pope likes you more than the opponent and you have more cardinals than he does. Break apart big kingdoms through murder. The option has completely gone? I was working on the pope to a point where i only needed Oct 9, 2017 · Hello there, the Pope has recently denied my request for a claim and now I can't ask again because of the "I still won't accept your proposal" modifier which makes it literally impossible to get his approval. This allows you to target troublesome vassals or rivals, limiting their influence and potentially justifying wars against them. other than that the only way is to usurp by claiming a majority of the de jure titles (counties and duchies). Or are you saying that the Pope can excommunicate you when you have an Antipope? I don't think that's true. If you refuse: The favor is not spent; The requester's opinion decreases (-5 "Refused to press claim" for 1 year) Used request claim to claim most duchies of england, and win it in a single war with Press All Claims. Feb 21, 2024 · Request claims from the Pope, especially against children or female rulers. but even if you have the piety to pay for it the pope still has to like you and support your cause. You can have your chancellor fabricate 2 claims, or ask the pope for claims. If you reform the faith, it makes things even easier. Characters with a high diplomacy stat are preferred for this . It also feels like it's way too easy to get a claim, but I'm not sure that part is actually a bug, Steps to reproduce 1. You could ask for money in Ck2 but the pope was alot more particular about who he liked enough to agree to the request. You must have a claim on the target or a smaller realm than the target. But that sucks, because I'd have to win them one county or duchy at a time with de jure claims. Toggle signature The Playable Dynastic Theocracy Mod - work your way from Prince-Bishop to Pope and make sure that your dynasty stays in power. As liege, you have the option to refuse such a request. Chancellor mission to Fabricate Claim Request claim from Pope Grant . But as soon as I pressed hos claim the the pope was my vassal he didn’t anymore. Long story short I stay emperador of western Europe (Hispania, france, England and North Africa, Jerusalem, Arabia, venice Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. It basically makes your archbishop the new pope and gives them the Dec 6, 2018 · But I made a weird experience with the pope tough. In my game he has 998 Having a claim to a title means you've got a justification for it being yours. As far as I know, only your head of religion can excommunicate you. As a Catholic emperor with a vassal Pope you're basically a Caliph, since you can request crusades against whomever you like as soon as the 30 year cooldown is over. - low opinion with pope - unpious traits - excommunicated etc - YOUR positive opinion with pope - YOUR pious traits You could always do this, the last update made it visible as a notification, which I personally like a lot! The drawback is that if you are a very pious person + befriended the pope you'll get A LOT of these. You can also beg the pope to give you claims on duchies. you declare a war that you can pretty much instantly win because the pope has no allies and barely any levies. Title claimants of that The whole bit about the pope granting claims is in the game because there are a few examples in history of that happening. what the request invasion diplo action does is if you have a claim on a title larger than your holdings you may ask the pope (or patriarch for orthodox/miaphysite) for an invasion cacus belli for some piety. The pope will only give claims for county and duchy level. Claims are the method by which you claim ownership of territory, they can be acquired by a number of ways. Most christian gov types do not permit personal holding of temples, which you give out to any male courtiers who then become bishops. This Crusader Kings 3 Tip and Trick is game changing and not known by mo lowers your relations with the Pope and can help get you excommunicated I don't think it's possible to get excommunicated when your head of religion is your vassal. Rather than having to search directly for the title that you wish to gain a claim on, you can use the new button in the religious view to get a list of potential Catholic rulers owning titles for which the Pope is Nov 14, 2024 · Request Claim [edit | edit source] Rulers with a spiritual head of faith may use this interaction to request an pressed claim on one of a co-religionist's currently held titles. Fabricating Claims Aug 18, 2019 · Pick theology focus and make the pope like you, plot to claim your de jure duchy, then request claim of an elector duchy to the pope and make it your primary title. Granted, in CK2, when the pope excommunicated someone, there was a message all characters saw, but in CK3, I think you only get notified when it happens to you, or you request excommunication of someone else and the pope accepts. In one case I was also playing as the castrated, one-eyed, gardener, poet, zealous-just-diligent-charitable-temperate perfect monk of the Benedict Society Stephanos 'the Holy' that the The antipope always has a claim on the title The Papacy (not Rome). Completed! And the answer is simple: no one can stop Norman Invasion. Either way, can I use the fractinelly pope to give me claims only on land that is owned my fractinelly rulers, or can a fractinelly pope give me claims on Christian duchies etc. In this section, we will discuss the various ways to gain Casus Belli in Crusader Kings 2. the second option is slower however so best to focus on getting yourself Mar 9, 2024 · The Pope can't count when Requesting Claims Description When doing Request Claim from the Pope, the values shown for the decision don't add up to the total. Feb 11, 2012 · you need a large amount of piety to unlock the option to request the pope to grant you an invasion casus belli. Dec 23, 2013 · Im not too sure how to request a crusade. Not usable on titles held by theocracies or merchant republics. You can create legal claims by gaining titles that include the territory you wish to conquer, you can use other people's claims, you can request (if not vassalized) or tell (if vassalized) the Pope (only if you're Catholic, of course) to give you claims, or you can marry into a claim, or you can fabricate a claim via plot if you are a vassal. You can also only use it against co-religionists. 0 unless otherwise noted. I have the pope as my vassal but I cant find anything on granting a claim. Then I could usurp England if I wanted to. Not useful for several years. save huge amount of money and start a meaningless war with a small duchy and hire most mercenaries you can afford. My character is currently a minor and the pope has granted claims to my titles 4 times in the past year, once to a clergy member. I then spent years getting the King and the immediate heirs assassinated. See above. Sep 7, 2020 · That can come in handy if a character holds several kingdom titles but you want a claim on one specific kingdom title he holds. No matter how good my relations with him were, no matter if I am actually Jersusalem and losing against a deadly Jihad, or if I In my current game, I've been having trouble getting crowned because the pope wants me to fight the HRE for some land in Italy, and the emperor is a big scary Cathar monster. There are three ways that I know of to access the 'Request Claim' feature. instead of having to request it manuely by right clicking your target you wanted a claim on. If the CK3 flair is correct, then the OP is dealing with a mechanic not exclusive to emperors. Crusader Kings II. he gets an immediate strong claim on the papacy. Wait for the current Emperor to die and you'll have a daughter-in-law with a claim. Oct 16, 2020 · This page was last edited on 16 October 2020, at 21:12. I'm currently in 773 and I'm King of Northumbria. Sep 4, 2020 · He's too generous. Quite easy, due to the fact they all get conquest claims on their neighbors. Guarantees Claims. Just press the press all claims option. You have to create an antipope (a vassal bishop of any kind will do), which gives that character a claim on the papacy itself (i. Find secrets of rulers, expose them, and request claims from the Pope. Buy claims on duchies one buy one. The Pope will not accept your request if you have free investiture (unless he is your vassal). The vassal gets a claim on the asker The request is denied 63055: The vassal is also imprisoned! 63056:. I kept asking him, and he kept saying "Go fight the Kaiser," and I just wasn't getting anywhere. Mar 13, 2016 · So for example a normal pope that likes you at 100 will probably refuse to grant you a crusade, divorce, a claim on a duchy, money or an invasion request. Open any Request Claim to the Pope. For Claims and Casus Belli's go here: Casus Belli (usage and claims) and Types of. May 23, 2023 · the pope always gave claims if you had enough piety, opinion, and if the pop hated the other guy enough. If you want the new pope to be your vassal, you have to be Emperor, and either the de-jure liege of the Papacy (e. Just like in CK2 it is easier to request claims from the pope if the holder of the title is a woman or child or has negative traits towards the church. you click a button to turn one of your bishops into an antipope. So instead I just requested more claims from the popeman so I could eat it faster. Whereas a pope you put into power will grant you these things. THIS IS THE BONUS. So an excomunication will work only on the "right" side of the catholicism. The first, and strongest, is crusades. ) saving it up, In many cases the individual with the claim will not be interested in joining your realm after you have installed them. Oct 26, 2016 · Though, immediately getting the papacy back in the fold again via a anti-pope claim removed the request crusade option unfortunately. Not only does that ensure access to a great source of gold, but it can also open an avenue to being granted claims on your less pious rivals’ titles. Mar 29, 2024 · You can request that your liege press your personal claim or declare a de jure war on your behalf. This strategy allows you to conquer vast amounts of land, even entire kingdoms with enough piety, in a single war, and allows you to appoint new count and duke level vassals on the newly conquered territory. Sounds like politics today. Step 1) Become the Pope's vassal. - Have no kingdom title yet. This will highly reduce Pope ability to hire them. Oct 3, 2020 · I'm playing as Count Faulk of Touraine 867 start. Popes The pope has several powers. How to become pope ck2 crusader kings 2 antipope remove ck2 vassalize pope ck2 antipope recently deposed Crusader Kings II Victoria 2 Semper Fi Heir to the Throne Hearts of Iron III If you make an anti-pope, it will lower the moral authority of the Crusader Kings II includes this element of history which is presented in both curious and useful way. Remember once you have the window open you can click the recycle button to change your target. Yet I can not request a claim on his title. Under the intrigue tab my coronation button has been greyed out since I pressed it and got the mission from the pope. On the decisions there is an option to re install the pope at Rome. the kingdom level title). If played right, you can conquer whole Empires in a single war. The Request Claim interaction has been given a special new interface as well to make it more intuitive and accessible to players. 4. Had a similar situation where the pope asked for a lot of money, so I said no and asked one of my bishops instead. Get the force vassalage CB perk from the diplo tree to gobble up smaller realms. But when I click on a demand, my pope refuses it, it says "No: Pope Carlestinus II will not accept your offer He's too generous. With the current current weight even with 100 opinion of you from the pope it is impossible to claim a title of someone he doesn't actively dislike. I understand that worked great for everyone involved. May 19, 2023 · That +45 bonus means the pope has a -90 opinion of the emperor. Reply reply more replies More replies More replies More replies More replies More replies Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Guarantees Request money. Aug 27, 2020 · The only thing historically similar that I remember having happened was the Pope giving a cry to the Normans about Sicily, but with the promise that they would be the Pope's vassals, that is, it happened, but it happened only near the Pope, which even it caused wars between the Normans and the Pope. Nov 24, 2024 · Hi, I've been playing ck2 for a while. Apr 16, 2021 · With Holy Fury, emperors who have vassalize the pope should have Free Investiture before their (and their successors') coronation by the Pope, so that the Pope can ask for a law change rather than independence (which is another valid and popular request) Give the Pope a landed title; Control cardinals Sep 13, 2023 · Declare war on the Pope using the JD "de jure claim on duchy" CB. Same tab that had demand payment from the golden obligations perk and the request title to ask the pope for a claim on land. Conquering Rome doesn't do anything to the Papacy itself, it merely becomes unlanded. After 3/4 wars you can usurp the kingdom. Nothing. The second is pretty self explanatory. Jul 6, 2023 · The Pope needs to have a cooldown on claim granting of your titles and restrictions on granting claims. My only doubt is: the math in the acceptance score seems to be odd I get +25 from my piety (OK), I get +25 from the pope's opinion on me (100)(OK) Then I get -5 here's a tip. If you're Catholic or Orthodox christian you can request claims from your HoF if they like you enough/hate the title holder enough. On the religion screen it has an option for me to reinstate the papacy. Now small girl is on the throne, and her relationship with the Pope is +8 due to her state diplomacy. - You could try to request a claim I believe from the pope if the ruler is a child, women or a sinner. And making cardinals is rather cheap. Dec 5, 2016 · Hi, I am trying to get the pope to declare a crusade on the Sunni Arabian empire in my KoJ game, crusades have been unlocked and the same pope who declared the start of crusades has fought and won 7 crusades in the span of 25 years. But yeah I installed a vassal pope and normally they're nice guys with divorce, give claims and taxes. The religious head must have at least 1 holding or it won't allow a crusade to be called. Jan 24, 2022 · This applies for every religious character interaction, such as request gold, divorce spouse, request claim (so long as the desired claim is within your overall realm), repent sins/indulgence, etc. However, the Pope liked their King, so I looked down the list of heirs and found the third in line was a small girl who had -8 relationship with the Pope. Edit: What if you were a vassal of the pope, and started a claimant faction with your impossible claim? would it let you? I've read multiple times the pope can grant claims but I can't find anything on where in the UI you can find this option. Pope Adrian IV granted the King of England a claim to Ireland in 1155, for instance. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. The former is a bit more complicated. Once Kings/Emperors cannot request or buy claims on titles of King-tier or higher. I have all of requirements: enough piety, I'm not at war with the Pope. Sep 10, 2020 · I'm currently an emperor with some realms. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. So I'm playing as the Republic of Venice. Aug 27, 2020 · I really hoped that the request claim thing would be harder/less unrealistic than in CK2 HF, but apparently not by much. Rather than having to search directly for the title that you wish to gain a claim on, you can use the new button in the religious view to get a list of potential Catholic rulers owning titles for which the Pope is Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. The cost is in piety using the same rates as Buy Claim above, and will cause a -50 opinion penalty with the target. Sep 15, 2019 · Your pope holds sway over all Catholics, not just your realm, so you can get external excommunications and sanctioned invasions. I'm currently the Dodge and I already got some claims on english lands (a duchy to be specific) through the pope (right click title owner > Request Claim > select title). Nov 27, 2017 · From Crusader Kings II Wiki. your antipope becomes the official pope and stays your vassal as long as you're an Oct 19, 2014 · 3. Having a lot of mercenaries will help you in counter the Pope hiring the remaining. - You could Usurp the title if you have most of its land. The pope has 100 relation with me and I have papal investiture, he is also not a vassal of anyone and landed. Mar 16, 2015 · You got it wrong. - Go learning middle tree. Jul 12, 2015 · its really not that much to deal with. How do I gain claims as a Christian? I know I can send my chancelllor to fabricate The Papacy is titular, meaning that it can only be inherited or obtained through pressing a claim (which is what installing the anti-Pope does). For complete religion and church guide, see here: Religion & Keeping the Church Strong. Jul 21, 2019 · Don't give the Pope anything. It should be one of the top tabs. Sometimes they ask for independence when you need to be crowned. and i've inherited all Anjou and expanded to hold Nantes as well. The pope can call a crusade as long as the moral authority of the catholic church is 5% or higher. This calls for a religious war, generally against muslims, but after 1198 crusades can also be called upon pagans. Crusader Kings 2 AAR. kdvrsrfpoclarpwomdqntktimelzfisfbwzbtlfoamllveig