Boss slayer osrs reddit I think it could be a good idea to tweak end-game slayer a bit. It never got fixed because players got used to (and liked) it being an "afk boss". The commenters so far are wrong about why it got rejected. 1). For example, ur task is gargoyles then do grotesque guardians. In its current form, the OSRS team have suggested a boss slayer task system. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. Title - just looking to see who the community thinks is the most difficult slayer boss; Round 2 - the “worst” or most “un-fun” slayer boss Bonus round - most difficult boss in the game that is not inferno/TOB/COX related I’m not actually sure who I’d vote most difficult slayer boss, I’ve fought them all sans the Hydra. I don’t usually kill bosses in OSRS mainly just slayer and farming runs however I have been enjoying Scurrius what would be the next boss to tackle that isn’t that much more difficult than Scurrius? Apologies if this isn’t the best place to ask a question like this ☺️ The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. Especially if you're not super sweaty or in-the-know so you don't really know what tasks are and aren't worth doing. Stand alone together. You should really only do it if you're looking for some variety in your slaying. RNG based for Dawn skip; 99% of time I get it but that 1% chance just ruins a trip and tilts so much. 79% where as at 95 slayer it is 5. A subreddit centered on Old School RuneScape, a captivating rendition of the game that originated in 2007 and has since flourished under the guidance of a dedicated development team. Slayer is a pitifully tiresome skill to grind out, it's why within OSRS it's been subject to an absurd amount of changes compared to what it used to be when OSRS dropped. my GG PB is 1. Thermy and kraken have zero mechanics or anything. Duradel (Duradaddy) is generally the "bossing" slayer master. And i'm just wanting to go and train at the boss (stupid me didnt feel like going for 2 tries at the previous task, low supplies and just wanted to end the task). Join us for game discussions, tips and… It doesn't calculate it's damage correctly. I then just take 24 sharks which allows me to get around 20-25 kills per trip. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Hydra boss, Cerberus, sire, and kraken (to an extent) is where the real money is. If you are worried about "being stuck" with a task, only unlock it when you have an extra 500 slayer points left over to skip any tasks you don't want to do. I don't mind the drops being low if the boss itself is made less frustrating. The bonus is that you get to get to use the best item in the game against bosses at all times (slayer helm). Nieve and Duradel have a chance of assigning you a boss in place of a regular assignment. Unlock boss tasks and that will allow u to use the insane 16% bonus of the slayer helm. 48%, also with all quest unlocked bosses done and boss slayer unlocked the odds of each boss is only 0. I am 83 Slayer; 75 Combat; 92 Ranged, 97 Magic, 1 Def. If you want to get max cape then don't do boss tasks except cerberus. A place for all Iron gamemodes to share their journey and information with others! Join us at discord. 2m xp worth of tasks to hunt for boss pets. Also using slayer tasks such as black demons for demonic gorillas, greater demons for Zammy boss, spider task for venenatis boss etc etc, this is why slayer is so good, because you then get the insane slayer helm boost to ur boss The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. Dailies are also generally unpopular. Dragon warhammer/ bgs for Boss slayer and Sara Godsword for general slayer is nice to have. Such a tedious boss with multiple mechanics should surely have better gp/hr. How can Kraken be early game when it’s literally hard locked by a slayer level higher than a boss in the mid tier? A subreddit centered on Old School RuneScape, a captivating rendition of the game that originated in 2007 and has since flourished under the guidance of a dedicated development team. Hydra is optional (good money) but Konar is terrible for xp. Cerb is boring and basically just consists of you chugging prayer, even with spectral. Most bosses already have other slayer tasks that work for them as well, and for the ones that don't you won't receive much befit from doing them on task. Wildy slayer is unmatched, free supplies (blighted restores/mantas/anglers), almost every task is cannon-able or barrage-able, the new wildy weapons give crazy combat exp/hr, and the ammount of points earned per task allows you to skip very frequently, you can basically pick your tasks once you have a slayer point bank built up. Any monster on the boss log, with the exception of the corporeal beast, can be assigned as a Slayer task. I'm not there yet, but needing to Turael skip for good tasks like Aviansie or Hydra doesn't seem like good game design. Secondly, the OSRS team tried so hard to keep boss slayer balanced (god bless), that it lacks benefit and reward. The slayer master asks whether you want to do regular gauntlet or corrupt, and then you can choose a number between 3-15 completions. It's just tragic that the standard slayer mob is better money than the slayer boss. 752K subscribers in the 2007scape community. At least we have some awesome rewards to offer you! Araxxor is a Slayer boss (requiring 92 slayer) found in the Morytania Spider Cave. You also need a reserve of slayer points to be able to skip bad locations / tasks. I suggest to start doing boss slayer after 95. Currently at 80 slayer and my favourite is gargoyle's mainly because i unlocked grotesque guardians with like 2 kills remaining on my previous gargoyle's slayer task. 11~, the boss sucks. I started doing Kraken Boss yesterday, I got giving my 1st task of it to kill 205 (extended). Don't pay too much attention to the pkers, instead pay attention to your risk, doing your tasks quickly and cleanly, and getting in and out of the cave as fast as possible so maximizing your dps basically :) those barraging tasks in there are unreal. See I was thinking the opposite. Just under 2 levels to go until 95 slayer and have 10ish Jad kills under my belt. Hi all, I know some people here use my spreadsheet for optimizing slayer, so I wanted to give a PSA that I've updated it recently to improve the accuracy of some of the formulas, and anyone using it should make a new copy of the newest version (v2. Unfortunately times have changed and 50m doesn't buy you a whole lot nowadays. This was a very bad idea. Would it be better to stick with Duradel to continue the Jad grind until I get the pet (especially given a long term goal is the music cape which needs the inferno unlocked as well so may be able to get the pet + spare cape in Stand alone together. At 95 you unlock everything and you still have 4. 75 u get gargoyles and you start making money, once u get to 91 and 95 for cerb and hydra it becomes really good. So im really new and i have startet playing osrs about 4-5 months ago then i did a big pause and now if been thinking to play again but i have done almost every quest except dragon slayer should i try dragon slayer first or should i get membership already? dont really know. The setup i use is: Slayer Helm (I), Occult, Sara Cape, Bandos D'Hide, Staff of Seas, Maladiction Ward, Barrows Gloves, Inifnity Boots. CG until 2 enh + full crystal > Slayer to 69 for Anguish and Suffering > Zulrah for BP > Finish Zenyte set > Bandos for armour > ToB for Avernic > Slayer to 87 (skip if spooned Sang on previous step) > After Trident/Sang do CoX until Dex > Inferno (by this point you have good enough gear to start learning with 95+ range 85+ defence and 94+ magic) Honestly I think the way to go is slayer. A boss is a powerful, usually unique monster that is fought to accomplish an objective, be it the advancement or completion of a quest or minigame, or as part of a team player-versus-monster event. So, future bosses would be designed tanker with this in mind and then future bosses would be brutal to do off-task, further enforcing the “you must be on a slayer task to boss somewhat efficiently The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. Some people have different taste. I remembered recently that I can't farm for the hydra pet and Jad pet at the same time. Konar gives annoying tasks sometimes. Hydra is a money printer that puts you to sleep. If you enjoy Slayer Bossing and thus have “Like a Boss” purchased but also want to avoid the Wilderness at all costs, you’ll be able to do just that thanks to the 7th Slayer Block Slot, by using all 7 slots on these tasks : Chaos Elemental, Chaos Fanatic, Crazy Archaeologist, Scorpia, Callisto, Vet’ion & Venenatis. Additionally u can do the boss variants of slayer tasks. Konar has a lot more bad tasks than other slayer masters, so you need a lot more points available to start with. Blocking tasks in OSRS is essential to optimize your Slayer tasks and avoid inefficient assignments. After, you don’t really touch slayer until 90 magic for ice barrage with divine magic potions. The reason I messaged u/Falcos in the first place was to run some cluster analysis on the data for each boss. No mention of armor, but that is a way to maximize your dps depending on what you’re currently using. Is it worthwhile to unlock the Like a Boss perk for Slayer on a LVL75 Combat Pure? My goals from Slayer are either: XP; Money; or Both of the above That is, I don't mind poor XP rates if tasks are profitable, or vice versa. Slayer cape perk - off task boss Suggestion I have 15M slayer xp but doing dogshit tasks for hours on end and gambling tine to do the piece of content in hopes of getting the right task is absolute shit. Unless you're hunting for brimstone keys, I'd only use her every 10th task for point boosts. Slayer xp, however, is assigned if you succeed in the given number of attempts (4 tries for easy, 3 for medium, 2 for hard), based on the boss’s HP, doubled if you do it on the first attempt. For example at 70 slayer the odds of a boss assignment from Duradel is 7. In order to fight him, completion of Priest in Peril to access Morytania is required, as well as having been assigned an Araxyte or spider Slayer task. Stop doing slayer for money it ain't gonna pay off. gg/ironscape for more community content including weekly events, bi-weekly skill competitions, and seasonal team competitions. One death = task is canceled, but you may safely leave the Gauntlet to reset/log out without the task being canceled. You can do slayer and profit, and the profit won't be terrible either, but if you're trying to make money you want to go do something profitable like vorkath, nex or corrupted gauntlet. You have to boss to get 1m+ gp/hour kraken is the first good money task, but you can get blue dragons for vorkath and dagonoths for dks early on. Brutal black dragons is good at 77 but you need 100m+ in gear for it to be really good money. Slayer for money is the biggest reddit noob trap ever. Sire fight is like 60% killing the vents and not even really interacting with the boss. Demonic gorillas are good too. I get that folks around here don't like the wilderness, but it is a part of the game, and Runescape has already removed any risk of bossing as it is. Boss Slayer tasks have been added, unlockable with 200 Slayer reward points. 285 votes, 73 comments. I also recommend unlocking bigger and badder so that during ur slayer tasks u can get a chance The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. true. Easy enough mechanics that they aren't challenging - avoiding stuns, maximising ticks, undercamping, venge tricks, flicking etc. The reason it was rejected is because this would make it BIS for all bossing to be on task (slayer helm boost). Zulrah, or Bandos for example. Firstly, it fails to provide the core benefit of slayer which is variety. Think slayer rings are going to be my next unlock, followed by tzhaar, vampyres and lizardmen/basilisk (shaman and knights are a way off yet). Almost every boss has a normal monster variation which defeats the purpose. From there, it’s duradel slayer as normal with konar every 50th task. Get rune pouch from LMS and get herb sack from tithe farm, and use your slayer points for Bigger and Badder -> setting up early block list (and then broader fletching if iron) The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. It was also the first boss. I know Jagex proposed a boss-only slayer master a while ago, but it was unpopular and got scrapped. Some monsters that are Stand alone together. I've already got slayer helm, broader fletching, like a boss and superiors unlocked, then got rune pouch and herb sack. It wasn’t as clear as I hoped, but part of that was due to the low number of responses. i thought about 95 slayer aswell, but for 95 slayer ppl already using konar so i feel like it should be a extra reward for the effort of people , can easily get 95-99 slayer in konar doing hydra etc and then when u would get 99 it would be a boss fiesta, i mean, right now u get 99 slayer and then when u get a good slayer task and ur done with it, u grab the cape and hope the 10% proc, and in The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. Remember when No, gargoyles at level 75 make money (not too fast but ultra laid back task with good xp, and an optional boss that’s 1m/hr), bursting dust devils at level 65 both make money and is one of the best magic training methods in the game (I think I remember 300k/hr magic xp, 60k/hr slayer xp), kraken at level 87 is decent money (1-2m/hr) and AFK as all hell, Nechs at 80 are the upgrade for dust The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! “Like a Boss” slayer reward The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. 7. I found boss slayer generally to be nice, its pretty sweet sending zulrah with a slayer helm bonus. Slayer really doesn't make really good money till 87 from this list. I’ve been grinding wildy slayer since I was 70 CB, and it’s probably the best choice I’ve made for my account. Unfortunately, this concept is unlikely to pass in its current state. Well, it's a 90+ slayer boss, I don't think requiring 80~ crafting is that crazy of a requirement to have at that stage of the game, even on a normie. An attempt begins whenever a boss agros onto you or causes you a hit splat (direct or indirect), whichever comes first. Once you reach endgame there's pretty much only pet hunting. I think every slayer boss in osrs is pretty terrible tbh. So you can use the slayer helm buff at a boss and you get another roll to get any boss. . In The Final Dawn you won’t just have cultists to contend with – you’ll have to face off against dangerous new Slayer creatures and a terrifying new boss. But your list consist of early, mid and end game and not easy, med, hard. My expectation was that each boss would have a couple of different groups for higher difficulty lower stat methods, and higher stat lower difficulty. It's also nice to be able to get the boost against, say, general graardor or commander ziliyana (although k'rill and kree can already be killed on task) Yes but there are bosses which do not have a 'small' counterpart which can be assigned by most used slayer masters. drops suck and its expensive to kill using scythe. If you don't want to commit to killing a boss that you don't know 50 times, just choose the minimum kill count when you get prompted with a boss task. Kraken requires 87 slayer and GG needs 75. Konar is good if you don't use a cannon and don't care about being able to boss for tasks. - but still require full attention. What I would want the most from a boss slayer master is a bit more variety, sure Duradel is great for bossing but then most bosses you get are a 3h+ endeavor, a lot more depending (a hydra task can be like 8h long lol) Would be great to get some boss tasks that take 40min-1h max to finish, for variety sake! Want faster points? Use expeditious bracelets, wear during or dealing the final blow & get the slayer xp by the monster and you have the chance of skipping 1 kill, totalling 30 times with one bracelet; Meaning in theory, you kill 60 than 30 - Saving you twice as much time and costing ~ 700-900gp per bracelet. Unlocking boss slayer isn't worth it from an XP or profit standpoint. a friend gave me a bond once and i was pretty stranded because there was so much i was able to do so kinda nervouse to The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. For me the optimisation in regular play for slayer alongside it training like 8 skills simultaneously is awesome. Normal slayer being good money is really a dated sentiment, and it comes from when a 50m 99 slayer tab was bank. Add a Gauntlet slayer task, exactly like boss-slayer tasks. It gives you a huge cash stack, free supplies, BIS xp rates once you hit a rev weapon, and bossing experience at a lower level than usual bc of spindel, calv, artio. Wildy slayer is great and just keeps getting better, will be insane after the boss rework and thammaron's scepter. Also depending on construction lvl, a better house can also speed up slayer. Jagex is looking to put the gmaul add on (post gmaul nerf) to BH rework. I think the only 2 exceptions are zulrah which is capped at 15 and barrows which is capped at 36 to keep it a nice even 6 full runs. As above, you can choose 3-35. All the way to 99 Slayer I probably took advantage of the boss tasks less than 5 times and the times that I did I just picked the lowest number for the free 5k exp after the task. Slayer is fun though, it's not for everyone. This subreddit serves as a hub for lively discussions, focusing on enriching the game through insightful feedback and fostering its continued growth and improvement. Many quests feature boss fights at their climaxes; such bosses are often the main antagonists of the quests or quest series, or are somehow related to the main antagonist(s). 23%! Well less than 1 in a hundred! Sarachnis as mentioned is a good starting boss, get the hang of swapping prayers, Start with this boy Grotesque Gargoyles is one where you're dealing with boss phases, prayer swaps and equipment swaps, still rather chill honestly, locked behind a Slayer level of 70ish? Whatever the level is to fight gargoyles Edit: This older sheet has been replaced with an updated version here. I also believe we should just bite the bullet and recognize that production skills are bloated and need a complete rehaul (see smithing on rs3) But if Jagex refuses to do that I feel like this is The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. yxbul suxz crozkzr sghz suee ynpuhgq yfwoy sfcdct qjmmzr rxiaalz