Armor of agathys and false life. I believe this is both RAW and RAI.
Armor of agathys and false life Note that I am not trying to screw over my players, I'm just curious from a rules perspective. Armor of Agathys (1st level) grant 5 temp hit points and will deal 5 cold damage to others who hit you. Adamantine armor would put you at 17 AC without a shield. You can get more by upcasting Armor of Agathys, but that isn't effective because you would want the lowest AC As other folks mentioned, you can use Sword of Tyr or the Absolute Shield. The spell Armor of Agathys states: You gain 5 temporary hit points for the duration. once you start getting lvl 3 and 4 spell slots, AoA gets even better since each tick of damage you take sends 5xspell level cold damage back to the attacker, even if the damage you took was less than that amount Mar 12, 2020 · I have warlock with false life and casting Armor of Agathys seems to do nothing in that case as well. I’m already plotting character builds for another playthrough, and thinking Paladin 6 (oath of vengeance), Warlock… Sep 18, 2021 · Armour of Agathys only triggers on mechanical hits, not narrative hits. Reply reply Source: Player's Handbook. Not to mention you could block a whole lot more damage by raising your AC to prevent a hit than just upcasting temporary hit points. In order for it to work, you have to get hit. Agathys is an example of them balancing classes by spell lists - a project they abandoned halfway. The actual problem with that scenario is that both spells grant Temporary Hit Points and those don't stack, and the new version isn't as clear on whether replacing Armor of Agathys's Temp HP would end it, but the principle is still correct. Also you Temp HP doesn't stack, and always uses the newest source. Agathys states the spell persists "while you have these temporary hit points", and temp hp doesn't stack. Additionally, while this should go without saying, it's important to know that Temporary HP is not HP. If so, it would be an amazing buff and ward replenish, with only a 2 temp HP difference compared to False Life with a 2nd Level slot. But try crossing it over with an Abjurer Wizard's Ward, or even a Barbarian's Rage (you can use non-concentration spells with Rage without a problem). D&D is rarely played in a vacuum and the practical benefits of armor of agathys make it a superb spell. Each casting of the spell provides temporary hit points and deals cold damage to creatures that hit you. Dec 10, 2020 · If it was just effectively false life they were after. Been looking to make a character that use a lot of spells involving TempHP like Armor of Agathys or False Life. So your Armor of Agathys lasts 4 attacks (on average) and does 120 damage with no save. Jan 2, 2024 · Armor of Agathys is, unfortunately, not a Wizard spell (only obtainable by Warlocks and Oath of Conquest Paladins), but for good reason. Temporary hit points cannot stack. I got rather confused because of how similar the effect is-fiendish vigor gives more HP, armor of agathys gives another effect, but they are very similar spells. Jan 15, 2024 · 1st-level Spells: Bane isn’t a great spell and False Life both won’t stack with the temporary hp from Form of Dead and is a worse source of temporary hit points than Armor of Agathys. Armor of Agathys can be acquired by the following classes: Warlock, Draconic Bloodline: White; Armor of Agathys can be cast by using the following Items: Icebite Robe; Armor of Agathys Tips & Notes for BG3. This feat allows for the casting of the Mar 14, 2022 · This means that even if a spellcaster knew both Armor of Agathys and False Life, they'd only be able to benefit from the effects of one of these spells at a time. Jul 3, 2023 · Do armor of agathys and false life stack? No, the temporary hit points granted by armor of agathys and false life do not stack in DnD 5e. Mage armor is actually bad for what you want because it raises AC and reduces hits. Armor of Agathys. You'd need something to reduce damage so you're not killed as you take hits. If you're ever in doubt, the best place to look is the rules for what is an attack: In a double whammy of your actual topic, go draconic sorc and pick the white dragonflight, along with gaining passive mage armor for being draconic this white draconic will actually give you armor of agathys for free as a sorc! It's easily enough included in homebrews, at least. That opens up a couple additional possibilities for False Life: cheating arena fights, carrying the temp HP in diplomatic scenarios, or masking the fact that you are a magic user. Grappling isn't 'hitting with an attack' which is what triggers Armor of Agathys, it's using an ability check, and ability checks aren't "hitting with an attack". 5 it was 1d10+ caster level; it scales off spell slot now as most things do). As a race, I've picked Goliath, you can reduce 1d12+con damage 1/shortrest (or proficiency/longrest with the new monster of the multiverse) Other race ideas? Armor of agathys requires a hit. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you have these hit points " These being from the Armor of Agathys spell specifically. Now someone casts False Life on me . Shield: This spell grants a huge boost to AC for a round, making the hit points from False Life last even longer. As long as you had 1 temp hp from the casting of symbiotic entity, it'll stay up. Sep 17, 2017 · Suppose I cast Armor of Agathys at level 2 as a Warlock, which will provide +10 temporary hit points. Armor of Agathys seems to have so much potential if used right. Jun 20, 2022 · An abjuration Wizard can use Armor of Agathys pretty well but it can layer resistances with its ward feature and potential Heavy Armor Mastery to reduce damage to your temporary hit points to as close to zero on each hit as possible. If an attacker hits with a melee attack and deals 11 damage, does the attacker take the 10 damage Make sure to learn Armor of Agathys as one of your warlock spells, because then you can cast it with Wizard slots too. Your race is motm earth genasi. 198). If you aren't doing melee, your Form of Dread is fine enough, and Flase Life wouldn't really be beefy enough for you. But the answer you're really looking for is probably this: Shield Spell and Absorb Elements can easily tank more than 8 damage, which is the upper limit of False Life at 1. A very simple combo to pull off with Will or any blade warlock. Jul 30, 2022 · It is a very strong build actually, where you combine low AC, longstrider, crusher's ring, click heels, an upcast of Armor of Agathys with Arcane Ward and Blade Ward, then run near enemies to trigger opportunity attacks and retaliate for 10 cold damage up to 10 times or more. False Life is at its most powerful at level 1 when it effectively doubles your HP, then dips in power until you can upcast it high again. Sep 7, 2023 · I've come to the conclusion that the description doesn't say that this spell requires concentration, since it actually does seem to require concentration. And even then armor of agathys does crap damage. " You can only cast Mage Armor on yourself (small yet notable mention. Both spells scale with spell level, which is a great option for the Warlock, but they’re still not good enough options that I would rush to cast them. And False Life is just for that. The armour provides additional Hit Points to the caster and damages hostile targets while the added Hit Points are present. If you step in a trap and lose 5 of them, you still have 2 left. 1st-level abjuration. If you're looking to use it as an abjurer, all you actually gain from the racials is a bonus to Investigation, free daily Mage Armor, Armor of Agathys, and Antilife Shell. Cast as a 5th level spell, it can affect two targets (Con save for each). For example, if you cast False Life with a level 1 slot, you gain 7 Temporary Hit Points. It’s free. the temp HP will overwrite the free false life or the dark one's blessing from fiendlock. Last edited by fkhaller; 03/12/20 09:52 PM . So every time you are hit you immediately take away 3 from the amount done, then reduce the rest from your THP, dealing 10 damage back to everyone who hit you. Nov 19, 2023 · Usually, casting a second Temporary Hit Point ability overrides the existing one. Nov 5, 2023 · Armor of agathys is REALLY terrible. Nov 14, 2023 · This makes it possible for a Scribe Wizard to use Armor of Agathys if they come across it during their adventures. The glacial age buff applies chilled on hit which applies a vulnerability to cold damage, armor agathys at 5th level does 25 cold when an enemy hits you. 5 hit points less than false life, and even at 5th level only deals 8 damage less than hellish rebuke (which is a good spell that can't trigger twice and uses a reaction). Mostly it's used for melee Warlocks and defensive purposes- Blade Warlocks and Hexblades love the spell, and even if you aren't in melee, it's honestly more reliable (and fun) than False Life. Armor of Agathys gets its namesake from the sixth layer of the prison plane, Carceri. Dec 28, 2022 · I assumed because Aid stacked with Armor of Agathys that false life would. Armor of Agathys is more specialized for casters who will spend a lot of time on the front line for some I think it comes down to the type of game you play. I'm playing with an 11th level Eladrin Draconic Sorcerer (white dragon ancestor) with a heavy Ince and electric theme. False Life can stack your Temp HP, so I don't think Armor of Agathys gives you that much that you don't have as a pure Wizard, some damage sure, but I think you should be trying to avoid getting hit in the first place. Armor of Agathys covers you in a very visible frost armor. If you then cast the spell to gain 7 points (like false life) you actually go to 9 points of temp health, since the temp health you added is below the current cap. And arcane ward doesn't replace the temp hp as it is a separate buffer. Source: Player's Handbook. Take a feat that bumps your armor proficiency to medium or heavy armor proficiency, it's going to help way more than mage armor or armor of agathys. You lose up to 3 temp hp, but give enemy one additional reason to not hit you. The Beast is a build which grapples, blocks, and locks down its opponents, forcing them to attack it and take retaliation damage from Armor of Agathys. taking damage Armor of Agathys will disappear. 5 THP is one, maybe two hits, tops. If you get any other magic items blood vial is nice. For melee warlocks they do a lot of their damage by getting hit. The Warlock had Armor of Agathys cast. A creature cannot die from Armor of Agathys’ damage before dealing damage to the target. There's even a good combo with Armor of Agathys. If applied by using (not scribing) a scroll, the caster does not need to keep this spell Prepared. Lots of people confuse Aid and Heroes Feast to think that they give temp hp, but actually they temporarily give you a bonus to your max hp. Struggling to figure out definitively if you can swap an origin spell as soon as level 1 or if you have to wait to level 2 in Clockwork Soul to use Armor of Agathys. I am a 5th level Warlock Great Old One Subclass So I was thinking Armor of Agathys vs Fiendish Vigor (aka false life). I can see the value with a significant source of THP like Fiendlock or False Life or something, but outside that I'd almost rather have the Shield spell Removing False Life from the Prepared Spells list will immediately remove the Temporary HP added by False Life. especially against minions and enemies that make multiple, weaker hits as opposed to a single bit hit. You halve damage then minus 3 from heavy armor master and deal 15 damage each time. Its the lowest ac heavy armor and its an important combination. Apparently it synergizes well with Abjuration wizards as well. Follow that up with a 1 level dip in Warlock for Armor of Agathys itself, followed by 16 levels in Wizard (School of Abjuration) so you can upcast Armor of Agathys up to 8th level and use your Arcane Ward to further extend Armor of Agathys lifetime. The only interaction with armor of agathys where you do not have to make a concentration check if hit is with the school of abjuration wizard's arcane ward. Fiendish Vigor doesn't require a spell slot, but it also takes up a feat (since blood hunters don't get eldritch invocations). This sounds straight forward, cleric takes damage since its a reaction to a melee attack. Spending what quickly becomes hours to recharge your shield with casting and recasting alarm as a ritual spell will not be a luxury all of the time. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you have these hit points, the creature takes 5 cold damage" If i add additional health with a spell like false life Would the damage still take effect if false life's temp hp tanks for the armor of agathys? Sep 23, 2020 · The question comes down to: Does a spell with a fixed duration remain in effect after the benefits of that spell have expired? Using the False Life example, once the temporary hp are used up, if that ends the spell, then Combining Magical Effects doesn't apply to future castings of the spell, BUT if the spell remains in effect for the full hour even after the THP are all used up, Combining As long as the temp HP from Symbiotic Entity was higher than the temp HP from Armor of Agathys (and you retain at least some temp HP), then you can basically refresh and keep your Armor Agathys using Symbiotic Entity Wildshape charges. Usually you do this by deliberately triggering opportunity attacks. If you have any other ways this build would work better please tell me (Some way of making arcane ward work maybe?). Mark of Warding however adds Armor of Agathys to your class spell list. Meaning, if you've gained 15 temp hp from Agathys and you took a hit down to 5/15 temp hp, you can replenish back to 15 with this item by generating charges. Armour of Agathys (1st Level Spell): Not available to Wizards via level up. Dark one blessing is a heal when you kill something, does not truly raise your HP, but with aid spell you can heal back up to the extra 5 hp. Mage Armor lasts 8 hours which for all intensive purposes is "a full day. I'd cast Armor of Agathys and then cast False Life after it breaks (assuming you're using Fiendish Vigor). The Abjurer's Ward HP absorbs damage before the Temp HP does, so you can actually get a lot of Armor of Agathys damage that way. Also having a backup source isn't terrible either. If a creature hits you with a melee attack roll before the spell ends, the creature takes 5 Cold damage. If you want falce life- you, in fact, want armor of Agathys from warlock's list. I recall this isn't really an issue for Divine Souls gaining cleric spells from the get-go, but Clockwork / Aberrant sorcerers are a bit different. Jan 15, 2024 · 1st-level Spells: False life is a bit silly considering you can get Armor of Agathys or Fiendish Vigor. I believe this is both RAW and RAI. Armor of Agathys is even better if you happen to have the right multiclass combination. True, but the great thing about Armor of Agathys is that it also damages the enemy. The problem is the OP seems to be looking for the damage component as well as the temporary hitpoints. and Armor of Agathys which says: Armor of Agathys is less-available than False Life, but False Life is the OG Temp HP spell. I will have to remember that with my next Warlock because Armor of Agathy is better than false life, so I will have to pick something else at level 5next time. So they do stack with temp hp, as well as each other. So it's always up when going into battle) I plan on throwing myself into the thick of battle since my PC is pretty reckless. Final Words. This means, say, your a Scribes Wizard, their feature to change the element of a spell only works on Wizard spells only, which makes Armor of Agathys legal via Mark of Warding but not legal via Levistus Tiefling Oct 30, 2023 · False Life is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. It allows spellcasters to create a spectral armour of frost that covers the caster and their equipment. AoA at the same spell slot is a fixed number, 20 points of damage and it seems like the easy winner BUT it is hard to predict when it will wear off. How does Armor of Agathys interact with getting temporary hit points? Dark One's Blessing and Armor of Agathys Synergy? Currently, #1 and #3 are both closed as duplicates of #2. False life, incidentally, gives you 1d4+4 temp hit points, but is a necromancy spell. If you're getting long rests every other fight, mage armor is the clear winner. C'mon, it's 1. If you cast False Life again, you don't end up with 2+7=9 Temporary Hit Points, you still just have 7. D&D and 5e specifically has a lot of things that are done simply to make a game work. But now you cast it at second level. Is there a good way to make the process easier than making the adjustment directly on the character sheet? Armor of Agathys consumed a spell slot but didnt work. With new players especially I get a lot of “well in real life this shouldn’t happen” and often the answer is that this is a game. Armor of agathys is significantly stronger than False Life, deals damage, and is balanced by the fact that it is only available to warlocks. The incantation for False Life is Dum Vita Est, Spes Est, Latin for "While there is life, there is hope". [Armor of Agathys] is a 1st-level spell, meaning it takes one of only two slots to cast, keeping us from using anything else. The biggest issue is getting the spell on ur wizard character. So if I already had temporary hit points from an inspiring leader, false life, or armor of agathys I can make my spores last for ten minutes, automatically. A bit of a late reply, I know, but that's not the case. At level 1 an enemy hits you once for, say, 5 damage. Armour of Agathys is a Level 1 abjuration spell. As I've read you are getting either of those spells through magic initiate, just don't. Being able to battery up your shield will greatly increase survivability. This effectively doubles your AoA duration and with that its damage output. Fiendish vigor allows you to cast false life, not armor of agathys. The ward gains hitpoints when you use an abjuration spell, and the ward taking damage does not trigger a constitution saving throw. With this adjustment, a level 2 casting of the spell becomes 2d4+8 Temp HP, and a 3rd level version becomes 3d4+12 Temp HP, and so on and so forth. 艾嘉西斯之鎧 Armor of Agathys 1環 防護系 施法時間:1個動作 射程:自身 構材:聲音、姿勢、材料(一杯水) 持續時間:1小時 一個防護性的魔法立場環繞著你,呈現如鬼魅似的寒霜覆蓋著你和你的裝備。你在法術持續時間內獲得5點臨時生命值。如果一個生物在你擁有這些生命值時以近戰攻擊命中了 Feb 21, 2021 · This is a good combo. Your Armor of Agathys is down and you've dealt 5 cold damage total. A pretty common one I've seen is an abjuration wizard/warlock combo using Armor of Agathys, Hellish Rebuke, and the Fiend Pact benefits. Vs fiendish vigor which is an invocation that allows me to use False life without a spell slot. Though AoA does strike back with frost damage it is still using a spell slot then disappear. Reply reply False Life and Armor of Agathys use the same temporary HP stack. If it works as it does in tabletop (it only wears off when you lose all Temp HP from the spell) it's actually a really great spell, especially if you can Armor of Agathys would be a better bet than False Life, if you're doing melee. If an enemy hits you twice while chilled that is 100 cold damage on their turn. False Life is from earlier editions than was Agathys; and always had a diceroll (in 3/3. \$\endgroup\$ – Like casting False Life right before Wild Shape and having an extra padding of life as buffer. For a warlock, I'm not sure it's worth the extra spell slot. Edit: Armor of Shadows doesn't work as per RAW, and can infinitely stack up Ward charges. You can only have one or the other. Had a session today in which a cleric NPC hit a Warlock with a spiritual weapon. Question basically says it all. You take heavy armor master on level 5. Any other source of temp hp will overwrite and abolish AoA. May 3, 2022 · So choosing to gain THP from a spell like False Life or an effect like Dark One’s Blessing will prematurely end Armor of Agathys. Retreat back to trigger an opportunity attack which you have Armor of Agathys Temp HP to absorb. Fiendish Vigor gives me false life as an at will (8 Temp HP. It's Since I'm only taking 4 levels of Warlock, at best, the [Armor of Agathys] gives us 10 temp HP (cast at 2nd level), but [False Life] gives 8 temp HP so almost no difference. You always start a fight with 8 THP via False life, which you can boost to 10 via Armor of Agathys. So I prefer Armor of Agathys over False Life. So if I get this I can use a spell slot of which I effectively get one (Because Hex should almost always be used first thing for Extra Damage) to use Hellish Aug 27, 2021 · This recurrent theme talks about the fact that every hit point matters, especially at lower levels. So my numbers are wrong. If you are at 10 temp health, and take 8 points of damage, you are now at 2 points of health. Use armor of Agathys and attack the enemy. Sep 10, 2024 · From an optimization point of view, however, I wouldn't do this before the Wild Shape THP equals or exceeds Armor of Agathys THP, to avoid any undue loss of THP from the spell, so at the earliest as a Moon Druid at 3rd level, by casting Armor of Agathys at 1st level slot (5 THP/cold damage), replaced by Wild Shape for 9 THP. Armor of Agathys and False Life give you temporary HP. But there's no practical reason to cast Alarm a dozen times. For example if you cast Lvl 4 Agathys you get 20 temp HP. However damage resistance or reduction or immunity will extend the life of AoA. For the next 8 hours, your AC is equal to 10+Dex+Spell Mod. But for Armor of Agathys, upscaling increases quadratically. This Spell may seem weak, but it upgrades well as you level. I'd instead consider an invocation that allows it to be cast as a bonus action. Get armor of Agathys and Barbarian (totem warrior - Bear). If you cast False Life and replace your Agathys temp hp with new temp hp, the effect of Agathys ends. You can only have one source of temp HP at a time. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment. Origin. Alternatively, go Ancestral Guardian to penalize enemies for attacking anyone other than you. The casting time is 1 action Oct 1, 2024 · Armor of Agathys now has a casting time of 1 Bonus Action, which is why JasonNatas brought it up in conjunction with False Life. In return, you get less HP than a hill dwarf or less AC (medium armor) and 1 less ability point than a mountain dwarf No problem! Yeah my favorite niche builds are Goliath Barbarian + high level slots of Armor of Agathys somehow. Warlock with Mage Armor invocation and Abjuration Wizard multiclass - but it still takes minutes to heal the ward, and the ward only has 5-20 hp for most characters. Armor of Agathys Like most of the spells available in the game is situational. Spamming False Life is fine, because it makes sense that if you could keep going until you maxed out the temp HP, you would. Mar 9, 2020 · Armor of Agathys doesn't affect grappling. That's not great, right? Say you're level 12. False Life is a Lvl 1 Spell from the Necromancy school. Once you lose all temp HP, you stop reflecting damage. . May 3, 2022 · For higher AC, I’d recommend armor of shadows if multiclassing is out of the question, but otherwise surviving till three, multiclassing a few levels of rogue, ranger, or fighter for some weapon and armor proficiencies, or considering picking up armor proficiency feats like moderately armored at 4th level or with variant human’s bonus feat. Nov 19, 2020 · The language for the spores is quite specific — the spores benefits end if you loose the temporary hit points you gained from the spores. A dude hits you four times with a longsword (Action Surge + Extra Attack) for 1d8+5 (avg 9. I also don't think you can stack different sources of temp hit points, like you can't cast armor of Agathys and then get dark ones blessing, or cast false life on Armor of Agathys 1st-level abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (a cup of water) Duration: 1 hour A protective magical force surrounds you, manifesting as a spectral Armor of Agathys Jan 14, 2016 · False Life V is an obvious default pick. Edit: For those wondering the best course of action to take is a 1 level dip in Warlock, giving you access to a scalable Armor of Agathys spell with the least amount of lost progression. - Cant use Booming Blade / Green Flame Blade or Hex while raging. In real life you can’t shoot a fireball, so let’s presume the arrow hits you in a way that the armor just can’t block. Armor of Agathys, False Life. I have an idea for a spell combo, where a player will cast armor of agathys and then false life (or any other spell that adds to temp hp), the goal is to make armor of agathys 's cold damage last longer by layering temp hp (from FL) over top the temp hp added from armor of agathys, would this work since armor of agathys never specifies that the temp hp provided by it has to go down in order Fiendish Vigor is honestly pretty good early level, casting it every day when you wake up. This also works in table top (armor of agathys + abjuration lvl 2). If you’ve played Baldur’s Gate 3 and are a Will stan, th Sep 7, 2023 · I've come to the conclusion that the description doesn't say that this spell requires concentration, since it actually does seem to require concentration. Yeah anyway, if it was me In your situation, I would play a Levistus Tiefling Bladesinger to Level 6 and just cast the free Armor of Agathys as a second level Racial daily spell as a neat little trick t Con: - Spellslots will be 1 level behind, meaning weaker Armor of Agathys occasionally. Casting this before Armor of Agathys can provide an Armor of agathys caused weird visual issues with False Life, I could never tell if it was on or not lol. Here, "hit" is a game term that means the attack roll against you beats your AC. May 9, 2018 · Lacklustre. I flavored my ward to be air-based, so I had earth, wind, fire and ice. However, question #1 seems to ask more about the general case, and simply uses armor of Agathys and False Life as examples Sep 25, 2024 · I never used 5. btw, I'm just recommending ways to patch your problem. Mark of Warding Dwarf, Order Domain Cleric 1, Abjuration Wizard X. it deals 2d8 fire damage for an average of 9 damage per hit. Sword of Tyr in particular has a Once Per Combat cooldown, because you can lose concentration. Plus, armor is already a concern on wizards, and like I said, Armor of Shadows provides. Since using False Life or Dark One's Blessing replaces the temp HP from Armor of Agathys, then you no longer have any temp HP that is specifically from Armor of Agathys, so the special retaliatory effect doesn't work anymore. And yea Hex is great, but being in Melee causes you to lose it somewhat quickly for concentration - specially by the stray random arrow or grenade they chose to throw. Armor of agathys is an excellent choice already (I've taken it and cast it to great effect multiple times). How does False Lifeworks? False Life is a 1st level necromancy spell from the Artificer, Sorcerers and Wizards spell list. It only triggers when you are going to take damage either way, and frankly, shaving off only 5 hit points from a single attack is not worth one of Nov 29, 2023 · Bone Chill has no effect on temporary hit points, so if need be, you can stack five or more of them through False Life and Armor of Agathys to give yourself a small extra chance of survival war wizard 2 : you get cool and unlimited rituals outside of combat, a familiar, jump/longstrider/false life for during your rage (or earth tremor in the first round to create difficult terrain around you), nice utility Cantrips, +2ac and +4 to all saves as a reaction even when you rage, a better initiative. Which is best? False Life Pros No concentration Highest amount of hp per cast False Life Cons: No secondary benefit Agathys Pros No concentration Jan 25, 2019 · Shield, Armor of Agathys only works on melee attacks while Shield can be used on ranged and spell attacks. Sep 7, 2019 · After a few turns in a wall of force dome, I had Stoneskin, fire shield, 9th level armor of agathys, mage armor and a boat load of hp in my ward. Armor of Agathys: For Warlocks, combining this spell with False Life can result in a formidable shield that not only absorbs damage but also retaliates. 1st round in combat, cast armor of Agathys and rage. Warlock's my favorite class in the tabletop and I've done like six runs through most of the game with several of my party being warlocks. The abjurer's shield takes damage before your Armour of Agathys, letting you get hit more often. Unknown if scrolls exist for this spell. Cool, not bad. Become the tankiest of support wizards with your heavy armor, retaliatory Armor of Agathys, and Arcane Ward, plus any levelled spell you cast that targets an ally allows them to use their reaction to make an attack against an enemy you can see. More importantly, as many people have pointed, agathys is pre castable, lasts up to an hour, and doesn't require concentration. Imagine combining it with Fiendish Vigor, a Warlock invocation that allows you to cast False Life on yourself at will as a 1st-level spell, without expending a spell slot. Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (a cup of water) Duration: 1 hour A protective magical force surrounds you, manifesting as a spectral frost that covers you and your gear. I've done something like this, at level 8, warlock 2 (hexblade) with shadow armor and dark vision invocations (was a human variant with tough feat), and had a couple level 1 spells I could cast per short rest (shield, hex, armor of agathys) - and 6 wizard Abjurer, in medium armor, I had a 18 int, 16 con, 14 dex - medium armor + a shield and a I'm contemplating a niche triple-class build (pally2/war1/wizX) that will have potential access to all 3 of the main temp hp spell: false life, armor of agathys, and heroism. ) Casting Mage Armor with a 1st level spell slot hardly matters after you pass level 5 or so, but having one less Invocation will always hurt a Warlock. Even a goblin dagger at 1d4+3 is likely to pop your Armor of Agathys, dealing 5 damage. AoA beats AoH any day imo. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you have these hit points, the creature takes 5 cold damage. That's why False life and Agathys does not stack. Ray of Sickness is passable, and scales with level, but it isn’t very exciting, and poison resistance/immunity is very common, so you’ll probably replace it very quickly. Learn about Armor of Agathys cast time, range, duration, and more on Roll20. As an action, you can weave an Armor of Shadows around your body. Aid increases your Max HP. — Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 4, 2014 Armor of Agathys' cold damage reflect only works on melee damage, so if you're playing a warlock that never strides into melee, then False Life is going to be better 75% of the time, and breaking even for the other 25%. Fire shield is also a great addition to this Armor of Shadows. When you gain temporary hit points from multiple sources, ‘you decide whether to keep the ones you have or to gain the new ones,’ but you cannot combine or stack them together (Player’s Handbook, pg. False Life (1st level) grant 1d4+4 temp hit points. They just don't interact at all. Reply reply Cyanogen101 • Even if the armor of ag effect stayed Oct 30, 2023 · How to Acquire Armor of Agathys in BG3. I am trying to understand whether Fire Shield is better than AoA. There is a combo if you go Abjuration Wizard and somehow get the ability to cast Armor of Agathys (warlock dip, Magic Initiate, that one tiefling variant). Since agathys damage triggers on attacks while u have the temp hp. So if a few more hp per short rest is worth it then go for it. I noticed the description of the spell and it reads "you gain 5 temporary hit points for the duration. And Armor of Agathys, with its unique mechanics, creates a fascinating synergy with other spells and class features. Now you upcast aoa to level 3 for 15 thp. Protective magical frost surrounds you. Its a very masochistic feel to their melee combat. You can dismiss your Armor of Shadows as an action. 1. This means that if an effect such as that of Power Word Kill or Power Word Stun Nov 21, 2023 · Using large sources of temp HP like False Life and Armor of Agathys can be replenished with methods like this item. Oct 5, 2015 · - As I noted in this meta, your question asks whether temp HP stacks at all, whereas the linked question seems to assume they don't stack (since they're guessing the armor of Agathys spell ends when a new source of temp HP is gained) and seems more interested in whether the damaging effect of armor of Agathys also ends. Jan 2, 2024 · Since Armor of Agathys provides 5 temporary HP when used, it cannot be stacked with False Life. I have a nitpicky question about the wording in Armor of Agathys because I was curious if there was any precedent for the damage scaling down as the temporary hit points diminish, which I was unable to find info on. Let's say I used Armor of Agathys and was hit a few times but still have 1 temp hit points. Continue reading our False Life 5e Guide to find out more. Is it valued so highly because it scales? It seems that by the time it scales monsters are still breaking through it in one or two hits max. You should also note that the 5 temporary HP Armor of Agathys provides also gives a shield that deals 5 Cold damage to creatures that hit the target with a melee attack. When you get a chance to rotate it out, you should drop it though, since the HP gained here is chump change once damage ramps up from monsters multi attacking you. You gain 5 Temporary Hit Points. Rally seems to stack with it all, but only lasts a few rounds, unlike the rest which last till a long rest. Yes but armor of agathys is a much better spell to take. Feb 25, 2022 · So like if level 1 armor of Agathys gives you 5 hit points, and you take 4 hit points of damage, the spell isn't broken yet, so you can't cast it again because it's still on you. I am guessing there are issues with any temporary hitpoint stacking. The character is not able to get the advantages that come from Armor of Agathys and False Life for instance which are specifically associated with temporary hit points. I'd suggest Guardian Armor as a potential subsitute or Artillerist with their Protector Version of the Eldritch Cannon. Which is gonna be a lot of messes for a wizard even with arcane ward. If I had 13 temp hp from DOB at the start of my turn, it would change to Apr 8, 2022 · Go Armor of Agathys. Sep 15, 2023 · What happens to Armor of Agathys if temp HP are kept from False Life? Armor of Agathys is effective only as long as you have its temporary hit points. Armor of Agathys: Armor of Agathys: You gain 5 temporary hit points for the duration. Our party needs someone to occasionally step in and out of close combat, I rolled a pretty beefy Sorcerer so survivability is not a problem so I though picking Armor of Agathys to be able of stepping near melee more safely. Strictly RAW, the Armor should react to a melee attack (which in turn can be a melee spell attack). You are also constantly recharging THP via your Fiend pact ability. 5) each time. Dec 23, 2014 · When does Armor of Agathys take effect given that Damage Reduction happens first? Consider a character with Heavy Armor Master which says: While you are wearing heavy armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from non magical weapons is reduced by 3. Pretty good for a 1st level spell. Upcasting armor of agathys as a level 3 spell gets you 15 temp hp and 15 thorns damage while the temp hp exists, which I guess is pretty cool for one hit. The reason for this is that when you become an Abjuration Wizard, Armor of Agathys goes from a straightforward, balanced spell to one of the most overpowered in the entire game. Armor of Agathys is terrible for Arcane Ward because the TEMP HP doesn’t stack. The effects of the spell do not stack, so subsequent castings will replace the previous ones. there are also some nuances, for example, Armor of Agathys disappeared in 10 cases out of 10 attempts when receiving remote magical damage Oct 15, 2020 · Such as Armor of Agathys and False Life. there are also some nuances, for example, Armor of Agathys disappeared in 10 cases out of 10 attempts when receiving remote magical damage Jan 8, 2016 · I've occasionally boosted the damage from Armor of Agathys using Elemental Bane. After casting AoA still had +3 and no AoA buff, also 1 spellslot less. Carceri in 5th edition exists for two paragraphs in the DMG (Agathys doesn't exist at all, other than in the spell's title), so much of this lore is pulled from 3rd edition, specifically Manual of the Planes 3rd edition and Planes of Conflict a novel by Michele Carter, released One of the players in our campaign insists that since the wording of Armor of Agathys changed, you can cast Armor of Agathys, replace Temporary HP Oct 17, 2020 · Temporary life skills are small individually and ok at low levels, but become pointless in higher encounters, especially if they do not stack. Unlike Otto's Resilient Sphere, it doesn't even require concentration, so can work when you're incapacitated. Characters with the Magic Initiate Feat: Any character can gain access to Armor of Agathys by choosing the Magic Initiate feat and selecting Warlock as the class from which to draw spells. Jun 23, 2024 · Can you cast armor of Agathys multiple times? Yes, you can cast armor of Agathys multiple times. Oct 17, 2020 · Temporary life skills are small individually and ok at low levels, but become pointless in higher encounters, especially if they do not stack. It's just way more applicable in a variety of situations. At that point, just make a "Refill Ward" ritual that does nothing but refill your ward. Armor of Agathys will potentially do an extra 2d6 of damage to each, with no cold resistance allowed. Losing temporary health still triggers concentration checks. You can use spells like armor of agathys or false life to give yourself a new source of temp hp. While this armor is active, wielding a shield does not increase your AC. Of course, if you have any way at all of getting Armor of Agathys, than False Life becomes trash tier but AoA is a rare spell so FL still has a niche for making your non-warlock casters a lot meatier. Armor of agathys is REALLY terrible. 0's armor of Agathys for that reason; it's simply too fragile, especially at higher levels, especially because you have to be hit by a melee attack, not simply attacked by an opponent. Frost your tips and the tips of others every time you get hit with any damage with Armor of Agathys. Can also get temp hp from inspiring leader, and there’s a number of class and subclass features that give it too. Mine tend to use gritty realism resting variant and really drain resources before a rest, so I think false life would be better there. With resistance and a ward to absorb the damage, lets just say the dm eventually learned to focus attacks elsewhere. Viable theory crafting would allow a combination of say: Darkone's Blessing (4-5 hp), False Life (5 hp), and Armor of Agathys (5 hp) (15 extra hp). I was just testing Potent Robe on a Fiendlock and the 5 temp hp you get from the Potent Robe at the start of each of your turns ALWAYS overrides Dark One's Blessing. So it gives you temp HP. Already had 3temp hit points from either False Life or Dark One's Blessing. Mark of Warding Dwarf (+2 CON, +1 INT) Get Armor of Agathys, which kicks False Life out the ballpark when combined with Heavy Armor Master. How long does armor … Can you cast armor of Agathys multiple times? Read More » Armor of agathys will override temp hp from you class but it is a consistent number that is higher than your form. Armor of Agathys is one of the Spells in D&D 2024. typeggmjrrmnqnddojysoylgxpvnvolxpaegwmlungrosdtfprd