10 dpo bfp. My body is making it pretty obvious what's going on.
10 dpo bfp I’m hopeful that I’m still not out. Increased CM it is 9 dpo- felt ok all morning, afternoon heartburn, kinda peeing a lot this morning?, slight left side cramping, creamy cm, vvfl. 10/11 dpo- another darker + this morning(12/06/2020). Today(11 dpo) I’ve been having some cramping breast kind of sore, I’ve been so hungry then when I eat feel some nausea. 11 DPO - Slight backache. 9 dpo is still really early to test. Also had those twinge feelings two days before I found out I was pregnant with my son who is 14 months now. Have everything crossed for you! Quote React Add I am currently 10 DPO/ 12 DPT and hopeful this month (like usual haha) and really wanting a BFP! I have been following so many posts here and figured this month I would post my own. Quote 9/10 dpo- boobs hurt! Took a test in evening and it was VFL + Nausea off and on. But I had dry cm and spotting throughtout my 2 ww before getting the BFP. There have been some women in the Inito I got my first BFP yesterday at 9 DPO on a FRER. this is extremely early please do not be discouraged if you don’t get one as soon. 10 DPO. Is it possible this means twins? If so, that’s scary. I didn't test until 14 dpo. Got my BFP the following morning at 11dpo using first morning urine 😁 like you, with a negative at 10dpo i thought i was out. I got my BFP at 10 DPO. ) 17 DPO - BFP (Still super faint but we got a digital test that was a BFP!) So don't lose I have lost around 10 pounds recently so I think that helped get my ovulation back, I also started taking myo/chiro inositol. But, as I recall when I was pregnant before, to be honest. Whatever the case is, relying on symptoms at 10 DPO is not a good indicator for whether you are pregnant or not. Slight cramps. I've already given up hope. A. if no bfp then this month has been a real weird one for me! af came last month when was trying but i expected it as didnt feel any different however this month im feeling so weird and had weird symptoms something must be up! x id rathee leave it latest as possible Just wondering if anyone has experienced yellow thick CM before they got their BFP? I'm 9dpo and have never had CM like this before. Your totally not out!! 10dpo is far too soon. Anonymous. I posted in ttc yesterday, but thought I might see more responses here. 10 dpo- vvfl, husband says “you’re pregnant, your vagina feels different”, heightened sense of smell Anyone else get this and end up with a bfp?? I was going to hold out at test on Sat (when AF is due) but I need to know what's going on. The NHS tells us that ovulation generally happens around two weeks before your next period. If you have a later implanter on board or slower rising hCG (takes 4 days after implantation vs only 2 days), it could take We had BD’d the day before and twice on peak day and I got my BFP today (14 dpo exactly. Nausea 1-2dpo. First Year. Joined Jul 20, 2008 Messages 28,328 Reaction score 1. vcadams0904. 05/02/2014 at 7:18 pm. So might not mean your out. Odd twinge in left boob 4dpo. With my first, I had spotting starting at 9 dpo and got a bfp at 14 dpo. Just seen you got a BFP holly amazing! Come join antenatal thread when you're ready, I think we'll have same EDD . But I guess who knows!If you’ve gotten a 10 I excitedly got my bfp todayhere’s the symptoms I experienced during my TWW 1-3dpo slight cramping, sneezing 1/2 times a day, stuffy nose, a lot of gas from (burping/farting sorry!) very irritable. I was devastated when AF showed her ugly face. That said, there are several factors that change the 10 DPO - BFP!!! n. " According to countdowntopregnancy. Most posts I've read from BFP were at 12 dpo. Like. Fluttery chest and headaches (may have been anxiety) 2-4dpo. ) 1-4dpo I felt a pulling sensation in my lower abdomen. When you have 10 DPO but no symptoms, then it indicates that your body is not producing enough hCG. I’m using the pregmate tests I had a huge implantation dip on 10 dpoit went from like 98. I just totally answered another whole question. Implantation 10dpo? Trying for a baby. I have a short 26 day cycle, and my body is like clockwork. Gassy. I'm wondering if that affects when a BFP would be detected? 9 dpo today and BFN this evening, even though AF is due in 2 days. I got the FAINTEST (am I making it up, Faint?) the day my period was supposed to show (13 dpo). Joined Apr 16, 2013 Messages 169 Reaction score 0. With my first But in personal terms- I got a faint positive on two different tests at 10 DPO, which was also the day of my missed period. Other than that nothing else my cm has been dry so I Hi all,I have a consistently shorter LP of 10 or 11 days. Abr155. Hi everyone!Any advice and experiences would be greatly appreciated. I hope this little bean or beans stick! Here are the pics! The blue dye told me first but after getting the bfp on frer I knew it was I had light twinges on 7 DPO and got a super squinter today at 9 DPO. JessicaxLynn87 member. No other real symptoms. WeeNat Well-Known Member. @hnhude01, Thanks it's great to hear Report as Inappropriate. The chances of getting a 10 DPO no symptoms but BFP are rare. share your first bfp's , please mention your dpo and cycle length. Is 11 DPO too early to go? Do I need to wait until 14 DPO? 8 dpo twinges and 2 very quick but intense stabbing pain and then more twinges on and off all day. Let me know if you find any info. I haven’t had hot flashes before AF since I was a teenager (15 years ago). Have only used FRER’s but I must’ve had lower HCG than normal. February 2011. Broke down and started testing yesterday, of course BFN. Pregnancy Week 18. Sore , aching back, twinges in lower abdominal area, nausea, headaches and "pressure"-like feeling on my head/ears. Getting Pregnant. Does any line Hey gals I got a bfp on a frer yesterday which got slightly darker this morning (10dpo) . When I do a self-exam on the bbs, it feels like the glands inside are just different and more pronounced, but evenly so on both sides. On DPO 9 and 10 (today) I am having light pink/brown mixed with CM. I didn't feel anything other than the typically implantation bleeding and then two weeks later, that's when I started having symptoms. On 7 DPO, I felt major cramps and on 15 DPO I had more cramps. Yesterday at 9 dpo i had a huge temperature spike, and today at 10 dpo my temperature dropped some. DPO & BFP. my husband is saying there’s no line but it’s definitely there lol for a And seen a clear BFP (or even a faint one!) OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report Hi, yes this was mine at 10 dpo. 1/28 5 DPO - sore throat, bloody A positive home pregnancy test at 10 DPO, 11 DPO, or 12 DPO is reliable. I would say it took about a week before it was dark enough for me to relax. 6 then slowly went back up the next few days and got a bfp on 13 dpo. I got a faint one today at 10DPO, which is super early. I thought AF would arrive at 15 DPO but it didn't! 9 DPO - BFN 10 DPO - BFN 11 DPO - BFN 12 DPO - BFN 13 DPO - BFN 14 DPO - BFN 15 DPO - BFN 16 DPO - BFP (So faint I thought I was making it up. Posted 17-01-17. I’m 7dpo with ovulation being 10/9, and I know it’s early but I got a negative this morning. my luteal phase has always been 13-14 days the last 10 cycles, and my temps hadnt dropped at all to indicate AF was on the way. But according to Fertility Friend, the "average" for the first BFP is 13. Often called implantation I tested on 10 dpo, 11 dpo - decided to wait until 13 dpo. CarleyGomez. We picked up a couple dollar store ones and both had a line that was I got a BFN on 12dpo, 13 dpo, 14 dpoand then 15 dpo was BFP! edited to read: Wow. BFP #6 1/5/15 - I am 8dpo and I’m having hot flashes. My pains have been consistantly on my left side too I've had twinges on my lower left side here and there every since 1 dpo. I know its early, but when you see people at least getting faint lines I start to doubt myself so I've decided to try and hold out to at least Sunday, my symptoms are mild such as cramping bloating, hot flushes, very tired, weepy, gas and a constant feeling as though I'm hungry, but I have no appetite but all thease could be I got my BFP on 10 DPO also. I Sadly my last pregnancy ended in a chemical but I had a BFN at 10 dpo, vvvvvfl at 11 dpo that would probably be missed by some, and a BFP at 12 dpo! Don’t lose hope!! Like. nmarie63. Joined Hi, want to see if anyone experienced something similar and ended up with bfp. 11 DPO, or: The Story of My BFP. Evap line? Help please :) Anonymous. Report 0 Reply. Tested again at 14 DPO and the test line had begin stealing dye from the control. "I assumed it was my period arriving a Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. I think they say that the creamy cm doesn't always start to appear right away anyway. 5 weeks. Expert I need to hear some success stories of people getting their BFP after 10 DPO. Posted 15-02-21. 12 dpo veeeeeeery faint bfp. Congrats on your BFP! Hey y’all! I don’t post often on reddit so I hope this is in the right place but I’m 10 dpo and I think I just got my first BFP? This is our first cycle trying and my first time taking a test. I got a very dark test 1 week later after I second guessed myself into You're not out yet! I had a big temp drop at 10 dpo on both my cycles where I got bfp. 7 DPO - Nothing. Pregnancy Week 15. I have no idea why that extra 10 hours made such a huge difference, but I went from starch white (and negative digital) to BFP and positive digital in the same day! So really . 14 dpo BFP! So yes, there is still plenty of time and hope for you!! 10 DPO and BFN this morning and yesterday. You might be curious what that means if you’re trying to conceive. I wanted to wait until today - 16dpo - to make a post because AF is due today. 74 Comments 6 DPO Apr. My last pregnancy, I had a full positive OPK at 10 DPO, and got my BFP at 14 DPO. It was faint but undeniable. You should retest every 48 hrs or when you reach 15 DPO. I hope these are positive symptoms for 1-4 DPO - Nothing. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad. Due date the first week of June! Praying baby sticks and is healthy! Pregnancy Week 10. Pregnancy. Smells everything. So try your best to remain patient and begin testing when you’ve from peestickparadise. they have been negative for 2 days! I am 10 dpo and have sore throat/ feeling like coming down with something since yesterday. I still kind of feel like my periods coming (cramps, etc) but clearly it's not. My fears are that it’s a chemical because of how light it is and no darkening in 24 hours. Find out how implantation and hCG affect your body and when to take a pregnancy test. Not trying to phish. bfp at 6 dpo- is that even possible?! Trying for a baby. since my MC in dec ive been having 24 day cycles so i would get AF today if it this was my test the morning that I got my positives. Am I just testing way too early? I know levels will be doubling, and to keep testing. So if you saw those two lines, a YES, or a there’s a small chance you’ll get a BFP (big fat positive). Did any of you had that and had a BFP later on ? Thanks 🙏🏻 8 dpo-CM was just sticky, weird feeling on my left side and again headaches oh and pokey feeling once again 9 dpo- CM sticky less then the day before, dull headache but enough to bother me along with EXTREME heartburn lasted about 2 hours and again that pokey feeling 10 dpo-CM sticky, headache and heartburn 9-10 DPO and I am incredibly bloated. :) Here is mine, 10 dpo. Still no BFP. I got a BFP at 9 dpo and 10 dpo with my first two pregnancies. Hope all turns out It's only been 5 dpo, but I could swear I'm feeling pregnant. I had nothing at 4,6,8 ,10 nor 12 DPO. Hope that helps x . This is my 3rd pregnancy, my other two ended in miscarriage around 6. To keep track of when you last ovulated, or when the next one might happen, you can take a look at our ovulation calculator, as At 10 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. Yesssss. I started having cramping on DPO 8 and 9. Hopefully it means a BFP is in your near I got my BFP at 10 DPO. 1/27 DPO4 - headache, nauseous, tired, cried a lot, belly button pain, Increased urination. April 2009. How Early Can I Expect to See a BFP? HPT accuracy by DPO: 10 dpo : 35% 11 dpo : 51% 12 dpo : 62% 13 dpo : 68% 14 dpo : 74% 15 dpo : 80% 16 dpo : 88% 17 dpo : 92% 18 dpo 10 DPO - BFPUber tired! 11 DPO - Still really tired, nausea gone, heartburn mostly goneno sore boobs, some cramping and tingling in my uterus, different than AF feeling 7-11 DPO symptoms. BFP at 10 DPO. I'm using first morning urine with FRER. MattsWifey<3. Haha! BFP on frer at night. 5/9 14 dpo BFP on digital !constant light cramps / flutters , feels First pregnancy 10 dpo (MMC), second pregnancy 9 dpo (CP), and third pregnancy 12dpo (successful pregnancy). Can I take a pregnancy test at 10 DPO? We recommend waiting until 12 DPO to take a pregnancy test. January 2012. I used the wondofs every morning and night and my night time tests Got my bfp on first response today. Feeling a bit sicky at night. If your body produces enough hCG, you may get a positive 10 dpo for my 2nd and about 9 dpo for my 3rd . Most people won’t feel implantation, but a small percentage might experience bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy as the embryo burrows into the uterine lining. Congratulations!! Same here, I got a really faint 2nd line at 10 DPO Report 0 Reply. Having stretching cramps in uterus area. But can’t help but have my hopes back up now. With my first, I got a vvfl at 9 DPO and a BFP at 10 DPO. I'm having the same today but my period is due in 4 days. 5t3p4. I’m This time around I got my BFP around 9 DPO (only reason we tested was because I was feeling godawfullly nauseous and wanted to know if it was a hangover or a pregnancy). Girls, I'm 4 days away from my period, yesterday night (9dpo) I started having some cramps and this morning, at 10 dpo, I would feel like ovulation pain on my right side, all day. I am currently 10 DPO, negative pregnancy test today on a first response early detection. . Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. Major cramping. And now, I can kind feel that throbbing/pulsating on the same side, specially if I sit or lay down. 1. Feels like gas, keep thinking I got to poo or fart but I don’t at all. As I was working in the kitchen, I noticed my nipples hurt every time my arms brushed against them. Everything was fine, and I had a really good pregnancy and delivery! I cramped yesterday at 10 DPO and today I got a BFP! Like. Joined Nov 11, 2012 Messages 944 Reaction score 1. I’m 12 dpo today and got a BFN on the same test though I really thought I was pregnant. 12 DPO - Woke up at 4 am with cramping. Good luck! Report 0 Reply. I got a positive at 15 DPO, but I didn't test before that. The first picture was yesterday and the second I tested this morning at 10 DPO and got a BFN. We love you baby - m/c - 09/10/2011 Report 0 Reply. By 12 DPO, if you are truly pregnant, you are likely to get a BFP (which Understand what happens 10 days post ovulation (10 DPO). BFP! Yesterday i realized i was 15DPO without AF. Two cycles ago I miscarried, but didn't even know I was pregnant for two weeks because I got a BFN the day before my period It really got me down. So, GL to you. 9 DPO - tired, temp dropped 4/10 from usual dpo temps. My usual LP was 16 days. Archived post. So by 14 DPO my HCG levels should be 4x what they were at 10 DPO, which I would expect to Between 8 to 10 DPO, this zygote settles into the uterine lining in a process called implantation. com:. Think i ovulated Fri 30th ish? On my 1st pregnancy i got a bfn when tested early but tested again a few days later to get my bfp. Then today, 13 DPO I In March I didn’t get a BFP until 17 dpo, sadly I lost it at 5w5d but most women don’t get a BFP until they miss their period. I gave birth to my first baby on March 16, 2020 via an unexpected c-section (you can read about my Remember 10 dpo is still early, even with the early tests. Upset stomach started 1dpo and has been unsettled on and off since. I had a chemical a few months ago so my Dr has put in orders for HCG labs to make sure we are trending up. mdjdf member. BFP- I am feeling confident that it is a bfp despite my bbt dropping today. Also no smell or itchiness so I'm certain it's not an infection I have the same thing this month. yea 10 DPO is super early so it might still be ok-- the earliest ive ever gotten mine done before is 12 DPO. At this point, LOTS of bfps. AmyfromMI member. It can also be caused by a surge in estrogen in the middle of your luteal phase which sometimes happens. I tested negative at 10 and 12 dpo and got a positive at 16dpo, the day AF was due. I know the 2ww 1/26 DPO 3 - so hungry! Cramping, sensitive nipples, sore breasts. Pregnancy Week 17. 7 dpo- weird pinch/cramp on left side, lasted a few seconds 8 dpo- diarrhea, tingling boobs 9 dpo I got my BFP 11 DPO with no real symptoms but over next few days have developed nausea and tiredness but still no sore boobs. Reply . Hello, I'm also 10 DPO and got a BFN today. For anyone reading this, please note that, per medical experts, it is not possible to be pregnant or have true pregnancy symptoms before implantation, which is usually 8-10 dpo, 6 dpo at the earliest. Suppose you’ve 10 DPO: What to expect, and how to tell if you’re pregnant; 11 DPO: What to expect, 9 DPO symptoms ending in BFP (Big Fat Positive) While every pregnancy is unique, some women who get their BFP report I thought it was too early to test for pregnancy, but when my period did not show I tested and had a BFP "I had very light bleeding 10 dpo that got gradually lighter over the next 3 days. I had a very similar-looking chart last cycle, with a dip at 10 DPO and AF arriving on 11 First Response 6 days sooner - how many DPO did you get BFP? n. 9 dpo : 3 tiny drops of red blood when i wiped - tested bfn10 dpo : salmon and brown tinged discharge on wiping only. I've been testing since 7 dpo, I'm 10 dpo today and still getting a BFN I have been super bloated and mildly crampy for a week now. 10 dpo: slight queezyness, tired as soon as i woke, no cm? faint bfp! 11 dpo: off my food, small amount of cm, cervix soft and closed tested in am another (3-4 days before af) ellaandcallum 2dpo I know it would be too early to get symptoms as there is no way implantation would of occured yet. Keep us updated! CharmedLikeMe. 77 Comments. So this pregnancy when I got a BFN at 10 dpo, I was sure I wasn't pregnant. I told DH the second it came up positive. This morning at 16DPO my temps still hadnt dropped so after work i swung out and got a 13 DPO, BFP, and cramping. I say as long as AF doesn’t show her ugly face, there is still hope!! Like Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. I'm 10 DPO today (period due Friday) also and tested (on ClearBlue) and got a BFP! It was about 10 dpo and then got a BFP at 15dpo. 5 DPO - Slight backache (which I attributed to playing softball that day). H&H 40 weeks. 9 dpo - BBT stayed the same. I will say, that if there are any workout junkies, my heart rate elevated more in workouts, which caused me to not be able to push as hard. nicoleinax. But, I know there’s got to be a Learn about the possible early signs of pregnancy at 10 days post ovulation, such as fatigue, cramps, nausea, and more. But 10 dpo - BFP with FMU, darker this time. Jul 5 I also had IB at 14 DPO with BFP #1 so that's 2 late implanting babies. Has anyone tested at 10dpo and gotten a bfnbut then tested at a later date and got a bfp? If so, when did u get ur bfp? How many dpo? TIA! I got a BFP 10 DPO confirmed with a digital. Pregnancy Week 16. KittyKan Well-Known Member. I see sooo many posts on here of people getting BFP at 7,8,9 DPO. August 2011. I agree with PP, you'll have to go through this together, no matter how it turns out. I am 10-12 dpo. 5 down to 97. Pregnancy Week 19. Pregnancy Week 14. FF also says only 10% of pregnant women had a BFP by 10dpo. I woke up on Friday morning and took a Wondfo HPT. 10 DPO - bloated, tender BBs, frequent urination, skin break out and fatigue DPO 10 -Bubbly tummy,cramps. Congrats! I like stories where you get a BFN on a late-ish dpo and then a BFP the next day! Reply reply I’m also a bit bloated, but not overly so. So anything before that time isn't a pregnancy symptom, it's a symptom of progesterone that occurs tegardless of pregnancy. Well, it doesn't look like she isn't coming. K. Hey ladies. I can't remember exactly when the cramps started but it was a few days prior to the positive test. To this end, my pdg has been notoriously Hi All,So I got my first bfp yesterday for this cycle yesterday at 10dpo and it was super faint! it looked just like the 1st picture you had at 10-11 dpo. Craving salt. However, my bbt is at an all time Hi everyone,I used to read so many bfp stories by dpo and symptom spot so thought I've give you a run down of the symptoms that lead to my recent bfp in the hope that it helps someone. Baby Names. I took a pregnancy test and got a faint line. Pregnancy Week 11. Until the third pregnancy, I always started tested at 8dpo, as AF would always come on 12dpo. :) I wonder what the bfp ladies have to say :S x JLouBourne: Me and you seem to This is my 3rd cycle of trying with a BFP! I’ve been keeping notes in my phone of symptoms. Negative, clear as day. I got my BFP 2 days ago, but have been hacking up a storm for about 6 days before that! I wasn’t sure if it was “this time of year” or just an implantation sign also. BFP- 10/18/10 - Slow rising, non-doubling HCGs, no heart beat. I’m also 10/11 dpo, and share your first bfp's , please mention your dpo and cycle length. I never thought about it like that, :-). I’d like to say I know how many days DPO I was when I got my positive. The night of 6dpo I woke up drenched in sweat which is also not my norm. I had an 8 dpo BFP this month, which is when I usually start testing. Learn more about what to expect at 10 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. Report as I got a BFN on a first response at 10 dpo, then a BFP 12dpo!!! Good luck sweetie! honey08 mum2two boys/2mc. It can be helpful to break down your cycle. In answer to. Reply reply benjithebengal I recognize that while it’s still early, I saw something on here about the likelihood of a viable pregnancy with later implantation, this combined with the fact that on 10 DPO the % of people with a BFP is officially more than the % of people with a negative test. Learn about common symptoms, body changes, and whether you can detect pregnancy at this early stage. 10 DPO and positive pregnancy test (BFP) After two weeks, taking a pregnancy test provides the most accurate results, but there is still a likelihood of getting a BFP at 10 DPO. Makes me feel like the FRER "6 days before your Month 7 of TTC, currently 10 DPO showing a BFN on my FRER test this morning. Yep. Tired. Worse than usual PMS. Minor fatigue. I had a chemical pregancy at 4 weeks 2 days last year so hoping this one sticks as I'm almost 5 weeks. Report as Inappropriate. You can have a healthy pregnancy and still feel nothing even by the 8th week of pregnancy. Some people do not get a BFP before 13-14 DPO, so I say you are not out till you get your AF. So which is right? I realize Yup you heard correct 10 dpo and got my bfp! I announced if in another thread I had started but wanted an actual thread for just this. 6-8 dpo : salmon tinged discharge on wiping. With my first, I got my BFP at 12DPO. I’m now on 2g Metformin and managed to change my cycles from 90 days to 28 days, and get a BFP. Scan at 5 weeks nothing seen at all not even a sac ? Trying for a baby. Your menstrual cycle can be split into two stages: The At 10 DPO, you may have missed your period, or maybe you aren’t due on your period yet but you’re just hopeful and looking for a sign that you’ll get a BFP (Big Fat Positive) pregnancy test reading after trying to conceive. Yay! Buuut this scares me because my HCG is above 50 at only 10 DPO. I stared at it long enough to pretend I thought I saw a really faint line. 3 Similar Discussions Found . I tested out my trigger shot and have been using Pregmate pregnancy tests every day. I spotted for about the first 3 weeks after finding out I was pregnant. SMU vvf BFP with clear blue and Superdrug own. I took a digital today at 10 DPO and it’s positive. Reply reply Mindless_Gur189 • VVFL 10 DPO in the am. im 10 dpo today really really want to test but trying to just wait and see when af comes im due tuesday. Congrats. I use Hello! I’m 10 dpo today and wondering if anyone has gotten a bfp without their resting heart rate going up much. I've read a lot (and I mean a lot) of tww symptoms where people had AF type cramping on 10 dpo and went on to their BFP. Non-viable pregnancy, D&C- I’m 37 years old trying for a second baby. I'm a bit confused about this "statistic. If your body produces enough hCG, you may get a positive lets see your 10 dpo bfp! 5. Faint positive on FRER about 8pm. I don't temp, just try and look out for cm and trying to track changes in my cervix. (According to the study in the bio of this group) 10 DPO and a whopping BFN this morning: I’m feeling discouraged. I got my first BFP 10dpo with a very faint positive. I really hope you ladies get your BFP. hello all, well i finally got a very faint BFP yesterday at 10 dpo then again today with two tests, i am so happy to see that 2nd little line, but also worried as last month i got BFP at 9 dpo then AF came a day later!! ive got cramps at the mo and im a bit worried AF is still coming to get me!!. Sign Up. I really hope we both get a BFP when we test! Husband bought tests from the store- a “new” clear blue early pink one and I used the fmu and sure enough a BFP with a faint line. Ive heard you can have an BFP#5 10/15/14 - EDD 6/30/15 - M/C at 7w2d. Now a strapping 18 month old. Bloated 14 DPO: Got my BFP this morning! Very faint but it was there on 2 tests! Right breast is still much bigger than left. They are pretty sensitive. So now when I’m seeing a BFN at 9 dpo, 10 dpo, 11 dpo and 12 dpo I’m thinking I’m out, AF coming. Light CM. 11 dpo - Slight back ache, pin-in-nipples feeling again, lots of veins and noticed that in the evenings my hands get really veiny too 12 dpo - went shopping with friends, found myself out of breath after walking around and horrible back ache. 6dpo. I waited 5 more days and now my period was like 2-3 days late so I tested again. If you got your bfp at 11 dpo or later let’s hear about it! I’d also love to know any symptoms you did or didn’t have. Well with my last pregnancy I got a BFP on 8-9DPO, but got a really faint line the night of 7DPO. v. With my second, I got my BFP at 10 DPO. 9 DPO - Dizziness. Currently Hi All 10/11 dpo and AF due Thursday and today i have had AF cramps on and off all morning and no sign of AF not trying to rain on anyone's parade but I had increased CM and cramping starting at 10 DPO and I was so sure that I would get a BFP. My cat is coming around more at night. So, yes, it's totally possible. Family. 9dpo more twinges and also period type cramps 10 dpo BFP! Since my BFP I've had twinges on and off all day. At long as you don't have your you still have all your chances! Has anyone had a rise in LH right before getting a BFP? According to my app, I’m between 6-10 dpo (not really sure when I ovulated but leaning more towards 6). Cold. In my previous times, I’ve always seen a 11 dpo BFP chart! After days of BFN's 🖤 I'm thinking if I had used an FRER at 10 dpo, it probably would have been positive given the line I got today! I think I'm 11 dpo but FF says 10 dpo. 6 DPO - Slight backache. My metformin dose was increased based on ovulation confirmation which was an amazing help. The pregnancy tests detect a particular concentration 10 DPO is a handy way of saying you’re ten days past ovulation. Confirmed BFP today!!!!! Nazz4 NTNP. The bfn was on a mega old test though, not sure if it would have expired or was just too early. Sign Out. 10 dpo BFN. I’m including the acronyms DPO and BFP because you’ll see these commonly used on pregnancy apps like What to Expect!. LizziesMama Expecting #2. Feeling Usually when pregnant, my OPK starts gaining a line again around 6 dpo, I'm 7 dpo with a slight line on OPK. 1 DPO - bloated & sore throat 2 DPO - bloated & cold-like symptoms: stuffy nose & sore inside nose, M/C 12/12/2016 BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE EDD: 7/2/2018 Report 0 Reply. Anyone else? Well no BFP yet, but so bloated I am mildly concerned something is wrong with my boday. I really hope this is our months! Good luck and baby dust. Yay, you got a BFP on 10 DPO. BFP 11 DPO. Hopefully this gives some hope to any other ladies getting BFN’s while testing early I'm 13 dpo and 12 dpo was the first time I definitively saw something, but still really faint. 10 DPO - Nothing. Don't tap out!! @SmoothMix, that's a good one. New comments cannot be posted and Hey If I were pregnant would a frer defo have something even a squintier at 10 dpo. 10 DPO - mild nausea, temp spiked higher than any temps since O 10 DPO and positive pregnancy test (BFP) After two weeks, taking a pregnancy test provides the most accurate results, but there is still a likelihood of getting a BFP at 10 DPO. Hello! I am 13 DPO and got my very first positives yesterday! I hadn’t missed my period yet but decided to test because I have 3 straight days of VERY dark OPK strips and I had an absolute meltdown on my husband yesterday and two days before Well I'm around 10 dpo. I never get back pain with AF I dont think 10 dpo is too late for ib, I thought it was 7-10 days but I just checked quickly, apparently it can take between 3-12 days? L. I don't know how long it would have taken to get a real line - from how faint it was I would guess 15 or 16 dpo! I was negative at 10 DPO so didn’t test until 14 DPO and got my BFP! Like. Good luck with this!!! I’m 11 dpo today and think I’m picking up a faint on easy @ home but I’ll have to see what happens in the next few days. My body is making it pretty obvious what's going on. Report So frigging excited Counted myself out after BFN’s for the past few days, not a hint of a line at 15dpo but woke up to this BFP this morning 16dpo. In Trying to Conceive. Both times, it was the first time I had tested for that pregnancy. Since there are a dozen posts about earliest bfp's, I'm wondering what the latest dpo bfp's out there are (success stories or not). I am really hoping I have BFP this month as my husband will be away for next month . The past few days, I’ve had off and on cramping, so been praying that those could be implantation. I ended up getting a BFP at 10 DPO. jcsumm0 member. Popping sensation (?!) 4dpo. I’m 10 DPO was spotting pretty bright red this morning and I thought it was my period. I’ve had a negative 10 dpo and 11 dpo AF is due tomorrow. I was 11 dpo today too and then my showed up so early and completely out of nowhere. tanyastoman. Praying AF doesn’t show up! I am 10 DPO today too. Today I’m 13dpo and tested this morning with FMU, still BFN. Apr 2, 2011 #4 digis arent very sensitive hun ,with morgan i didnt get a pos ( normal test ) till 12dpo then with a mc i had in july i was 15dpo ! Don’t feel down if you don’t have any symptoms by 10 DPO. It’s easy to get discouraged because lots of woman get BFP at 9/10 dpo and some even earlier but it’s also very possible we implanted later then them and that’s why we got BFN. DD would be August 15th or 16th. Skip to main content Skip to main navigation really do want to test early, I would recommend the red line tests - from what I have heard, most people seem to get a BFP on them by 12/13DPO but tbh you are not out until AF comes. And I can't really say that I have sore boobs but every so often I'll get these pains in my boobs. I don't know my symptoms day for day but I can tell you what I've been feeling recently: bad cramping on 6 DPO that listed only 30 minutes, nausea on and off all day and night, constipation, pressure in my tailbone area, lower back discomfort on and off throughout the day, very sore breasts since I'm no expert, but a few of my pg friends have said they had incredibly heavy discharge at the beginning. Sorry. Then I got up to cook breakfast and make coffee for DH. Decided to test. Which is earlier than I have gotten a BFP in the past, so I know it showed positive early because it's twins. November 26, 2024 | by Brea126. Did some research and learned that BFP 7/31/10 m/c 8/16/10 BFP 10/25/10 Brynn Helen born 7/7/11 Report 0 Reply. With my third (current), I tested negative every day from 9DPO until I finally got a BFP 15DPO! I tested every time with both WondFo and EPT brand tests with all 3 of my pregnancies. I've been having cramps for the last 3 days but they were very mild, today feels just like AF to the point I'm considering taking a Tylenol. For anyone that's tested with FRER how many DPO did you get a positive, even just a faint positive. I'm only 14 DPO, so it isn't a concern to still be getting a light line, but I got my first BFP at 10 DPO. BFP!!! Just wondering if you ladies got your BFP earlier with twins. So , I was so bummed out thinking we didn’t conceive this cycle because I started testing 6 days before my period is due and stark white negative but now at 17 DPO! Bfp? 28 replies TTCjourney2021 · 15/10/2021 09:14 As the title says!! Tested at 14dpo on clear blue - negative! Tested on a free today at 17 dpo - what I believe to be a positive (I'll attach photo) I guess what I'm here Hi, I got a BFP back in July at 11 dpo but miscarried a few weeks later. Fingers crossed you get a BFP in the next few days😍 10 DPO: BFN. I took a digital cheapy from home bargains this afternoon w Has anyone had a BFN 10 DPO (AF due on 5 days) and then had a BFP later on? Been having mild cramps from 5/6 DPO until now and I normally only get cramping the day before and day AF is due! Took a test (too Bfp at 10dpo ?!?! c. But if you’re past 10 DPO and haven’t felt anything, don’t worry. January 02, 2025 | by anniess. Surely if this was an implantaton sign i would have a BFP by now but im 11dpo with BFNs. Sep 30, 2013 #16 Just got my this morning! As some of you know already, I got a BFP. Pregnancy Week 12. t. Hi! Yes, they did calm down for a bit although it’s been months and months so my timeline is all squished together in my head now. Oldest First. Getting some aches and a prickly nipple! Very irritable today - big fight with DH during Started feeling discouraged because I’ve seen plenty of posts in this group from women who got BFP at 9 and 10 DPO. I tested around a week after my missed period (I was intentionally not cycle tracking, we were trying to keep the pressure out of TTC) and I was super positive, I was positive the second my pee touched the stick, no waiting or faint line just very 5/5 10 dpo drank 3 beers at the beach, barely sore cramps at night. Vvvf positive test with FMU on Clear blue early. Pregnancy Week 13. 8 DPO - Dizziness. Just wanted to see if anyone had this before a bfp and when do u think I should test? Here'show my testing went: 9 dpo BFN. workingmama member. com, just over 50% of pregnant women had a BFP by 9dpo. Latest: 10 days ago | mommy-19-22. They say it can be the implantation dip. Toddler. 11 dpo BFN. I’ve had all the symptoms. BabyDustNeed86 @CWillowB, congratulations!!!!! What a blessing!! Wishing you the best for your 9 pregnancy months :)! Like. August 2010. Some studies suggest implantation can take up to 12 days. Registry Builder. Started TTC #2 07/2013 ~ BFP #2 10/11/2013-EDD based on growth is June 26th. I know they’re not super sensitive so the frer could pick it up easier. My rhr is usually around 60, went up to 64 around o, but hasn’t budged since. ddqlrnd qhq jfpgfus cmbma zulonllc awvdxm kmy uua kkxhjrvt dljwlntm